The Power of Ask and why it is so Powerful. And The Art of Asking????????

The Power of Ask and why it is so Powerful. And The Art of Asking????????

The Power of asking is truly powerful if we allow this to be in our lives. What does the Power of Ask looks like and mean to you?

Here is my video about this.

Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer. Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.

Here is Amanda Palmer on LinkedIn Amanda Palmer

Check this out as well from ????????????

Check this out as well from Ali Castro ????????????

Ali suffered alone. Hiding from the realities of her anxiety. Presenting a happy fa?ade, while breaking inside; ultimately leading to her darkest moments. One person, one connection, helped her come in from the dark. She wants those suffering like she did to know that there are supportive people and places. We are in desperate need for better education on all mental illnesses, suicide, and reducing the stigma around mental health. Ali Castro lives in Dedham, Massachusetts and attends the Noble and Greenough school. She enjoys singing (blues band and an acapella), playing guitar, baking, tutoring at Achieve, working on a school magazine, and spending time with friends and family.

Check this out as well from Corrinne Armour CSP ????????????

In this Video Seminar, Corrinne Armour CSP discusses the topic of 'Ask More. Tell Less. Lead Fearlessly.'. Leaders today face challenges of low staff engagement and inconsistent results with people not following through on commitments. Leadership bench-strength is lacking. It is hard work as a leader feeling that you need to have all the answers and remain in control. Working harder is not the answer.

In the full Video Seminar Corrinne Armour explores 4 questions:

1. What’s Important About Leaders Telling Less And Asking More?

2. What Stops Leaders Asking More And Telling Less?

3. What Are The Key Characteristics Of A Leader Who Asks?

4. How Do Leaders learn To Ask More And Tell Less?

Here is the link to some more very valuable videos ????????????

Ask More. Tell Less. Lead Fearlessly. By Corrinne Armour

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Corrinne Armour CSP

Keynote Speaker | Trainer | Author of ‘Leaders Who Ask’ & ‘Developing Direct Reports’ | Coach | Fearless Leadership? - the courageous shift to engage in essential conversations that build trust and move us forward

1 年

totally believe in the power of asking Chris Berryman!

