When you cheat your brain that your impossible tasks are easily possible then with your actions and persistence, you can make it come true for sure and that is the biggest power of a Human Intelligence.
We will discuss here the power of Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) also the evolution of robotics in future. First we will discuss how the Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence work.
At the age of 14 I was an IT Part time teacher in my home country and I have learned a lot of software's as well. When I feel it’s not enough I do research more on internet. In 2018 I have started research on AI & Robotics because of my keen interest in robotics. Things all went well until I start digging deeper. Finally the realization was not everything in internet is true. From that moment I begin self-research on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. In 2019 I have started a Robotics company called Glitz Robotics in UAE. I found investors and started buying robots. Once the robot reach in UAE I started opening the entire unit and started studying. I know well that am messing with costly items in the world still my madness continue.
The topic here that am disclosing is fully upon my researches and findings. Believe me or not but this is the fact and you will understand your power by the end of this article.
The very first question in my mind was who is the father or Robotics. As you know the word "Robot" is derived from science-fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Capek called RUR in 1920. But my question "Who is the father of Robotics" still remains. I started searching on google about it, and surprise there's a lot of names in google. There's a lot of names like Asimov, George Charles Devol Jr, Raj Reddy, Al-Jazari, Joseph Engelberger etc. Confused right? Then I started researches on my own by going through the histories of inventors. Finally after a year I concluded with an answer that it is "Leonardo da Vinci". Yes it must be Leonardo da Vinci because apart from an artist he was an engineer as well as scientist. After doing my research I had more doubts. A father is supposed to be one person. There will not be so many fathers for one. Then why so many names? Whom should the world going to point out? Also google don't have past all year’s access. So how could I believe it’s just him? My researches and thoughts continue and I couldn't able to sleep. Finally I have that answer. Yes I found it. The Father of Robotics is Human Intelligence (HI). Human Intelligence is the father of robotics not a person.
So my subject automatically deviated to Human Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence. I was writing a book called the AIR (Artificial Intelligence & Robotics) every day and night. The book pages passed 800+ still I didn't finish the intro. I stopped writing the book and started researches on Human Intelligence. This time I started studying on other human intelligence and started observing how it works. There's 1000's of questions came to my mind and I started observing so many people just to understanding the main functional features. Finally I have come up with a theory.
Motivation, Belief + Hope, Dreams
I shortened the words as MB + HD like Mega Byte + Hard Disk. Now Human Intelligence mostly have a connection with Humanoid Robots and why is that. I started comparing Humans with Humanoid Robots. As humans have eyes robots have camera. As humans have tongue robots have speakers. As humans regains energy while sleeping, robots regains energy by battery charging. Both energy regain period both humans and robots are idle. Humans have legs to walk and robots have wheels or legs to walk.
Now we go back to Human Intelligence first point Motivation.
Motivation of a human intelligence get boosted in 2 different way. Positive Motivation & Negative Motivation.
Positive Motivation
For eg: If you post your video in social media and gets a lot of views and positive comments then you started posting videos more and more. In that case you are boosted with positive motivation. You can pick 100's of positive motivation from your own life itself.
Negative Motivation or Fear Motivation
For eg: You are a salaried person and earning 5,000$ per month. You live your life for 5 years with that and suddenly you have an emergency of 50,000$. May be you had loss on shares or your other business or some medical emergency. Then your negative motivation will get activated. You make calls or by doing anything you might make that 50,000$ in a month time which you actually get that amount in your life after working 10 months of your life.
Again in this scenario someone give up or someone cannot make it happen why? Because of your false Belief. That false belief might bring your brains down and you couldn't even able to try. In this case your RAM (Random Access Memory) of a human fails. When ram fails you know what happens to your computer. It will produce a sound beep beep and for humans they just cry. Some people get a new ram or some people take it out and remove dust and put it back or some people replace the computer. In your case, I mean as per your human intelligence you decide what to do.
Hope is a relevant item in Human Intelligence. Without any hope human intelligence will not function systematically and will not get boosted.
For eg: You study well with a hope of getting a good job. You do your job with a hope of getting salary. You do business with a hope of making it profitable. You do share trading with a hope of making more money.
All works under one fact called Hope.
Here am going to counter against the universal theory. Whenever human intelligence system dream about something your brain categorize it as realistic and non-realistic. The fact is human dreams are always real. But it might happen now or in future or past but for sure it is real. I know it’s hard to explain also hard to understand because we are going now against a universal law theory.
Many great leaders were always talking about dreams but there was no clarity on what processing a human intelligence system supposed to do. Also there's no such clear definition ever found about dreams. Here with this article you will have a clear cut understanding about dreams.
I will explain the desire dream processing system by the end of this article but before that I need to differentiate the type of dreams.
In this case you dreamed of meeting someone and talking something or saw something. You might forget the incident once you wake up but within 20 days of times you might get into the exact situation or you will watch a person talk about the exact thing which you saw on your dreams. This phenomena will long last 2 - 20 seconds. Basically you know what will happen next.
2. Hypothetical Dreams or Dream Manufacturing
Hypothetical Dreams depends on your life process. For eg: You watch cricket for a long time and after that on bed or by walking you create a dream that you are batting and score with full of sixes or four. Or you're taking all the wickets and become a hero. Same pattern will happens to any kind of things which you are interested in. Like in football, Games etc. This brings you a mental satisfaction.
3. Lucid Dream or You know you are in a dream
When you are not in a full mode sleep lucid dream will happen. For eg: In some dreams good or bad you know that it’s not real and you know that you are in a dream and you will try to come out of that dreams. In this case some people might wake up some of them gone back to deep sleep.
4. Vivid Dreams (Stress or Anxiety)
This is one of the strongest dream which effects your human brain. For eg: If you are in a stress and you go to bed for sleep. After sometimes you might get emotional and started crying even though you are in your dream. Or you are so happy for some reason and went to bed then you smile or laugh even at your sleep. This type of dreams usually seen on Child as well as very sensitive type of people.
5. Desire Dreams
This is what all leaders were talking about. Desire dreams are those which you want to achieve in your real life. For eg: You wanted to start a business of something which you are really interested in. In this case desire dreams required a human intelligence processing system to get it successful.
To process the desire dreams am going to buy from an administrative management acronym by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick. Most of the management graduates must have heard of the acronym called "POSDCORB". It is an acronym for Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting. Along with this theory you need to combine one more item which is "persistence on your desire".
I have spent years to understand everything and I believe you will now have a good clarity of yourself. Hope all your problems will be solved with this. Analyze, Evaluate and do the action now.
Sangeeth Suresh (Sandy)
CEO & Founder
Glitz Robotics
United Arab Emirates
00971 588877224