Pour out God’s Blessings on Others
Pour out God’s Blessings on Others
Zac Poonen | 29 May 2022
We learn from 2 Kings 2:20 that God is looking for a new vessel.
God is not looking for new methods, nor is He looking for new organisations in this world to propagate the gospel. The Lord is looking for new vessels full of salt through which He can carry out His purposes. God is not going to evangelize this world Himself. If God wished, He could have thundered from heaven to preach the gospel to this world. But that is not His way. He wants to put the salt inside a human vessel and then pour it out on the land.
“God fills your life and mine, only in order that we might be poured out in service to others."
Elisha could have taken the salt in his hands and poured it out. But he did not do that. He took a new vessel, filled it with salt, and then poured out the salt on the waters. The land and the waters were healed at once. God grant that we might be willing to become vessels fit for the Master's use, emptied of all the things of this world and filled with Christ.
One thing that I want you to notice: After filling the vessel with salt, Elisha did not let the salt remain in the vessel - he poured it out.
God fills your life and mine, only in order that we might be poured out in service to others. We might have been asking God for a long time to fill us with the Holy Spirit, and to give us one spiritual blessing or another. But perhaps, we have been asking for these things with a very selfish reason. God will not fill us with His heavenly salt, so that we might go around showing-off to others how spiritual we are.
We read about the Lord Jesus in Isa.53:12, that He poured out His soul unto death. Because of that, your sins and mine can be forgiven today. We should also be willing to be poured out in the service of others. Otherwise, the land will never be healed. The Lord does not want us to be water-tanks filled with water. He wants us to be channels through which the rivers of living water can flow out to others. God is looking for vessels of that kind - those who are willing to be poured out.
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro, throughout the whole earth, looking for vessels like that. It does not matter if you are not educated. We do not read anything about education in 2 Chronicles 7:14. It does not matter even if you have never been to school a single day of your life. It does not matter even if you are the poorest man in the whole world, or the most foolish. God is not looking for these things at all. He is not looking for Bible-knowledge or for diplomas from Bible Schools. He is looking for something else.
He says, “If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will use them to heal the land.”
It does not matter who you are. There is no respect of persons with God. If you are willing to fulfill these conditions and be poured out for others, then whoever you may be, God will use you.