The Power of the 3X3 Methodology

The Power of the 3X3 Methodology

What they say is true; no one remembers more than 3 messages from a presentation. At Leave a Mark, we use the power of our unique 3*3 methodology, an enchanting storytelling methodology that lies at the heart of every spellbinding narrative we create.

The 3*3 methodology is grounded in a simple yet profound understanding: in any presentation, we have up to three core messages to convey. Keeping your messages concise ensures that your audience will absorb them easily, making your story truly memorable.

To work our storytelling magic, we anchor each message with three powerful foundations:

  1. The Human Part – Emotions are the thread that weaves unforgettable tales. Your aim is to establish that decisions are rooted in emotions, not just numbers. While graphs and figures may fade away, emotional connections last. Speak from the heart, share a relatable example, and watch how "feeling" resonates stronger than any data-driven argument.

  1. The Official Part – A touch of authority elevates your message. Bolster your narrative with insights from experts or research findings. "This isn't just my perspective," you'll confidently declare, "but the conclusion of a distinguished psychologist who conducted extensive research." Simplify complex data, making it more accessible and compelling for your audience.

"in any presentation, we have up to three core messages to convey. Keeping your messages concise ensures that your audience will absorb them easily, making your story truly memorable."

3. The Piquant Part – Like a dash of spice, this combination of the human and official parts leaves a lingering taste in your audience's memory. Seal the deal with an anecdote that your listeners can't resist. Maybe you've encountered skepticism from your boss despite your achievements, or perhaps you've witnessed how smartphones have taken over everyday lives. Engage your audience with questions that ignite curiosity and resonate deeply.

Here at Leave a Mark, we take your knowledge base, experience, and personality, and we transform it into something bigger than "just another presentation", something that gets other people to feel sympathy and take action.

Are you ready to wield the power of storytelling and unleash the magic of the 3*3 method?

Discover more:?

#presentation | #storytelling | #audience | #leave_a_mark


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