POTUS 2016 - The Legend of the Fall

In Genesis, Adam and Eve, having been tricked by the serpent, succumbed to temptation and were expelled from Eden. Their way back to the Garden was barred by an Angel  wielding a fiery sword. Tempus fugit! Centuries and millennia passed, but the Angel still stood guard outside Eden. Then the Republican primaries, organised to select the candidate to represent the GOP at the elections for POTUS in November 2016, were held. God ordered the Angel to redouble his vigilance and to keep Trump out of the Garden. Unlike Mexican Walls, Angels and fiery swords are politically correct, but they don’t come cheap! God therefore determined that Trump should pay for the  costs  of maintaining the Angel and his fiery sword by selling a few Trump Towers, liquidating his Atlantic City casinos and disposing of some of his dodgier businesses. God was a great judge of character and He didn't like Trump one little bit! The Almighty knew all about Trump's practice of filing for bankruptcy, of  generating several million dollars for himself, the leaving all his workers destitute and without a cent. Jesus, the Son of God, the Jewish carpenter, had mastered His craft and learned His trade working beside Saint Joseph. He had famously remarked "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's". The  Almighty therefore decided  to publish Trump's tax returns in the immediate run-up to polling day. They would make for interesting reading and show that the self-proclaimed "billionaire" wasn't really a billionaire at all. Temperamentally, Trump had all the charm of an angry charging bull and the unpredictability of a dangerous grizzly bear. His tectonic plates and his  impatient impulsive personality, forged in the heat of a series of proliferating court cases and numberless bankruptcy declarations, reflected his brashness and aggression, showing that he couldn't make any any pretence at humility and that he was totally incapable of showing or practising any restraint, The result was that Trump had dramatically developed financial feet of clay, perhaps the only damage that Trump had ever genuinely caused his feet in a draft-dodging shuffle and a cowardly dishonest dance dating back all the way to America's murderous involvement in the Vietnam War. However, apart from any negative considerations relating to Trump's finances, God had always felt very positively about Mexicans and Mexican people. Jesus had obeyed the Commandments, handed down by God to Moses, but He had also sought to reform the Law, encouraging His followers to concentrate on helpful, practical acts of kindness, motivated by goodness and inspired by charity. Jesus had warned against attaching too much importance to ritual or indulging in excessive religious piety. He had frequently stressed the importance of practicing the three great virtues of Hope, Faith and Charity to honour God and to love our brothers, sisters and neighbours. Not surprisingly therefore, Jesus had a great many Mexican, Latino and African-American friends. He loved them all, just as if they were His brothers and sisters. After a miraculous meal of loaves and fishes, Jesus would often bring his friends home to meet his Father. God always found them to be gentle, charming, courteous and exceptionally honest! Of course, God knew everything, so without ever having to resort to any “extreme vetting”, God knew that many of Jesus’ friends were illegal immigrants. But in His wisdom, mercy, and compassion, God  Almighty had decided long ago that there were many crimes which were a great deal more evil than illegal immigration. So the Almighty had concluded with divine insight and absolute certainty that Jesus’ friends were neither rapists, nor murderers nor felons! On the other hand, when it came to terrible crimes and mortal sins, God was very firmly of the view that the American and British invasion of Iraq had constituted a grave and very serious crime, which offended against humanity and violated God's Law and His Commandments. Rooted in illegality, cynicism and deceit, the invasion of Iraq had been carried and executed with unparalleled savagery and brutality. Striking deep into the Fertile Crescent, where the rivers Tigris and Euphrates meet, and where civilisation took root and began, American and British soldiers had, with barbaric and murderous intent, had directed missiles, deadly bombs and high explosives against hapless Iraqi soldiers and civilians, using the most advanced and sophisticated computerised technology, better to kill, spread havoc and destruction, unleashing rivers of blood to flow from wounds and the corpses of the innocent. Like butchers without a conscience, American and British generals, and their heavily armed and highly-mechanized foot-soldiers, swiftly inflicted deep, gaping, deadly wounds and injuries into the hearts and souls of Iraq's children. Maiming, butchering and decimating, America and Britain added to the ever-growing ranks and numbers of the martyrs! American and British armies were officially committed to breaking through to Baghdad by force, to toppling Sadam and to bestowing upon Iraq and its people the invaluable and precious gifts of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy. The grim reality was very different, The Winged Avengers and Deadly Wraiths of the combined Western Air Forces behaved no better than a swarm of Murderous Angels or a squadron of airborne of Dark Crusaders, and having crossed the oceans and the seas, and travelled thousands, were content with dropping their bombs and murdering the innocent their sleep. Yes, there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but it was the Americans and the British who were using them and pointing them against civilians. The bodies of almost a million innocent and defenceless Iraqis were strewn around the dessert, lying close to the burning ruins of Iraq's tented villages. The smell of burning  flesh filled the air; yesterday the burning corpses had been families, loving mammies and smiling daddies still playing with their small children and their  babies. Then the Liberators had called, Murderous Angels each and every one of them. Now, the wounded lay scattered amongst the dying, the living often indistinguishable from the dead, many injured men, women and children, were desperately trying to breathe, gasping for air, even as their agonised lives were coming to an end, their souls thought to exit their bodies to search for a better place to rest and lie amidst the endless destruction and the deadly rubble. Even as the invaders forsook all principle and abandoned all morality, Iraqi human rights experienced implosion and melt-down  across an enduring panorama of exploding bombs and burning barrels of corrosive chemicals which would caused the most hardened and amoral arms manufacturers to rub their hands together in anticipation of future profits and hypocritically to wipe away a token tear or two even as the death-rattles and the death-throes of Iraq's sons and daughters punctuated the stillness and the smell and stench of grime, of gore and death seeped out and spread everywhere. Death, where is thy sting? Death, where is thy victory? Blood-thirsty, murderous, pirates, slavers and buccaneers seizing the standard of the Lamb, driven by heathen and mercenary  motivation, massacred the followers of the Prophet in the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Their countless bleeding, wounded and agonizing victims to Allah that he might put an end to their pain, suffering and humiliation by granting the solace and relief only deaths can bring. Lucifer was triumphant and Paradise was truly lost as the blood-soaked Stars and Stripes and Union Flags fluttered and flapped victoriously,  without chivalry or honour, amongst and above the corpses of the men, women and children of Iraq. America and Britain's reputations that of their armed forces, besmirched and tarnished forever, beyond forgiveness or redemption. The illegality and savagery of the western invasion of Iraq, including the humiliating  capture and occupation of Baghdad, led the minds of a great many of the Iraqi Faithful to turn once more to the Caliphate. The pointless and savage onslaught, with its attendant massacres and plentiful bloodshed, conjured in the minds of thousands of Iraqis the One Thousand and One Nights when the enchanting Sheherezade had told a different fairy tale each night to Haroun-Al Rashid, the Caliph of Baghdad. The Tales of the Arabian Nights came to embody the Iraqi identity and to symbolise and inspire Arab nationalism, in both its religious and secular aspect. For Haroun-Al Rashid, the Caliph of Baghdad, was not only a great religious leader, but he was also the Commander of the Faithful, the spiritual and military leader of all of Iraq's Muslims, both Sunni and Shiite. The cynicism and brutality of the Bush and Blair invasion had the effect of  turning Iraqi thoughts back centuries to a Golden Age when Muslims could take comfort in the glory, power and prosperity of the Caliphate, a powerful and wealthy  Islamic State. Bush and Blair had not only destroyed modern Iraq, they had also, at the same time, inspired Islamic State and laid the foundations for ISIS. Responsibility for the disastrous invasion and the hideous massacres which followed lies firmly in the hands of a miserable and sinister quartet, Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Blair, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. George W. Bush, as POTUS and Commander-in-Chief, ought to have been the senior Horseman. However, mean and intellectually challenged, he was only too content to foolishly surrender his role and responsibility by succumbing to the evil influence of the Prince of Darkness, Vice-POTUS, Dick Cheney.  The latter was only too happy to pull POTUS by the nose, dangling and manipulating him like a puppet on a string. Cheney invested in, and speculated heavily on, the oil industry, He was neither particularly bothered nor concerned, whether his associations with the Haliburton Corporation or his actions on their behalf, together with his substantial investment and business portfolio, came into conflict with American domestic and foreign policy concerns, although many observers felt that they very frequently did. Prepared to place his strategic business interests before the strategic interests of the United States, the Vice-POTUS's approach frequently generated conflicts between his own personal interests and his legal obligations and constitutional responsibilities. For relaxation and sport, Vice-POTUS Cheney would occasionally empty the barrels of his hunting-rifle into the rear-end  of a one of his neighbours. Paul Wolfowitz was one of the Four Horsemen on account of his intellectual dishonesty, rather than because he occupied a very senior role in the Bush Administration. Wolfowitz rejoiced in a highly doubtful reputation as a historian, a philosopher and an ideologue, which equipped him and left him ideally-placed and ever-willing to spin a tissue of lies or to weave a web in relation to a wide variety of political, philosophical and academic issues. Cheney felt that Wolfowitz could be useful to him and effectively appointed him as his Deputy Snake at the Department of Defence and the Pentagon. In that role and capacity, Wolfowitz slithered around Washington's orchards and media cocktail parties, wriggling up and down the leafy apple-trees, spreading disinformation, mendacity and falsehood. Wolfowitz's inglorious role in the American system and conspiracy resembled that played by Lord Mandelson, an unappealing and virtually unelectable grass-snake in the British set-up. The two reptiles operating on both sides of the pond lacked any concept of loyalty, honesty or honour, however they were both more than willing to abase themselves for personal advancement or profit. Their stellar careers as sycophants have not prospered in recent times and the pair have in the main sunk back into well-deserved obscurity. Tony Blair still struts the stage on a fairly regular basis. Having greatly enriched himself advising distant tyrants and converted to Catholicism, the former Prime Minister, greyer, thinner and more gaunt of face, devotes considerable time and energy trying to justify his role in the relation to the invasion of Iraq. The weakness in Blair's approach and arguments is that he will still not admit that Cheney, in particular, and Bush read him like an open book and played decisively on his ego and vanity. Without any very great difficulty, the two Americans, pushing against an open door, had soon secured Blair's participation in the evil project, and had also succeeding corralling and lassoing the British army along for the ride. Blair thought of himself as an international statesman, capable of negotiating and brokering issues of war and peace. Unfortunately his delusions in this respect, led him to rush into the invasion of Iraq like an over-eager British poodle concerned only with following blindly wherever his American owners and masters might lead him. Neither Blair nor the United Kingdom gained anything from the invasion other than a place of choice in the dock when God at last decides to judge those responsible for unleashing this obscene and murderous war. Neither Justice nor Morality will be determined or served by evaluating or parsing the meaning of United Nations Security Council Resolutions. These Resolutions are of no more value than the spurious and fictitious Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. God  doesn’t miss much, if anything. The Almighty saw General Colin Powell (four stars), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and at the material time, US Secretary of State, make his way down from Washington travel to New York to address the Security Council of the United Nations Organisation. Officially General Powell was making the journey in order to make one  last ditch effort to avoid war,  In reality, even as General Powell sat down at the famous horseshoe table in the United Nations building in New York, he had instructions from POTUS Bush and  Vice-POTUS Cheney to start a war or, at the very least, to a make war inevitable and unavoidable. So General Powell chose to lie through his teeth. He fabricated evidence, lots of evidence, In particular, he falsely and fraudulently quoted from Iraqi radio communications, allegedly intercepted by US intelligence  relating to Sadam Hussein's plans and intentions to use weapons of mass destructions. Powell knew very well that these Iraqi radio communications had never taken place. He knew just as well that Sadam Hussein could not use weapons of mass destruction against anyone because such weapons he did not possess such weapons and because those weapons did not exist. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost knew immediately that General Powell was lying. The whole world now knows that General Powell was lying. But as a result of General Powell’s lies to the Security Council on behalf of the United States,  POTUS Bush was able to order the United States to launch an illegal war of aggression against Iraq, in which approximately one million innocents, including men, women and children were murdered and died, As the result of "the shock and awe" unleashed by the orders of General Fox and the US Army High Command, the US Air Force slaughtered countless numberless civilians, using "state of the art" computer technology to target and direct their bombs and guide their murderous missiles. This  amoral obscenity was relayed to the television Channels for broadcast at  Prime Time. The US public left work early and hurried home to watch the war, anxious not to miss  a single episode of the bombings, the massacres and the slaughter. The obsessed supplemented their daily diet of death by reading the very partial and highly sanitized reports sent home by the journalists and news media “embedded” with America’s soldiers. War and politics are usually neither simple nor straightforward. However, there is no doubt that the last opportunity of averting the war against Iraq and thereby preventing a Holocaust lay with General Colin Powell. But, unlike General George Washington who famously never told a lie, General Colin Powell had sold his soul to the Devil. And General Powell was prepared to lie through his teeth in order to start a war. Once a liar, always a liar. Which brings us on to the great email controversy.  It is not clear why any Secretary of State, or any POTUS, would wish to read so many emails, literally tens of thousands of emails. Important people have better things to do with their time. There is much to be said for the attitude and philosophy of the late Taoiseach, Albert Reynolds, who simply refused to read any briefing note of more than one page. It is not clear whether General Powell kept a personal email server at home or whether he was in the habit of going into the aptly named Foggybottom to read his emails. However, General Powell has proven, beyond the slightest shadow of doubt, that he is a dishonourable, unscrupulous and habitual liar. So when Hilary Rodham Clinton says that she kept a personal email server at home on the counsel and advice of Genera Powell, I trust in Mrs. Clinton’s honesty and I believe her absolutely. On the other hand, when General Powell says that he doesn’t believe, or cannot remember, that he ever advised or counselled Mrs. Clinton to keep a personal email server at home, I believe that, true to form, General Powell is lying right to the back of his wisdom teeth. For his role in the Iraq war alone, Powell deserves to rot in Hell for all Eternity! As Bill Clinton has rightly pointed out, the email scandal is a cock and bull story! Vladimir Putin, Trump's cosy chum and good friend, who controls a nuclear arsenal of 11,000 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, each armed with multiple nuclear war-heads, may very well represent a threat to the security of the United States! However, a single lone email server, armed with a whole pile of A4 stationery, whether sitting at Mrs. Clinton’s home, or lost somewhere in Foggybottom, does not. Lies and dishonesty can often lead to evil, even very great evil! In this particular case, the lies and the dishonesty have originated with Donald Trump. God is infinitely merciful, but His patience and His tolerance have their its limits. The Almighty has vowed to deal with the serpent and bring the evil one to heel! He will do so in His own time! God will punish the autocrats, the oligarchs, the potentates, the over-mighty princes, the terrorists, the assassins and the other assorted thugs. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost have always believed that there is no meaningful difference between a Just War and a Jihad. Both are iniquitous and describe cruel and horrible ways of maiming and killing ordinary folk and hurting humble people. The time has come to confront Trump and his surrogates at Fox News by establishing unequivocally, once and for all before the World, that Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton had nothing to do with the inspiration for or the creation of ISIS. That disaster is the direct and unavoidable consequence of the malicious, not to say insane, decision taken by Bush, Cheney and Blair to launch the barbaric American and British onslaught and slaughter against Iraq. That fateful and illegal aggression destabilised the Middle-East, set Iraqi Sunni and Shiites at each other's throats, endangered the lives of a great many Christians, promoted the global expansion and growth of terrorism, poured petrol on the violent flames of other regional conflicts, and lit the slowly smouldering fuse which with the assistance of various unprincipled devils and Demons may yet the Apocalypse and the End of Days.  American and British  malevolence, allied to greed and stupidity, expressed in the willingness to practice rapine and violence against Iraq, enabled the already fanatical terrorists of Al-Qaeda to metamorphose into the even more diabolical Jihadists of ISIS. The realisation is only now slowly dawning upon the West that the Age of the Crusades is well and truly over. God knew that Jesus did not at all approve of the extremely cruel punishments provided for under the Sharia, much less the subordinate and repressed role which it assigned to women. However the Father also knew that Jesus had always loved his Muslim brothers and sisters and that He would do so for the generations and the ages to come. God had created a beautiful World, knowing full well that His creation would stray from His purpose. He had therefore sent His Son to redeem and save the World. Jesus had preached a message of love, worked tirelessly for peace, humbly celebrated the beauty of creation, dwelt and concentrated on goodness and charity, not forgetting to ask His Father to exonerate and forgive all that was evil. Poor, tortured Jesus, had paid a terrible price for carrying out His mission. His back ripped open by Roman lashes, His head crowned with thorns, his bruised and battered body nailed to a cross, Jesus had looked down on the huge stony blocks of the walls of Jerusalem for a long and terrible eternity. Jesus therefore had no liking for huge big walls or any affection for those who would seek to build them – especially those who thought they could go ahead without first seeking the permission of the Almighty. Walls were big, thick, featureless productions; intended to segregate, divide and separate. Such structures were invariably the products of big, thick, featureless minds! They did not mirror in any way what God intended for America. The Father knew that Jesus had preached that the New World, with its rich beautiful open spaces and pastures, bathed by the clear and limpid waters flowing from Eden, should for ever be welcoming to all. Jesus had never forgotten the suffering of His own lifetime. He knew what it was to be poor and unwanted, even persecuted and hated. This made Jesus love His Mexican, Latino, and African-American friends all the more. It also impelled Him to love his Muslim brothers and sisters too.  Jesus had used his time and energy, and not least, his intellect and compassion, to help the destitute, the underprivileged and the oppressed. Jesus hated all designations and stigmas. The Father knew everything, where each soul came from and where each soul was going to. The Father wasn’t interested in birth certificates, identity papers, visa applications, passports and citizenship papers. These were all relatively recent developments, introduced to complicate peoples’ lives and which had soon turned into State-sponsored rackets.  Heaven did not care for the sort of paper work or bureaucracy whose principal purpose was strengthen divisions, antagonisms and political boundaries. Heaven wanted to look after all of God’s children, regardless of origin, faith, income, race or colour. Jesus and His followers abhorred anybody, or anything, which smacked of or hinted at, racism. God’s had created a beautiful world and He wished to people His Creation with his children.  All of God's children had an equal and absolute right to live in that World, to feel the wind, the breeze and the gentle zephyr caress their cheeks, to look up and marvel at the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and to let their imagination carry them to the Last Frontier at the edges, limits and outer confines of the Universe. At the end of Time, God would organise a never-ending and everlasting Feast, one to which Jesus would invite all men, women and children of good will. In the meanwhile, the usually tolerant Jesus would try to curb His righteous anger. Jesus loved and respected all women, but none more so than His Most Holy Mother, The Blessed Virgin Mary. At the Annunciation, Mary had replied to the Archangel Gabriel that she was the Handmaid of the Lord. She had then carried Jesus in Her Womb until the Holy Infant was born that First Holy Christmas. Cradling Him, the Hope of Mankind, she had wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and then placed Him in the manger of a stable in Bethlehem, the city of David. Jesus could still hear the lilting music and the magical voices of the Angels singing on that Holy Night. Mary had looked after Jesus, cared for Him and stayed with Him throughout His whole life. Together with Saint John, she had stood in heart-broken agony at the foot of the Cross that terrible Friday on Golgotha. Jesus had therefore been greatly angered when he had heard Trump, the GOP candidate for POTUS 2016, and boorish, vulgar and misogynistic demagogue, refer to women as “pigs” and speak of them in crude, vulgar, sexist and disrespectful tones. The Son of God had seen some “nasties” in His time. It was one of the downsides of being God! But it was only because of the serpent, because of the devil himself, that such an unscrupulous, unprincipled and opportunistic creature as Trump was running as a candidate for POTUS 2016. Jesus regretted that, in securing the GOP’s nomination, Trump had succeeded in hijacking the Republican Party, which had been founded by His old friend Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln had made America great by preserving. He had brought real greatness to America by abolishing slavery. Poor Lincoln, had been assassinated by a miserable proponent of the Second Amendment.  But Jesus determined that Lincoln would find his reward Heaven, where he would be given a honoured place at the Everlasting Feast, The Holy Spirit had told Jesus that Trump was no more qualified to be POTUS than the chubby, insane young man currently leading (and purging) North Korea. Neither Trump nor North Korea's  Chairman understood any of the principles of freedom or knew anything about foreign policy. Like most American politicians, Trump liked to sound off about national security and pontificate on international relations. Like many American pundits, Trump  was given to praising Ronald Reagan (or his script-writer) for referring to powerful, opulent, unequal, immoral and frequently amoral America as the “The Shining City”. This comparison gave Saint Augustine, the brilliant author of “The City of God”, dyspepsia. Saint Michael, the Archangel, together with the Angels and Archangels of the Heavenly Host guard and defend the Gates of the New and Eternal Jerusalem. This Host is infinitely more powerful than anything America, whether “great” or “great again”, has ever been able to assemble or can ever hope to muster. Yet the Heavenly Host rejects as unethical and profoundly immoral, all bullying, dangerous and inhumane tactics, such as water-boarding, sleep deprivation or any other forms of torture.  Saint Michael and his celestial officers and soldiers abhor using in war, or against civilians,  bombs or bombings of any kind, including chemical, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. The Heavenly Host knows that the authority to take life belongs not to Man, but vests in God alone. This is true even if war is raging on land, at sea or in the air. Clearly Trump is either unaware of these fundamental precepts, or simply chooses to ignore them. This knowledge reinforced Jesus’ perception that the serpent expelled from Eden had been very since the Fall, remaining at large, shedding his skin, wriggling, hissing, spreading evil and malice from under every stone. The serpent had been exceptionally busy throughout the primaries. Choosing Fox News as his mouth-piece, the serpent had persuaded millions of exceptionally ill-informed “nasties” to vote for Trump. The more racist, misogynistic and ignorant Trump proved himself to be, the more Fox News proclaimed that he would make America great again. Even Megyn Kelly, whom Trump had so derided, determined that she would help Trump make America great again. Like all the others, she hadn't the faintest idea what that might mean! The GOP leadership soon got what they deserved for having refused to stand  up to Trump during the GOP primaries. They cringed as Trump sought to use his aggression and racism in a sustained effort to humiliate Khizr and Ghazala Khan, two Muslim Gold Star parents, who had lost their son, Captain Khan, in Iraq in 2004. Captain Khan had sought to save his comrades from the attack of a suicide bomber by shielding them with his body. Trump’s behaviour led the GOP to plummet in the polls. Trump  questioned the mother’s grief, suggesting that her silence at the convention was the product of her Islamic Faith. Jesus, loving and respectful of all mothers, believed  that “There was no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends”. The Nazarene was less than impressed but took pure delight in seeing Mr. Khan best the multiple draft-dodger, who had described Senator John McCain as a “loser” because he had spent five years in a prisoner-of-war camp after being shot down over North Vietnam. Khizr  Khan instinctively questioned Trump as to whether he had ever read the US Constitution. He might also have asked whether Trump had ever heard of “The Declaration of Independence”, which proclaimed:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness.”

The GOP Nominee refused to apologize to the Khan family saying that the sorry episode was the result of another hostile media conspiracy. Soon after, Trump punished those who had helped him get the GOP nomination Barely pausing to slow down, Trump showed that his knowledge of the Constitution didn’t extend much beyond the Second Amendment. The Amendment, which dates back to the days of the Colonial Wars and the fight for Independence, affords constitutional protection to “The right of militias to bear arms”. It has since evolved into an anarchic charter which facilitates the purchase and use of semi-automatic assault rifles by people who are frequently mentally unstable or deranged. Comb-over uses and exploits the Second Amendment because it gives him the appearance of virile and martial vigour and enables him to direct barely veiled threats of personal and murderous violence against his rival, threats which have to be taken very seriously in a gun-mad country which still mourns the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King and will never forget the children and teachers of Sandyhook, the victims of the school at Columbine, those who died at the gay night-club in Orlando or were killed in other tragedies simply too numerous to list. The veiled, and not so-veiled, threats issued by Trump and his “nasties” are reminiscent of those used by Hitler and Mussolini. Both were ruthless, extremely nasty and manipulated the masses to exploit the weaknesses of in their systems in order to attain by outwardly democratic means. Trump certainly has all the nastiness of a Hitler or a Mussolini, but his brashness and sheer vulgarity are more reminiscent of Goering. The founder of the Gestapo was certainly very nasty. A First World War Flying Ace, Goering was physically much braver than Trump, but he was so brash, vulgar, misogynistic and disrespectful of women that a great many Nazis recoiled from Goering. The GOP is now a busted flush and no sensible person could ever take a chance on Trumpf, his Nasties or the Klan. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost certainly won’t be doing so. Like us they are going with Barack, Michelle and Joe Biden’s endorsements. We are all voting for Hillary Clinton. Her life has been marked by her willingness to serve the interests of the American people and to place her talents at the disposal of the United States. Hillary Clinton fights the good fight, she runs  the course and she always finishes the race. A brilliant and insightful lawyer, she could have made a great deal of money in a big City Law Firm, but she chose to help the underprivileged and those in need instead. Every experienced, capable and kind. A brilliant and insightful law graduate, she could have joined a Big City Law Firm with a view to making a lot of money, but she chose to labour in the vineyard on behalf of  the poor, the underprivileged and the less fortunate instead. Helping others has always inspired and motivated Hillary Clinton. On 8th November, Hillary Clinton will be elected POTUS and, effectively, Leader of the Free World. She will be the first  woman to come to the White House as President of the United States and to sit in the Oval Office as Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief. Donald Trump will reap his just deserts, parked outside, even as a daughter of Eve brings downward pressure to bear with her heel on the serpent’s head! Should Hillary find herself under pressure during the first few days in her new job, Mother Mary has promised that she will come to her, whispering words of wisdom. God has asked the Angel to stand guard outside Eden with his fiery sword for just a few more days yet, until after the Inauguration Balls at least! So Mrs. Clinton, I hope that you will enjoy your first few steps as you glide around the dance floor.


And, Madam President, lest I forget, may God bless the United States of America!



Maurice Biggar

Legal and Diplomatic Consultant

1st September 2016    


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