Powai Tree Plantation?—?Need for the Green - MeshUp HQ

Powai Tree Plantation?—?Need for the Green - MeshUp HQ

One of the side effects of industrialization and growth is that the environment takes a beating. So, MeshUpTurner and MyPowai did their bit by organizing a tree plantation drive on the morning of 11th August, in Powai, Mumbai.

Unlike us, trees inhale Carbon Dioxide. And as the luck would have it, they exhale Oxygen. Now, whether it is luck or part of nature’s grand design, it is brilliant for us because we need Oxygen. And what more, trees look beautiful. Anyone who has walked around in those green parts of Powai or in Aarey colony would know. So, even if you aren’t aware of all the details of the pivotal role that trees play in the fight against climate changefew would disagree that there is the need for the green.

The group that arrived for the event certainly agreed as the meeting point opposite Café Mangii was soon buzzing with people keen to do their bit for the environment. The cause was so compelling that even the college students from MISB Bocconi shrugged off their morning laziness and were the first ones to arrive. Even startups like StoryMirrorPSTakeCare who were approached on the eve of the event joined.

Our facilitator for the event was Elsie Gabriel — the founder of Young Environmentalists Programme Trust. She immediately struck as the lady who knew too much and she did. She talked about the kind of trees that we would plant and the importance of choosing a particular type of tree for plantation. She also narrated interesting facts about Powai Lake and threw several teasers at the wide eyed, often giggling, audience. But, one person or the other, ever so proud of their aamchi Mumbai, always had the answer.

As soon as Elsie dismissed the gathering and announced the start of the tree plantation, folks quickly put on their plastic gloves and looked for a pit that would serve as the home for the sapling hopefully, for a long time to come. The plastic around the earth that held the sapling was carefully unwrapped. It was then positioned at the center of the pit. Soil that was dug to create the pit was pushed back to cover the remaining area. The loose soil around the sapling was gently compressed with hands and water was sprayed with the hope that plant would accept its new home, get familiar with its new surrounding and expand its root.

Despite the cause, people didn’t forget their responsibility towards social media. And when wannabe photographers are lrking nearby, you can be assured that the event would get documented from every possible angle and it did. Photographers were alert. Subjects were creative. Years of practice had made them aware of what looked good and what didn’t. Which pose worked and which one didn’t. When to pout and when not to pout. Once the ritual of selfies was complete, people engaged in synchronized jumping and photo-bombing.

Everyone used this opportunity to network and made quite a few new friends. Numbers were exchanged and Facebook invites were sent. They also discussed how important a platform like MeshUp can become by providing avenues for neighbours to interact and leverage.

As the event drew to a close, people left for their offices mentally convinced that they ought to do something like this often. An event like this always leaves you yearning for more.

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