A Potential Solution to Stop the Next School Shooting

A Potential Solution to Stop the Next School Shooting

I've been thinking a lot about the latest school shooting in Florida and I think I know a way to stop the next one. I truly believe a huge part of the problem are youth and young adults who feel unheard, unworthy and disconnected. And when one feels unheard, unworthy and disconnected, isolation is the next step. And then comes anger which can turn into blind rage. The personal narrative spirals into " It's Me against ALL of Them" and eventually they either implode or explode. And sadly sometimes, with access to guns, this explosion can have deadly consequences.

This is personal for me. I was bullied with no mercy in 7th grade. I still remember her name... Andrea. She would convince the entire class of 30 to pull pranks on me weekly. It got so bad my grades started to drop and I no longer wanted to go to school out of fear of further humiliation at the hands of Andrea.

Fortunately, I discovered the healing art of theatre and it became the escape I needed to claim a new role in my life off stage too. I gained confidence and I was able to withstand the storm. I also learned Andrea's Story. Her homelife was horrendous, a nasty divorce, parents pitting her against the other. Andrea's only sense of power came when she exerted her strength over someone weaker, me.

I was lucky. I found a way out of the disconnection. I found community in the theatre crowd. I found my voice. Not all students discover either healing or safe escape valve or learn the story of their abusers. And their feeling of isolation and disconnection and hurt grows.

So, what is the solution to stopping school shootings? I believe creating a safe space for youth and young adults to share their experiences and stories, to give them voice and the connection of their voices being heard.

The program is called We Become the Stories We Tell. This 3 hour (or more) interactive workshop focuses on: becoming aware of the personal narrative we've created about our life story, hands-on reflection, writing and small group activities to begin changing the story from one of disconnection or feeling alienated or unworthy to one that is more empowering and perhaps more closely connected to external evidence and truth: every student has value and something to offer. Every student has a story.

The by-products of sharing our stories are: realizing we are not alone in the story we carry, healing in telling our story and the benefit of being able to re-frame an old story that may not in fact be who are truly are. How many students believe NO ONE cares about them or NO ONE Understands? We Become the Stories We Tell begins to shed light, that in nearly every case, someone does in fact, care and someone does understand.

If you know of any decision makers in schools who may be interested in this program, please message me or comment below.

If you'd like to learn more about the program: visit www.kristinpedemonti.com

Together, we can create a new Story and perhaps we can prevent another mass school shooting.


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