The “Potential” Value of LinkedIn Groups
Mark Norman
Lifetime Wine Lover, mostly retired wine professional. Future Centenarian living a focused life! Experimenting in nutritional farming for the purpose of living a healthy lifestyle, fulfilling a vision and a passion!
My network exceeds 85% of the LinkedIn connection limit and I follow many companies and individuals, so my News Feed often flies by. I cannot wait to “like” or comment on a post because I will never find it again. There are also many posts in my News feed that I care nothing about and do not look at. Yet most members find this feature the key area for gathering information about their interests and their industry.
I have created over 30 groups (total membership exceeds 50,000). Most pertain to wine or adult beverages. My oldest is more than a decade old. At one time they were very dynamic, but system changes almost killed them. Fortunately, LinkedIn has changed some features and they are better but not what they were.
As I see it, the biggest problem is that the posts in the groups are much like magazine advertising (some of the images may be print pages for magazine publications).
Practically everyone on LinkedIn is here for business. I get that! But if I wanted to see magazine ads, I’d pick up an industry magazine. Many individuals post the same ad over and over in the same group knowing that few group members even see it (if they are looking at all).
How do I know this? Because every day I look at my notices of new posts. I see them all.
In real life do you walk into a stranger’s office…open to a page in a magazine, do not say anything but start writing up an order form? Most professionals would throw you out.
If you really want to develop business on LinkedIn, you need to engage professionals. Talk with them! It is remarkable how few members introduce themselves or explain what they do.
Many years ago, some of my posts had hundreds of comments with members exchanging real information. Groups could be of real value again if they are used properly.