How many of you have ever worked with a colleague who is a liar? how about a colleague that is a theft? what about one that blatantly does not work in the office but still draws a salary? it is pretty evident that this individual is not a team mate and is not a contributing member of the organisation let alone society.
He or she is violating company policy by stealing or lying and for some actions they commit may be breaking the law the penalties of which neither you, myself or the offender would like to experience. These undoubtedly are troublesome people that leave management and other employees in wonder as to 1. why they do what they do and 2. if no one knows its them committing the above harmful acts leave the rest in mystery as to who is doing what and why.
But what about those you have employed that you have not observed commit anything harmful that might lead you to believe they are troublesome? could they be potential trouble sources to you, your company, your clients and the future of your business?
What about those that have been with you for years as loyal employees, could they too become potential trouble sources? what about someone you just hired last week? yesterday? today? this morning? or an hour ago? how do you predict whether they are going to be a potential source of trouble to you, your business, your customers and the future of your business.
Companies spend a fortune trying to predict human behaviour, literally, I know companies that would require candidates to show up early in the morning to do psychometric testing and spend all morning testing them, some an entire day and then still require the candidate to show up the following day for a couple hours with a psychologist to "figure them out" and most of these companies spend no less than 5 grand per test, per person, that is ridiculous. You spending 5 grand and hours of a person's life just to understand them, that is far fetched wouldn't you think?
Most of the time they are looking for indicators that they can use to some how make conclusions on how a person would act in such and such a situation and whether they would act in the best interest of everyone, the company or themselves and half the time they're not even correct. In my personal opinion, and this is not to be taken as scientific fact just an opinion, but I've seen people who seem confident, capable, effective and intelligent shatter before a disaster, some minor disasters some large disasters and on the opposite spectrum I've seen people that seemed like they'd be as effective as a mice confronting a cat in the face of adversity turn around, have a raised necessity level and be the reason a disaster did not occur yet no one, in the organisation or group, predicted that, that would be the guy to handle that, what is that? how can that be?
How does one measure this behaviour, phenomena or whatever you want to call, what is the yardstick to use to truly understand this type of personality and to predict that one is or will be a source of trouble?
In the past 15 years I've personally studied a number of courses on the subject of human behaviour, human prediction, understanding people, the mind, how they think, act, what causes them to react, how to communicate with them, how to extract data from them, understand their realities and how I can be on the same level as them.
How to make friends, or enemies, how to know from which level I need to speak to the masses to reach them and so much more and there has only been on particular book I have discovered written by Author L. Ron Hubbard that I found worked as it explained 12 exact characteristics of a potential trouble source and how to identify them.
I'm not going to share all these with you but there are a couple of points I am going to share with you that'll give you the exact yardstick to use to identify a potential trouble source. I found these to be very useful in business and in identifying this particular personalty, especially in my industry. At the end of this article I will include the name, book and where you can get the full course so you can understand the entire subject being discussed here.
There are 3 things I am going to share with you about this personality type, the first of them is they have ups and downs.
Ups and Downs - This person just never seems to grow or remain stable in life, things are either up or they're down, they're well then they're sick, their production goes up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, their relationships follow the same pattern, nothing is stably moving up or even. Their health and well-being is up and down, we call this roller coastering, much like a roller coaster that goes up and down on it's track, that is this person.
One cannot rely on this person, one minute they're reliable next minute they're a mess, you have an almost uncertainty when it comes to trusting them and you just don't know how to handle it.
Another name for this is victim, they're the only ones who always seem to be victim to everything, outbreaks of illnesses, injuries, accidents or they're "accident prone" one need not test this, one need simply observe them, is this person healthy, accident prone, do they know it, are they seemly victim to things, many things, such as crime being committed to them?
The funny part of it is the crimes only happen to them, it only seems to be happening to them and them only, no one else is subject to this but them and they know it, they see this, they agree with it and dramatise it on everyone else and in a very proud fashion I tell. "I am always a victim somehow, bad things happen to me, they happen to be often and I cannot do anything about it" and they are right! eject them from your business or handle them but definitely do not hire them, it does not take 5 grand to come to this conclusion, they will so much tell you and you can see it. They rock up to your office all beat up, their equipment seems to semi work and so are their bodies and themselves, they "sort of" work, they don't they cause trouble, don't hire them and save yourself a lot of troubling stress.
Step two - These people habitually selects the wrong target, you ask them why they're late for work and it's excuses after excuses such as the traffic, the cat was in his way this morning, the dog kept him up all night barking and therefore he didn't get enough sleep and came late, the car tire burst on the way to work yet signs that this tire was about to go 4 weeks ago and they never did anything about it, the cash register has not been working well so they were not to blame when the accounting is out of order, nothing makes sense in their stories because they themselves do not believe their own lies they're telling. It's never them responsible for anything that happens around them it's always someone or something else to blame
Would you like am employee that blames customers for every lost sale in your business? an employee that blamed everything else but themselves as to why they were unable to generate income for your business? or were unable to service your clients fast enough in volumes large enough to sustain the organisation's expansion? then stay away from the continual wrong targeting employee as they are exactly what you will be recruiting.
The last step, step 3 is they never complete cycles once started. You find management spinning their wheels trying to understand why projects never took off, why projects never got started or they got started but never made it past the planning stages or never actually got executed. These people cannot start a projects, make changes in the physical environment with such and such a project and then end the cycle, they hang up, most of the time on whys things cannot be done or on stops and slows and then go around giving everyone reasons why such and such cannot be done or actually go about ensuring the project really does not get done in an attempt to prove a point. You do not want these type of people around, in your environment or working for your company, instead of putting their foot on the accelerator they've got the brakes on and cause trouble for the rest of us.
It is said that 80% of people in any given society are social personalities and 20% have anti-social tendencies. Of that 20% 2 1/2% of these are seriously criminal, most of the time the suppression one is experiencing is from one of these 20 percenters who are really dramatising their own pressures or suppressions, sometimes their imagined suppressions on the rest of us.
There is a precise technology and full body of knowledge on how to identify and get rid of these personalities and how you can handle them so that they can become a positive influence in others lives again as opposed to a negative influence and, as promised, I will give you the title of the book and author if you are interested in delving further into this subject.
The book is called "The Cause of Suppression" written by Author L. Ron Hubbard. It's a very short course, it should take you not more than 2 hours to read and complete, you can do this online from the comfort of your own home and it costs close to nothing, probably R100 bucks but the knowledge and technology in there is unbelievably amazing and has immense power that will help you identify potential trouble sources from a mile away and will save you and your company millions and that is an under statement. Look, spending R100 to save millions sounds like a great deal if you ask me.
I read this book and did the course and I cannot tell you how many people in my own life I have been able to identify, stay away from and actually flush out and get rid of so I can roll my business called life.
You will be able to use this in personal and social relationship, business relationship and trust me by being able to use this incredible technology save yourself heart breaks and trouble that costs you not only money but time, emotional pain, spiritual and sometimes physical pain.
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