A Potpourri of Thoughts About Generative AI

A Potpourri of Thoughts About Generative AI

You know how some weeks feel a bit like everything, everywhere, all at once?

Well, with Generative AI, that seems to be ... All. The. Time.

So I'm going to try something different this week and talk about a few ideas that have been whirling around my head and will likely become topics for future newsletters.

It would be great if you could let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

Here goes!

AI and Creativity, 1

Gallery staircase seen behind suspended sculptures of heads, that almost look like ballons hanging on a string.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Right now, it seems like humans are winning the people vs. AI creativity race.

But as AI continues to improve, learning from us as we use it and ingesting more content, that gap is going to close.

Will it pass us? I hope not.

A more positive take I've been mulling over is that as machines get better, maybe they'll inspire (nudge? push?) us to take our own creativity to unexplored regions of our own imaginations.

In other words, as they get more imaginative, so will we.

AI and Creativity, 2

Another aspect to AI creativity is the way we'll be collaborating with smart machines. My colleague and LinkedIn Senior Content Manager, Jim Heid , recently wrote about a test he did using an AI music generation tool to create a jazz song.

The song itself is quite good, with a haunting vocal and melody.

But the lyrics are outstanding. They're humorously self-reflective of what a machine might write about its own abilities.

According to Jim, the words were all written by him. He kept that part of the process as something only he would do.

And maybe that's the key. Taking one creative element in a project and making it human-only and out of bounds to machines.

Then we can use AI as a tool that complements our own self-discovery.

Organic Discovery, Paid Search and AI

I just wrote a post for the Future of Marketing Institute newsletter about where we may be heading with AI-powered search and sponsored content.

I called it AI Optimization or AIO, another potential three-letter abbreviation marketers could adopt to describe the new skill.

Will our content and websites just become training fodder for AI bots? How can brands appear or be referenced in chatbot summaries? What will a paid recommendation on chat look like? And how will synthetic media affect brand discovery?

If that piques your interest, click here to read more.

Future of Marketing Newsletter card. Click the image and you'll be directed to edition 18.

Learning About AI

The good news is we're asking lots of questions. And eager to learn. According to research from LinkedIn, 80% of people want training on how to use AI at work.

These days there are many options. Universities and colleges are offering executive education or continuing studies classes on Generative AI. You can read newsletters or watch videos on social media.

Or you can check out the hundreds of courses on LinkedIn Learning (I realize I'm biased here ??).

LinkedIn just released two curated AI learning paths tailored to marketing pros:

1. AI Essentials for Marketers

Six courses (including one of mine) that introduce you to AI and help prepare you to integrate the tools into your campaigns and marketing plans.

AI Essentials for Marketers LinkedIn Learning course visual. Click image and you'll be directed to the learning path.
Click the image and you'll be directed to the learning path

2. Building ChatGPT Skills for Marketing

Another six courses (I'm included in this one, too) designed to help marketers get up to speed on how to incorporate generative AI in a strategic way.

Building ChatGPT Skills for Marketing LinkedIn Learning course visual. Click image and you'll be directed to the learning path.
Click the image and you'll be directed to the learning path

Gone, But Not Forgotten

It wasn't that long ago when all the attention we're seeing for Generative AI was pointed at the Metaverse. Remember that?

And then the Metaverse kind of disappeared. Or did it?

Perhaps tech companies got the order wrong and we needed to become adept at Generative AI to help create the Metaverse.

Or maybe the Metaverse will be less immersive and more like an augmented reality layer perched on top of our physical world. What can marketers do to prepare?

That's what I talk about in this week's Digital Marketing Trends video. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Follow Me on LinkedIn

Well, I think it's time to take a break from the immersive experience known as issue 101.

Thank you to all of you who follow me and subscribe, read, comment and share this newsletter! It's great having all of you along for the ride.

This newsletter comes out every two weeks. But between issues, I share shorter daily posts with my take on digital marketing and the latest on generative AI. It's another way to stay on top of the trends.

And while you're at it, follow the Future of Marketing Institute, too. Every day we post content and perspectives on where we may be heading and what the shift might mean.

Let me know if you have questions about any of the videos in Digital Marketing Trends, or my other LinkedIn Learning courses. You can also visit my website and send a message or a question.

What's been on your mind about Generative AI? Do you have any thoughts on my beginnings of ideas? Please share your stories in the comments below.

See you in a couple of weeks!

Note: All the content in this post was written by a human—me and not Martin the bot.

Roxanne Cramer

Strategic Advisor building stronger careers for our clients. Career Management & Job Search Coach. Outplacement. Leadership Development. Educator and Retainer Recruiting.

5 个月


Gary Grossman

Public Relations & Marketing

5 个月

I think you are right about the order of operations re: AI & the Metaverse. Various AI technologies are a fundamental enabler of the Metaverse, and maturation of the former will facilitate the latter. Ready Player One is still in our future.

John Edwards

AI Experts - Join our Network of AI Speakers, Consultants and AI Solution Providers. Message me for info.

5 个月

Exciting topics to explore in the world of AI and digital marketing.

Rolington Media

We help education and healthcare organizations optimize their brand, marketing, and learning experiences through 3D Virtual Tour technology.

5 个月

Thanks Martin Waxman, MCM, APR for this engaging discussion. At Rolington Media, we're also learning how AI is transforming creativity across digital marketing and multimedia production. I like the idea of using AI to complement rather than replace human creativity. We use AI analytics to better understand our audience, which helps guide our creative decisions, ensuring our stories truly connect with people. I'm all for keeping certain creative tasks exclusively human. It's something we practice too, blending human creativity with AI to create richer and more detailed marketing strategies. Also, your thoughts on AI in music production and the broader impact of AI on marketing, especially AI Optimization, open up vital conversations within our team about how we create content and balance organic discovery with paid search. Looking forward to your next update!

Great article Martin - I often think about the role AI can play in creativity and imagination… in addition to it pushing us to elevate our own creativity, as you mentioned, by using AI to take some of the more mundane tasks off our plate, we have more time (and real estate in our brains) to be creative.


