The Power of The 3 Ways Thinking Routine

The Power of The 3 Ways Thinking Routine

Random Dialogues Saturday 30.3.24

The "3 Whys" thinking routine is a problem-solving technique that involves asking "why" three times in succession to delve deeper into the root causes of an issue or problem. It's often used in various fields such as business, engineering, and quality management to identify underlying factors contributing to a problem. In this example, I’ll relate it to parenting as I’ll repurpose this post on my Resilient Kids page too ??

1. Identify the Issue: Begin by pinpointing the problem or behavior you're dealing with in your child. This could be anything from a refusal to do homework to a sudden change in attitude.

2. Ask Why: Start by asking why the behavior is happening. This helps uncover the immediate cause or trigger. For example:

???- Issue: Your child is refusing to do homework.

???- Why? Because they find it boring and difficult.

3. Ask Why Again: With the first answer in mind, dig deeper into the underlying reasons for their behavior:

???- Why do they find it boring and difficult? Because they don't understand the material and feel overwhelmed.

4. Ask Why a Third Time: Continue the process to get to the root cause of the issue:

???- Why do they feel overwhelmed and not understand the material? Because they haven't been able to keep up with the pace of the lessons, and they're too embarrassed to ask for help.

By asking "why" three times, you can often uncover deeper issues that may not be immediately apparent. This deeper understanding of the problem can then inform more effective solutions. However, it's important to note that the "3 Whys" approach is not a rigid rule but rather a guideline. Depending on the complexity of the problem, you may need to ask "why" more or fewer times to fully understand the root cause.

Below is another example of the 3 Whys and this one is relating to a project (zoom in):


???Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

?How To Have Better Conversations | Seeing The Way with Ian Moncrieff MacMillan ??

Love these simple ideas shared by the inestimable Oli Barrett on how to have better conversations.

Especially no1...

Never ask "What do you do?"

Ask instead "What's keeping you busy?"

It allows them to talk about something in their real/personal life, such as a big project or interest they care about or are irked about. And if they feel like it, about their work/career.?

And starts a more interesting conversation....and a more human connection.


?Slow Living for Health, Vitality and Wealth - How to Grow Younger and Mushrooms as Medicine Series Part 21 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth ??

Yes. It is spring.

Yes. It is exciting …but are we ready to ‘Go!‘?

Here is ‘How to grow younger‘ advice: and I must caution you.

Firstly, please find the power in doing nothing. Yes. First.

That is how to get more done with less work.

The technique is this: REST.

We must find a balance each day.?

For work to work, there must also be rest.

Work and rest are partners: they are different parts of a wave.

You cannot have the high without the low.

It’s all in the YANG and YIN balance.

And (yang) ‘production‘.

Does not always equate to productivity. Certainly not the sustainable and repeatable kind we would aspire towards.

With rest, we will produce fewer mistakes and bad judgments.

We need time to recharge to maintain clarity, patience, drive, and conscious good decision-making.?

Most rich and superpower CEOs read a book each week. It’s their downtime and rest. Downtime means they take time for dreaming: creative thought: for new ideas to emerge.

Simplicity is harder to achieve than complexity.

Rest. Breath. Relax. Repeat.

Smart thinking is something that a rest-deprived mind cannot do!

It takes discipline. To be sure! To avoid those old habits creeping in!

Rest is not a luxury.?

Don’t live to work. Work to live & for a happy, fulfilled, and balanced life.??

Restore. Rest: especially when work is stressful.

Find your natural ‘ebbs’ and ‘flows’.

There is a whole year ahead 2024. Pace yourself. Avoid ‘burnout’.

Solutions are better with a fresh mind.

Get your thinking clean. To make it simple.?

Rest. Breath. Relax. Repeat.

And we grow younger if we build our vitality, and slow burn; with slow living!

Breath. Live. Life.??????



Also posting on Instagram

?“It Starts With a Giggle Ends With a Squiggle”? by the Artist Living in the Shadows ??

?From Sarah at the Guildford Swift Project ??

Not long now before the Swifts arrive, look out for them in May. Please do not block potential nest sites with plastic soffits or scaffolding, they are only with us from May to the end of August. Consider Swift boxes or Swift bricks if building.

??And Finally

Yvette and I had a wonderful adventure seeing the Yoko Ono exhibition at the Tate More pics HERE.

??And a Bit More Finally

Why do you read this newsletter? I look forward to hearing from you, maybe you’d like to randomly or regularly contribute something too.

As always, thank you?? CLICK TO REVIEW.

Until next Saturday at 6:08 am (ish).


Random Dialogues | Author - Beyond Small Talk | Education Reformist |

Core Values: ??Vision ??Vitality ??Voice




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