The Power of the Ask and Leveraging Untapped Potential in Your?Network
Candy Barone, CMCP, MBA
Leadership Alignment Coach + Business Strategist + Speaker + Certified Level 3 Quantum Human Design Specialist Catalyzing Revolutionary Cultures, Organizations & Teams
Have you ever felt like you’re not fully utilizing the powerful connections and relationships within your network??
Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs (myself included) struggle with effectively leveraging the untapped potential within their network.?
As business owners, entrepreneurs, and transformational leaders, we’ve all heard the adage that “your net worth is a direct result of your network,” suggesting that there is pure latent potential that lies within the strategic relationships you create, cultivate, and capitalize on.
I was reminded of this today as I reconnected with a friend and colleague from a mastermind I heavily invested in a few years back.
Yet, I realized that I have not been investing in my network to the extent I could (and should) be to yield the kind of ROIs that are meaningful to move the needle forward and create massive impact in the world.?
I have to admit, I’ve been playing a bit small.?
Even in the mastermind, I struggled to stand firmly in my own self-worth, as I felt a heightened sense of imposter syndrome the entire time.?
I didn’t think I belonged in this group.?
The influencer, who is extremely well-known in his respective space, and rightfully so as he has change the game around high-performance and personal development, draws in an elite crowd of high achievers.?
I usually thrive in these spaces, as it gets my competitive juices primed. However, in this particular space I let the narrative of not being enough creep in and consume me. So, I didn’t take full advantage of the network I was presented with nearly enough, as a result.?
I didn’t even bother to cultivate a relationship with my coach directly. I shrunk back, and sank into the role of being a witness versus diving in as an active player. I met a handful of people that I kept in touch with afterwards. And, truth be told, I half-assed that, too.
So, when one of the guys I masterminded with reached out to reconnect, I welcomed the opportunity not knowing what to expect.?
In a matter of minutes, we were in full flow together. It was effortless and easy for us to dive in. As we were updating each other on the past few years, I felt energized and so in touch with the work I do, how I now communicate my value, who my ideal client is, and the vision I have on how to scale my business and the impact I am creating.?
We tapped into brand new, strategic possibilities of where our growth can come from. As we were talking, he realized he had a powerful connection for me. Without hesitating, he made a quick call, and she joined our conversation for a quick introduction.?
His contact needed no reason, no justification?… he simply asked, said the two of us needed to connect, and bam, there she was a mere minutes later joining the call. We talked for a few minutes and shared our contact information. I have already followed up.?
What I had forgotten so easily was the power of my own network, and the power of the ask. When you lean in and cultivate real relationships, people show up for you. I know this, as I have those people in my network.?
I have never been good at the ‘ask’ to be perfectly honest. I have held some notion that you shouldn’t just make any ask, it should be a high-value ask. One in which you have demonstrated value first. I still believe that.?
However, that can also hold you back. I think of all the masterminds and leadership communities I have been part of and where I held out on my ‘ask’ too long. So long that I never made it.?
I love receiving the ‘ask’ from those I respect and can assist. It’s empowering to know that I may have a powerful connection or resource for another badass business owner, entrepreneur or leader. I feel resourced, as a result, and love creating that kind of leverage for others.?
Yet, when it comes to me making the ‘ask,’ I find I sometimes freeze. my imposter syndrome can kick in and I end up questioning my worth and value. It’s ridiculous when I think about what I bring to the table.?
That being said, like everyone else, I am human. I have my defaults and my areas to work on. Making the ‘ask’ is one of them.?
Today, during this casual call, I was reminded of how easy the ‘ask’ can be, and how willing my own network is to support me. When I show up fully for myself, others show up for me (just as I do for them).?
The power of networking lies in the reciprocal exchange.
People who care about you want to show up for you as much as you show up for them. They root for you and want you to succeed. If they can help open doors and leverage opportunities, they want to assist.?
And, we need to let them.?
So, I urge you to quiet down your own imposter syndrome, start reconnecting with the power within your own network, and starting finding ways to offer value to others?… and, make your ‘asks’ to give your network a chance to add value to you.?
Here are some strategic ways you can leverage your own network:?
The true power of your network (and ultimately, net worth) lies not just in the connections themselves, but in your ability to consistently nurture the relationships and leverage them strategically.?
Don’t let imposter syndrome, hesitation, or a lack of self-worth hold you back from making meaningful ‘asks’ that can unlock new opportunities.
Approach your network with a spirit of generosity, offer value whenever you can, and have the courage to articulate your needs. This one is especially challenging for me?… ah, I am a work in progress.?
When you show up authentically and cultivate genuine connections, your network will reciprocate and become a wellspring of growth, resources, collaborative opportunities, and limitless potential.?
Know your worth, embrace the power of the ‘ask,’ and watch as doors of opportunity open and as your impact expands exponentially.
Do you struggle at times with imposter syndrome, the grab a copy of my free guide: How to Recognize, Reframe & Rise Above Imposter Syndrome
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6 个月We've all heard your network is your net worth, and even if we believe it to be true, what does the action actually look like? Great insights -Candy Barone, CMCP, MBA
Unleash Your Legacy of Generosity Positive Living Inspiration
6 个月I enjoy your self-screening evaluation. It reminds me to be in the flow of giving and receiving.