The Power of a 30-Second Decision I Learned from a Powerful, Beautiful Woman!
Ron Kardashian Executive Coach
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Controlling our thought processes by taking a 30-second time-out when we find ourselves in stressful situations can prevent us from sometimes dire consequences. In a recent interview on the Dr. Phil show, Dr. Phil talked with a woman who had been brutally beaten and then severely burned by her boyfriend, who had snapped under pressure. A 30-second act of cold, harsh, uncontrollable rage had set this precious woman in flames. She lived to tell about it. My eyes filled with tears at the very sight of her. Here is what this precious survivor said: "We must remember to think of the outcome of our actions and control them. If a five-year-old child came up to you and slapped you, would you slap him back? Why not? Because you have the ability to control your actions, you choose to do that. It only takes seconds to control yourself with everyone you meet!"
Her story rings in the ears of every human being who has been subject to domestic violence. Reading this, you and I must not only rethink our actions but also remind others of the quick ability we have to control our own. The boyfriend is now doing life in prison, and the woman is maimed for life. She, however, finished her statement with, "He may have taken my beauty, but he will never take my dreams and my joy!"
Together, we can make an impact to help support non-violence.