The Potentialism/accelerationist Manifesto

The Potentialism/accelerationist Manifesto

We are at a critical juncture in history. The debt cycle of the Western world is coming to an end (which means that money will become worthless and/or be exchanged with a new less valuable currency) and due to this combined with evil agendas, wars and disasters, the world is being rocked by crisis after crisis. Democracy's declining. The climate's changing. The world’s pollution explodes. Propaganda and extremism's on the rise. Western economies aren't delivering. Inequalities, unfairness and poverty are exploding. The evil by the super-rich and politicians is exploding, just as corruption and rip-off everywhere. Hardly anybody’s being held accountable. Investments outside of corrupt networks are hardly ever profitable. Delusional unscientific rip-off agendas like net zero (regarding greenhouse emissions) are being pushed onto people without even taking care of prerequisites or people with no true alternatives. However, the most dangerous greenhouse gases (GHG) and polluters are not addressed. Pessimism's swept the globe. Institutions squandered trusted, systems are failing, exploitation fraud and rip-off are blatant and evident and political theatre is shattering while decisions are mostly taken by unelected questionable people.

Everyone deserves to understand the agendas, propaganda and top issues at stake with clarity, rigor, and reality without getting too emotional or divided – the opposite of what most media do. People shall not just fall prey to disinformation, misinformation, and false notions of balance. Objective complete information and discussing and evolving scientifically optimal solution strategies shall form the basis for innovating out of the many mostly man-made crises. That requires asking the right questions and answering them efficiently, completely and scientifically towards the most ethical goals of a bright future for all of humanity. The stakes are too high for anything else – many billions would suffer and billions might die.

Our mission is to help you understand the agendas, truths and issues that matter most as a basis for informed decisions: Privately, politically, professionally, and as organization. We keep it real, objective, complete and razor-sharp. We're not here to delude people, spread propaganda, divide, emotionalize or fearmonger. The issues today are too big and urgent for that. Our goal is to take you one step closer to becoming an informed expert—not just a passive consumer of junk news. Someone who understands the issues that matter, with depth, resonance, and focus and can take well-informed decisions on that basis.

The issues, facts and decisions that matter belong to all of us. They concern all of us. And we deserve better when it comes to them, than we're currently doing. It's up to each of us to understand them well and try to find, discuss and test solutions —with a little help. That's our job at Potentialism. Welcome.


Only innovation allows economic growth on a finite planet and it has been the driver of higher living standards globally and that should be accelerated in responsible ways. Acceleration is also needed to compensate for too bureaucratic, impractical academic research in the past that let e.g. the pipelines for practical highly-profitable innovation run empty, even in IT and AI, to still avoid 20+ impending cataclysms at the last second and win the AI arms race against the BRICS countries.

We can be techno-optimistic as technology is the most likely factor to solve our issues. But optimism or euphoria must not make us overlook serious risks and let us become na?ve or follow herd instincts.

The economist William Nordhaus has shown that creators of technology typically just capture about 2% of the economic value created while the other 98% flows as “social surplus” through to society by creating supply and diffusion ecosystems and improving workplaces and private lives. Technology which increases productivity raises the associated wages up and creates new business opportunities and jobs for others. With enabling technologies that is extremely efficient. Ray Kurzweil’s “Law of Accelerating Returns” states that technological advances tend to feed on themselves, increasing the rate of further advance.

If employees are paid fairly and the real inflation is overcompensated to account for their improved experience, they can use their ever increasing human wants and needs to create growing economic demand and prosperity.

We have the opportunity to create several new innovation hotbeds like Silicon Valley and better with intelligence, creativity and capital being the driving forces behind upwards spirals: Capital is easily available through central banks and fractional reserve banking, i.e. the ability of banks to create around 90% of credit amounts as new money. Bringing that together with smart highly qualified people and coordinated efforts along specialty domains like e.g. Taiwan did regarding its chip technologies– all facilitated by latest AI and without corruption, evil agendas or bureaucracy is a fantastic recipe for creating much more prosperity and solving our problems efficiently and fairly.


Comparison to related Proposals

Looking at d/acc (decentralized/defensive/differential/democratic) and e/acc (effective optimistic) acceleration, then they are going to be that only for the super-rich who have already started to distribute themselves into bunkers. For the other 99.9% of people, they don’t present anything to be optimistic about as AIs and robots of the super-rich are going to take their jobs and thus money and power without effective guard rails, since we have no time for them, if we follow their argumentation.

In contrast to e/acc, we don’t base our principles on such cult-like beliefs or “materialist philosophies” but always on latest science, love and compassion and we don’t manipulate readers into just believing that our leaders are strong, courageous and chosen based on merit: We live and prove it!

Even if one considered that a natural progressions related to thermodynamics as e/acc proposes: It is still unfair, not acceptable, too risk-ignorant, externalities-denying and thus is what a good government should address to make it fair and manageable!

Governments must develop strategic technology initiatives investing in creating innovation hotbeds for various new specialty domains and generally create new high tech and caring jobs and provide good services for their citizens efficiently.

Potentialism has such a detailed concept on this and other topics towards a maximally ethical high-tech future!


We need objective complete discussions with neutral organizers and hosts, the right objective questions and without leaving out interesting legitimate questions, ideas or positions.

We need to learn again to discuss objectively and develop techniques to ideate and collaborate maximally efficiently with the help of AI and ideally in group flow.

We need to learn to extend that to modern distributed and remote work, especially in web3 DAOs, distributed autonomous organizations.

Many super rich seem to have given up and retreat to bunkers preferably in New Zealand or other planets: We see that not only from vertical farming which may never become profitable for anything except bunkers but also from most other areas that receive investments: All energy-related systems are moved from exhaust-creating technologies to electricity with e.g. mini nuclear reactors, AI-based farming, question answering and entertainment and AI-automated weapons: From bunkers to hypersonic space technologies.

The world in around 20 categories is just one step away from the abyss, e.g. regarding debt collapse s the Western countries are near the end of their big debt cycles and the USA is adding 1 trillion dollars of debt every 100 days, bubbles and ensuing crashes, growing inequalities on all levels from states down to people in a city, evil agendas, high unemployment, high inflation and cost-of-living crises, (civil) wars, collapse of public and medical services, pollution, ecosystem collapses, over-exploitations, resource scarcities, goods & service as well as supply chain collapses, natural disasters like earth quakes, floods, electromagnetic pulses (EMPs that destroy electronics), after just 7 days without electricity we would be falling back into the middle ages, pandemics, explosion of bureaucracy/corruption /crime, increasing societal divides and political inefficiencies, societal sclerosis, sharp societal value decline; complacency, mass delusion, psychosis and thus freeze or give up, laziness and accepting (governmental) failure without consequences, no inter-generational justice and thus barbaric actions, etc.

Too many “innovative” plans involve giving a small group of people extreme and opaque power and naively hope that they will use it wisely – in vain as we know since the pandemic. Upon closer look often exactly these people are behind those plans.


Stepping out of the Media-Financial Slavery and Control System with its Fear Codes

If they wanted to truly improve the world, they would hire and listen to true experts instead of easily gullible teenage autists whose parents by coincidence have a marketing agency working with the super-rich.

If they wanted to avoid global warming, they would first openly discuss and identify which factors influence global temperatures, but instead they are ostracizing anybody who comes up with other factors than CO2.

Then they would identify the most dangerous climate gases, which as of current science are HFCs (hydro-fluoro-carbons), anesthetic gases, laughing gas, and methane – all by a factor of 80 to many thousands more climate-dangerous than CO2! However, “trusting the science” would mean that factory owners would have to modernize their factories instead of the all-so-comfortable option of blaming, surveilling and taxing users who often don’t have a practical alternative: E.g. those in rural areas with insufficient public travel or charging infrastructure or those who have to drive long distances from or to such areas. For becoming net zero regarding GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions within the next decades, we have only a small fraction of the required minerals, of the required electricity, of the grid, of the storage, of the security of supply, of the skilled labor, of the financing and it will make those who try to get it highly uncompetitive due to its costs and due to it probably never breaking even. And politicians are not even taking any serious measures to overcome these shortages but also privately act against their own recommendations– so it won’t happen: It is a pure delusion to massively transfer wealth from the population to the super-rich! Similarly, a search and news AI can censor what you hear of perfectly, surround you with consistent false narratives and manipulate you into buying or subscribing non-optimal offerings. If the Chinese or Elon’s approach of integrated solutions with finance and eCommerce prevail, then you’ll likely be completely in their hands.

These are just some indicators of the evil agendas we must replace with true solutions!

We don’t have time for governmental or corporate agendas that all coincidentally fail in such a way that the super-rich get richer and the rest loses buying power or gets sick so that the rich again get richer by treating the additional sickness, e.g. regarding green transition, carbon offsets, war, healthcare, banking, ... More than half of all Americans suffer from chronic diseases and additionally addictions, depression, mental health and other issues are highly prevalent producing gigantic costs for the population and big profits for others. All other Western countries are following these trend that need to be reversed!

A key mechanism is the domination of societies by media, finance and other big corporations with corruption and control systems that work by indebting people, using manipulation techniques like fearmongering and pressure to keep people from thinking and acting as sensibly as they possibly could.

Henry Kissinger suggested to control food, energy and money to control people, continents and the world, respectively. Related interests of corporations want Western governments to do many expensive things like protect their interests with an expensive global military, get and protect the materials they need – all at a low price for them, pay many subsidies and hundreds of privatization of profits but socialization of cost schemes from which only they benefit like mass immigration to lower wages. At the same time most of them do everything to pay as little taxes as possible going into various legal and illegal tax evasion schemes[1]. That way the corporations effectively withhold from their governments the money they need to do what the corporations want them to do. The people also need their governments to pay for many things – they are just not organized enough and don’t have the funds, job and technology creation possibilities similar to the corporations to influence the governments to do positive things on their behalf. The rich together with politicians have been continuing to shift the financial burden from the super-rich to poorer people but have come to a jam just before a breaking point where worsening the conditions of normal people and more shift of wealth to the super-rich is not possibly without risking uprisings. Their last option is to borrow money – and that at record speed of one trillion every 100 days in the USA, i.e. 13% of the GDP or 111% of the US yearly tax revenue. Behind the Fed all big lenders are foreign states or corporations: Instead of imposing taxes or tariffs their deal is to instead lend the money, have their say, get interests and in the end get all paid back while mainly the normal tax payers have to effectively pay for this with their hard work. For a thriving society, such schemes need to come to an end – either by upgrading our capitalism as e.g. suggested by Potentialism or in the form of a collapse. If we accelerated before solving the issues, we’d also accelerate the collapse!


Which politicians do you know that aren’t just silent about the agendas, risks and negative outcomes for the general population? They could actively propose solutions and negotiate to solve them – but that is really hard work and would certainly touch their donors, so they don’t do it!

Instead of giving up we need an unwavering commitment to hard and honest work to detect, fully analyze, openly discuss and solve all issues without protecting any corrupt interests.

Not the government should control its citizens (that is totalitarianism) but the citizens their government, especially how it spends their money (that is democracy where the people has the power).


Responsible Development

Responsible innovation and acceleration needs to start at the top with owners and decision makers, not with non-binding self-commitments e.g. around AI for marketing or actually election manipulation purposes.

Regulating inherently hallucinating AIs is like nailing a pudding to a wall. It is bound to fail and funding those types of researchers that have been failing for decades in AI ethics or regulations is not going to solve it.

Only societal control with governmental neutral experts in the teams is proven to be efficient[2].

What counts is the ownership, management, government and governance of such projects and in how far acting people have freedom and opportunity for unethical actions or hidden/evil agendas.

Good leadership gives to people, it does not just take from them to make the super-rich richer except for using minimal funds to avoid uprisings.


Instead we need honesty, fairness and true meritocracy welcoming all ideas to capture the breadth and depth of our unique human creativity in creating and continuously improving the best strategies to innovate out of the many crises efficiently without omissions, corruption, agendas, delusions, manipulation, etc. Only the right optimal incentives for everybody get us the right outcomes!

The super-rich made fantastic profits by reaping all the low-hanging fruits in smart digitization, big data, AI, etc. – often making things a million times more efficient. Now those are gone and competition with BRICS states like China is getting much tougher. But instead of reinvesting those fat profits - if not for the good of humanity then at least for further practical science called R&D (research & development). But the super-rich just hoarded or invested most money into rip-off schemes like subscribing to green electricity (which not possible due to Ohm’s law dictating that electricity comes from the nearest power plant due to cable resistance) and business models building on that like electric vehicles (EVs), crypto scams other bullshit or Botshit, i.e. bots distracting, lying, marketing or rigging elections. When a service is free, then we are the product, i.e. companies spy on us. Mapping and search software was created with intelligence or military funds and those are creating space companies: Not so much for space tourism but to deliver super-sonic projectiles. We should be vigilant regarding the real motives, underlying agendas and thus governance and ethics experts should be directly and actively involved in such projects, have access to all materials and participate in all relevant meetings.

Inequalities are growing so high that they are at the brink of becoming a question of life and death for both the under- and the over-privileged.

Markets expose many great mechanisms like favoring the most efficient players and combining the local or specialized knowledge and resources of the various players intelligently. We know that we need to balance this against imperfect markets where one side has too much power, where externalities like people or nature are exploited or rules are broken to get that extra unfair advantage.



We need to make this a truly integrative societal project that brings us not only to success but again closer to each other.

With Potentialism you could have ~10x higher buying power work in a top-rated environment with super friendly supportive people, get coached to become maximally creative, efficient and have your ideas fairly evaluated, improved and financed. And before that happens, you can use our insights to get privately, professionally and financially well through these troubled times. The Potentialism team is perhaps the only truly ethical and good organization and the number one player that has only pursuing the best interests of the citizens as agenda.


Potentialism, based on many dozens of years of experience of more than hundred experts, has described a detailed set of innovative and cutting-edge practices to implement a government and such projects on all levels - from the world, to regions or states, to communities and organizations with hundreds of synergistic techniques. The order of societal renewal is also critical, i.e. how the measures aggregate and synergize and that is why you should read the full Potentialism concept. However, for an overview, here is the key information:

1.?????? It implements 18+ USPs and 76+ quality criteria for such models.

2.?????? It is based on a scientific analysis of most socio-economic models and finding their best combination of elements in cooperation and under review of more than 10 professors and more than 100 scientists.

3.?????? A maximally scientific analysis of all problems and their solutions.

4.?????? The UN SDGs can’t be financed according to the UN itself and even Pope Francis asked for upgraded socio-economic models: Potentialism is the answer to these requests!

5.?????? Key ideas:

a.??????? Governments would consists of expert teams which quickly rotate and of which only the speakers’ names are made known which get help from the best AIs to make sure they can efficiently identify the most efficient strategies to solve problems and lead their people into the best possible futures and don’t allow space for evil agendas or corruption. The strategies of the various teams would be amalgamated and the population can vote on which trade-offs to take regarding the trade-offs. Similarly, strategies can be amalgamated among nations for the best possible future of entire humanity.

b.?????? All payments would be done by the community or ethical government either through AI or a committee based on the net beneficial value (NBV) of people’s work to make sure that beneficial results will be achieved and that fraud won’t be possible anymore.

c.??????? Less or non-beneficial activities like marketing would be replaced with a central objective registry.

d.?????? Elimination of most crime, all corruption and misdirected incentives in favor of efficient collaboration, e.g. environmental protection.

e.?????? Adopting best practices and innovations of industrial analysts, VCs and investment banks but applying and automating them for the good of society.

f.???????? AI to automate everything (if desired) to minimize bureaucracy and speed up decisions.

g.??????? AI analyzes & orchestrates everything, being fed & controlled by humans.

h.?????? State or society remunerates everybody based on net beneficial value (NBV) of the results of their work instead of wages.

i.???????? Shifts away from less beneficial work or professions (speculation, marketing, sales, legal work for corporations) towards efficient practical science/innovations, medical, social, care and environmental work.

j.???????? Everything ethical; avoiding recessions and any disruptions; exploiting our creativity instead of nature, optimizing the entire society, science & R&D.

k.??????? If required, each citizen gets a low UBI (universal basic income), free education and healthcare and is expected to improve their persistency, conscientiousness and (working/ideating in) flow (state) and collaborative skills – the properties that most likely lead to success in life and are the root of the name.

l.???????? Accelerated innovation; equal opportunity for all regions with equal politics and thematic clusters of excellence, fair determination of prices, no monopolies.

m.????? Efficient re-investing of funds to avoid recessions/suffering.

n.?????? Interest and trade-off based balancing of interests along the amalgamation of optimized objective strategies.

o.?????? Possibly having one cryptocurrency or CBDC as a state's only currency with requirement for valid reasons for payments: This can provide transparency and minimizes corruption and crime.

6.?????? It has the following further USPs: Solves the problems around the capitalist races to the bottom in various fields, imperfect markets, strategy and detailed realistic path towards a bright fair high-tech ethical future for everybody, optimized for the long-term prosperity and well-being of entire societies, systematically addresses all root causes for crime, hate and psychological issues, systematically minimizes all types of economic wastes and to optimize all social and economic outcomes, maximally limit the damage that can be done by individuals or groups, can avert the impending cataclysms.


It is high time to become active![3] Good ideas don’t spread themselves, especially when there are so many false narratives and beliefs. Thus please help us by liking, subscribing and sharing our content and joining our communities, see the links in the description or profile.

We are probably the first ones to have a comprehensive analysis and solution for the Earth’s 30+ top problems. Find out more and join us under, PotentialismPCF on Substack or under the links provided in the description.

We have probably the most comprehensive analysis and the most comprehensive solutions of today’s top problems called Potentialism:









Relatively short overview presentation:

[1] WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE: US Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy |Prof. Richard Wolff

[2] E.g. in aerospace, military, chemical or bio technology.

[3] Jesus‘ parable about 3-10 servants and that we as God’s servants should be as active and efficient as possible: Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19.11-27

Jennifer NUYA, LSSBB-in-training

Helping businesses optimize processes, maximize profit, and reduce cost through the mastery of AI ? ArrowBreaker ? Perpetual Co-creator

8 个月

Hi Thomas, I appreciate you taking the time to lay out the major challenges we face as a global society in such comprehensive detail. From the debt cycles and wealth inequality to environmental degradation and the erosion of democratic institutions, you have highlighted the critical issues that demand our urgent attention.?I'm curious, how can we incentivize corporations and individuals to adopt more sustainable practices without relying solely on taxation or regulation? On another note, what alternative models exist for money creation and distribution that don't rely on perpetual debt and interest?


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