Poverty and Wealth – Final Part I Alliance

Poverty and Wealth – Final Part I Alliance



In previous articles, the last one published under the title "the way forward", I tried to specify, promote and register these two central facts:

Item 1

What is poverty, wealth, their relations, the UN and the new world paradigm:

The paradigm of evolution (transition) from the paradigm of the world economic order - the order still in power in the nations of the planet - to this new level of spiral of order in the universe:

The paradigm of world order of peoples, cultures and nations on Earth, created politically with the UN and in the process of cultural legitimation (considering that the spiral in this case refers to the design of the balanced and natural growth of human life and society on/of the planet in relation to interplanetary space).

In other words:

The paradigm of construction of an integral planetary and universal social order. The order of justice, democracy and universal rights to be incorporated, legitimized and developed by the people, families,?states, nations and religions of the Earth in a national unity constant in documents like these or similar to them:

a) UN Charter, treaties, conventions, declarations, action agendas and constitutional documents of its organs,

b) Article 51 of the Constitution of India,

c) The last papal encyclicals after the Second Vatican Council and Pre-Synod 2021-2023 convened by Pope Francis, considering in their context the possibility of a future council and its implementation: the Vatican Council III with the participation of a greater number of Bishops than the number of participants in Vatican Council II.

d) Earth Charter, Constitution for the Federation of Planet Earth, Declaration of the International Community at the World Conference on Cultural Policies called the Declaration of Mexico, Charter of Porto Alegre, Brazil, Declarations of the World Cultural Forum of Taihu in China, Declarations of cycle of World Conference of Chiefs of Justice held by City Montessori School in Lucknow, India based on Article 51 of its constitution, Declaration of Yamato, japan, Declaration of the Parliament of the World's Religions, among numerous other documents on peace, security, environment , health, climate change and sustainable (possible) development of the peoples, states and nations of the earth

And, the axis, the maximum guideline of this new paradigm is not what the economic language of negotiation and power domination presents within the UN and in these documents that I have just mentioned - such as the idea protection, strength, fight against poverty or for extinction of poverty, innovative leadership, improvement, enrichment, empowerment, positive intentions of a superior, happiness of government, prize and/or financial and military power of war, competition and salvation. Words that should be reverted to the sense of balance, security, peace and well-being of peoples and nations as subjects of justice and law.

And then. Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, what is this axis, this maximum guideline of this paradigm?

In short, it is the objective of realizing the well-being of life in the presence, relationship and human and natural development of poverty and wealth in an integral way - that is to say, involving their different civilizations, positions, status quo and culture authorities, families and governments in motion and evolution continues within the Earth and universal planetary space.

Do you remember? The idea is to NOT LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND. Equal rights with similarities and differences of being in poverty or wealth – as it is in the ideal of marriage and alliance. The live well with your differences and life changes.

Item 2.

The observation that the realization of this objective in the lives of people, states, nations and their generations, requires the establishment of a balance and alliance of poverty and wealth inside and outside Planet Earth.

That said, in this article, we are going to my observations on the construction of this balance, where the axis of action will be this common movement:

Advancing in the construction of the unity of the planet's cultural diversity within the universal principles of justice and law relating to the planet in its poverty and wealth and the divisions of sustainable laws by each personal, state and governmental element of this unity and diversity, now made up of 193 nations , 7.5 billion people and their civilizations, states and governments.

Initial considerations

The first factor to be analyzed and considered by each one of us is that this goal/new world paradigm described here now (successor to the world economic paradigm) is not born from a particular person, family, community, state, religion, civilization or government.?Its an order?that exist ever since Adam and Eve - exist from the first man on the earth, to the last man of the world.

In fact, it is born from human spirituality and rationality linked to everything that exists, existed and will exist on Earth and universe.

The proof of this is that it is registered and originated in countless bodies, people, meetings, prayers and conferences in the nations.

Prayers and conferences of all kinds, individual and social, where we can all be isolated in our privacy and individuality or together in society and constitution of faith and homeland. But each one integrating or watching in person or at a distance a world of contacts, dialogues and relationships within the planet and the universe.

It is the Image of Construction of the Planetary Social Order

The fact is that on this paradigm of construction of the integral universal and planetary social order, we have a physical and historical scenario of images and experiences that we can all see and have news.

Images and information from conferences, meetings or gatherings filled with individuals or people and diverse cultural representatives - experts, delegates, religious, indigenous, scientific and paternal/maternal authorities of all families, communities, municipalities, states, peoples, nations and generations - who try to achieve peace or that common well-being.

The phenomenon of generation of life, order and world citizenship, in a majority of the population of human beings on the planet focused on forming alliances, reducing conflicts, prejudices and tensions, building bridges, marriages and interracial and international generations, as well as seeking paths for realization of a world, planetary homeland or common home with balance, security and continuity.

They are people from many origins and classes to the life of poverty and wealth, which come from a historical movement linked to the makers of human alliances with God or with the universe, among which we record historically superior beings such as Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Christ and Buddha, passing through the writers in charge of promoting the values and norms of the principles and rights of humanity or the laws formed by God and/or men

Historical data

In the current historical moment this is, therefore, the universal objective to be considered and imprinted on the body, soul and spirit of all of us:

The goal of achieving the well-being of life in the presence, relationship and human and natural development of poverty and wealth in an integral way - and, I repeat , a goal that comes to all of us formally and substantively linked to these elements:

The UN Charter and its effort of 76/77 years to elaborate, register, politically legitimize and socially promote universal values and norms gathered and confirmed by different cultures, nations, states and people of humanity or the population of the planet in countless conferences... And, the add of these other elements of a cultural nature processed as inputs to the universal life of human policies on the planet:

The Pope's effort with the Holy See, Vatican State, global educational corporations and authorities from Eastern civilizations, such as the great imam of Al-Azhar, Sheik Ahmed al-Tayyeb, to favor a change in the world economic and financial paradigm accordingly these pillars of Justice: universal justice or that of God and nature, common human justice - justice as transcribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN treaties and conventions - and the parameters of the latest papal encyclicals associated with the proposed da Economy of Francis and a Global Compact for Education on the promotion of dialogue between cultures of peace and integral ecology... Pope Francis' appeals to everyone's work for the common good and building bridges of love with Popular Movements , gathered in their second session of the IV World Meeting.

The efforts of the Heads of Justice and CMS (City Montessori School of Lucknow, India) to educate and prepare generations for the establishment and development of a state of parliamentary world governance and justice...

The effort of ancient knowledge (divine and natural) to make the monopoly of industrial scientific-social knowledge more flexible and obtain from modern mechanistic science the recognition of the order and stability of the principles and laws of the world as the pre-condition for the transformation of its technological and utilitarian in a positive functional system in the?action and research?– that is, with less impact of sequelae.

consideration to the science

It is not intended to obtain from science a submission to ancient knowledge, but this truly integrative action:

A recognition linked to your ability to deeply understand the natural reality and to integrate with it.

The which in itself is the only element that can remove science from its submission to the world economic order. This line of marketing direction that has restricted science to the condition and qualification of its studies for the domain and transformation of the unity and diversity of planetary goods and the universe as property and products of fragmented industrial property. Products isolated and separated from common nature... And It is recalled that the natural, spiritual and religious knowledge represented in the history of the world the main diffuser of birth and global scientific education.

Building the World Balance

Gentlemen, Ladies and Children,

We, both I and you - or you and I - are facing a state of imbalance or disorder and the search for balance or sustainable world order (possible) for everyone on the planet.

A situation promoted and sustained in poverty and wealth by our own members of Country and culture and our own economic elites. And, the scenario available in this situation that we are in is clear and visible. It is the scenario of competition and competition games, fragmentation and mass industrial colonization based on the world economic order formed after the first and second world wars.

In this scenario, two proposals for action are open to us:

1. The action of remaining in disorder and competitive games until the total extermination of humanity and the planet as we know it today – what Pope Francis called the runaway locomotive of human greed

2. Action to evolve towards a sustainable world order by all on peace, security and common well-being. The construction of the world balance that Pope Francis identified as the goal of curbing the uncontrolled locomotive of human greed.

What's your choice?

I invite everyone to this choice as a Noah's Ark – the ark of survival and overcoming the great threats of nuclear war, climate change and confrontations in the space of extra and interplanetary relationships and the reunion of everyone and all differences for the continuity of life human and planetary:

Let us all join together – the different peoples, institutions of faith, science, philosophy, economy, government, state, families and people of the Earth – in the construction, development and permanent maintenance of the world balance of/between poverty and wealth. The construction of a sustainable world order for all.

And, it is worth noting, then, that the construction element of world balance is not exactly these general framework of what the competition for world domination presents to us:

The construction of salvation by a superpower isolated from cultures or quimic and biologic weapons , protection of military and police force of weapons and technological manipulation, innovative leadership, human improvement, enrichment, empowerment and positive intentions of a superior or temporary command of government and state, war games and competition, the prize or purchasing power of products, human and artificial intelligence.

It is not about promoting unique goals and beliefs and guiding the masses through fear, isolation, distance, family fragmentation, wearing masks and imposing consumption on global industrial products - synthetic, technological and chemically manufactured, used as sources of nutrition (different from sources of food), communication, vaccination and incorporation of energy and distribution of energy collected from the planet and the universe

And what would be the axis for the construction of world balance?

Historically, the most indicated element for the construction of the global balance of/between poverty and wealth is this:

The realization of a common human socialization, education and social integration plan that leads each unit, group or entity on planet Earth to permanently obtain and enforce individual and collective unity in the diversity of 193 nations, 7.5 billion people and new generations of these people (poor and rich) within a global political, cultural and social International State of justice and sustainable democracy (possible) on the common well-being. The plan for the conversion of socialization, education and economic fragmentation of the world order, established with industrialization and its post-World War II development, to an integral world order.

I, from an intercultural point of view (the point of view I have come to thanks to all of you from the elite and worldwide service of God and Man) I seek exactly the coalition of the elite members of poverty and wealth in this direction.

I ask everyone a time of pause to finish this article in Part Two, where the central agenda will be the paralysis of the sovereignty or conversion of the organized crime and the preparation of cultural and state human organizations.?In?particular,?in the world socialization and education for an?order of justice, security and peace. A socialization and education order that can contain its evolution. Considering, of course, that marginality is the main element capable of transmitting parasites, bacteria, wars and viruses around the world. Part II will be published in the next month?Thank you all.

with love, peace and light

Divine Roberto Verissimo



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