**Power of Acceptance – A Must Lesson for Kids**
Nivedita Singh
BR Professional NLP Master Practitioner, Author, Motivational Speaker, DMIT Analyst, LoA Trainer (Motto is to Empower People with Mindful Living and Emotional Empowerment)
Winning is important to keep yourself acquainted with achievement. However, is it not true that a winner emerges only when there are people to compete with?
Children today are always pushed to be the Best in everything and somewhere in this race of ‘Best’, we tend to take them away from the rest. It is a common sense that not everyone is good in everything they do. There are champions and then there are participants too.
The very existence of Diversity is what makes this world a beautiful place to live in. Had this not been the case, monotony would engulf us and lead everyone to boredom.
Children are not just quick learners but also very keen on exploring the diversity. How is then that after a certain age, our own children learn to differentiate among themselves instead of appreciating the variety. It is not uncommon to see kids making groups based on certain traits or skills of themselves. On the other hand, it is very uncommon to see children having different skills group themselves up and try learning from each other while upgrading the others with their own skillsets.
We teach kids to win but we do not teach them to befriend the others who make them the winner because they lose – intentionally or unintentionally. Growing is good but growing together is holistic. Taking everyone together is not easy but attempting to accept differences and appreciate each other is what is required from the kids of today. Winning is achieving but winning while uplifting others is true POWER.
This article today is not an information load rather an open ended question to be explored by kids and parents. Hoping to open up some frames of mind towards accepting and acknowledging the wide variety that Universe has blessed us with!