The potential of nanofibers in tissue engineering – carriers mimicking human tissue architecture!
Regenerative medicine is?one of?the most dynamically developing?medical fields.?Its?main goal is?to?promote the?recovery of?diseased and?damaged human tissue.?The preparation of?tissue and?organ replacements depends on?the structure of?carriers (so?called scaffolds) providing specific conditions for?proper cell growth and?the formation of?whole tissue.
The?architecture and?the potential of?these scaffolds have undergone great development in?recent years. Scaffolds were made of?metal, collagen, polyester foams, and?hydrogel. But?by far?the best results are?achieved with?nanofibres, especially those created by?the so?called electrostatic spinning method.
What are?the advantages of?these?nanofibres?
Polymer nanofibres are?used in?many areas of?tissue engineering because they are?adaptable and?structurally diverse. For?example, for?the aforementioned electrostatic spinning, classical, coaxial or?alternating spinning methods can?be used, as?well as?the?Nanospider? free surface spinning technology.?The?modification of?the spinning nozzle allows the?formation of?fibres with unique structures and?properties. The?nanofibres can?then feature any?porosity,?depending on?the type of?material, evaporation rate, and?miscibility of?the solvents used.?This opens up?the possibility of?creating, for?example, composite fibres for?scaffolds that deliver the?relevant biomolecules to?the cells and?have the?ability to?mechanically support the?implanted cells even when the?system fails.
Use?of nanofibres in?specific sub?fields of?tissue engineering
Although scientists are?exploring the?potential of?nanofibres in?various fields?of?tissue engineering, including growing whole organs,?the?most researched so?far are?musculature and?bones.?Regenerative medicine is?most focused on?promoting recovery of:
Interesting Fact:?It?is extremely difficult to?grow an?entire kidney or?liver. These organs represent the?highest level of?complexity. In?order to?grow a?kidney, scientists must first build a?scaffold, fill it?with stem cells, and?use complex signalling to?“invite” them to?transform into blood vessel cells.
The potential of nanofibres in bone tissue architecture
The?design of?a carrier for?bone tissue growth is?based on?the physical properties of?bone, i.e. strength, porosity, hardness, and?overall 3D?structure.?Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)?are?able to?repair damaged tissue by?transforming into a?wide range of?specialised cells,?such as?chondrocytes (cartilage cells), osteocytes (bone cells), neurons, and?myocytes (muscle cells). This makes them the?rarest candidates for?use in?regenerative medicine, as?they can?be grown in?laboratories to?produce almost any?cell needed for?tissue repair.?Moreover, MCS?grow beautifully on?nanofibres,?produce abundant extracellular matrix, and?mineralise well.
Tip:?Composites based on?collagen or?gelatin nanofibres are?most commonly used because they must have adequate porosity and?morphology for?transport of?cells, nutrients, signalling molecules, gases, and?metabolic products.
The potential of nanofibres in cartilage architecture
Cartilage tissue has?a limited capacity for?repair due?to the?reduced availability of?chondrocytes.?The?chondrocyte is?the basic cartilage cell, and?its energy potential is?unfortunately very limited.?Most of?its energy for?protein production comes from anaerobic respiration because there is?a lack of?oxygen in?the cartilage, i.e. it?is not?supplied with blood at?all. The?whole situation is?complicated by?the complete absence of?progenitor cells in?the vicinity of?the injury. This is?the baseline of?cells, from which specialised chondrocytes would have developed. Cartilage does not?contain blood vessels or?nerves, and?its nutrition is?provided by?intra?articular fluid. However, this method of?nutrition?significantly limits the?cartilage’s regenerative capacity?– damage takes a?long time to?heal and, especially in?the case of?larger defects, cartilage does not?fully recover. Therefore, one?of the?essential methods of?cartilage tissue repair is?the creation of?a?3D?nanofibrous carrier combined with chondrocytes and?progenitor cells?to?ensure proper tissue growth and?the formation of?a complete connective tissue replacement.
Tip:?The?goal of?the cell carrier is?to degrade after implantation in?parallel with the?formation of?new healthy tissue, which over time will completely replace this nanofibrous 3D?implant.
The potential of nanofibres in skin architecture
Skin wounds normally heal with scar tissue, i.e. connective tissue lacking elasticity. Scar tissue restricts tissue movement, often causes pain, and?is aesthetically undesirable.?The?nanofibres of?the carrier allow a?“skin graft” to?be grown?and?implanted on?the wound, which then heals completely without scarring.
Tip:?Non?woven silk fibroin is?used, which is?a nanofibre created by?the well?known electrospinning method. Due?to its?high porosity when coated with type I?collagen, it?has been found to?best promote fibroblast adhesion and?the growth of?“new skin”.
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Professor in Tissue engineering| Regenerative Medicine| Cell therapy| Entrepreneurship instructor| Startup Developer| Academic Journalism
1 年