The Power of Affirmations
Stephanie Simpson, MFA, MA, PCC
Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Artist | Unlocking Human Potential through Conscious Leadership | Fostering Wellness & Sustainable Performance
In an earlier post, I introduced the concept of SELF TALK and its importance in building our confidence through positive and facilitating thoughts. I discussed how negative thoughts can lead to a downward spiral.
Here is a tool to continue practicing positive self talk and building your self confidence: creating a PERSONAL LITANY or AFFIRMATIONS. A litany is a group of positive statements one can say to themselves silently or out loud. They help to increase our self-confidence by utilizing positive self talk. The litany can be for a specific aspect of your life: career, love, personal, or be more general.
When creating these affirmations, it is important to state them in the present and keep them concise. For example, “I am enough;” “I always have something to offer;” “My message is important and needs to be heard;” “I am loved, loving, and lovable.”
Once you have created your litany, hang it up where you can see it everyday. You can even write them on your phone in the notes section for easy access. In order for this tool to work, you need to say it everyday, several times a day, and make it a PRACTICE. The more we say these affirmations, the more we believe them, embody them, and the more powerful they become when we need them the most, especially when we are navigating stress or bouncing back from a challenge.
I would love to hear some of your favorite affirmations!
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