Factors impacting the Medical and Diagnostic Device sector in 2022 early fall in France: Telesurveillance 2022 (Remote Patients Monitoring)
Christophe MICHEL, PhD
Market access maverick. Life Science value and content creator. Turns complex challenges into therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities
Telesurveillance or Remote Patient Monitoring System (RPM) was initially implemented through the ETAPES experimentation program for 5 conditions in France: heart failure, kidney failure, respiratory failure, diabetes, and implantable heart prostheses.
Framed by the Ségur de la santé agreements and deeply connected with the Health Innovation 2030 plan, the development of remote monitoring is a key issue of the transformation of the French health system. The model of remote monitoring was described in Article 36 of the 2022 Social Security Funding law, it defines the main principles of the coverage of remote patient monitoring solutions (RPMS) under the common law. Measures were supposed to enter into force early July 2022, thus allowing the continuation of RPMS reimbursement beyond the current ETAPES experiment.
Assessment of the RPMS?
RPMS would be subject to a joint evaluation by the National Agency for Digital in Health (Agence du Numérique en Santé – ANS) for the technical solution for health data collection, and by the HAS for HTA assessment of the overall health solution.
A French DiGA like?
Despite French RPM coverage pathway is often considered as a French adaptation of the German DiGA program, some discrepancies can be seen between countries, such as the duration of the instruction period, the requirements for reimbursement, the scope of the device, its function, and its intended user(s) (Patient, and/or physician together).
Agenda issues.
The initial date for the start of the reimbursement of RPMS was July 1, 2022, while the end of the ETAPES program was scheduled for August 1st, 2022. The application of the RPM pathway was contingent on the publication of both an application decree of article 36 of the LFSS 2022, which is yet to be issued, and?the publication of ANS referential documents for security and interoperability, that took longer to produce than expected.
Indeed, the recently finalized first version of the ANS repository allowed a very limited time span for the manufacturers to make compliance adjustments for the new requirements. Incidentally, certain technical solutions’ adjustments involving design modification may require a new CE certification, in accordance with currently applicable MDR. In the present circumstances, applying for a new CE certification may be a critical bottleneck, requesting additional time for compliance (18 to 24 months, considering the current workload of notified bodies).
Ultimately, in a late June mail by the DGOS, announcement of special provisions was released by the Ministry of Health, postponing RPMS coverage under common law, ensuring the transition between the ETAPES experimentation program and the common law coverage:
·??????Maintained coverage of ETAPES reimbursed device, for patients that are already benefiting from RPMS as well as for patients who would be newly prescribed the RPMS during the transitional period.
·??????Manufacturers will be prompted to apply for reimbursement once the generic descriptions are available, and after the onset of RPMS coverage under common law.
There is no announcement regarding the update of the enlisted conditions, and no agenda details have been provided to date. On another note, even though actual ANS referential documents are not valid, they can be used as a basis alongside early HAS documentation for the HTA assessment of RPMS.
Is your digital solution eligible to RPMS reimbursement pathway in France?
The gap assessment of your digital solution’s eligibility to RPMS reimbursement pathway in France needs top expertise in medical device market access and pricing. Developing this into corporate commercial strategy requires collaborative approach with the manufacturer and Key sectori Stakeholders.
Let?Alira Health?support your company in your global access strategy, countries prioritization to reimbursement dossiers submission. Please leave us a message here:?https://alirahealth.com/contact-us/?so we can get into contact with you.?
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This article is #3 on a serie of 3 articles. Find others here:
(1) Towards a legal framework for advanced diagnostics in France: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/potential-factors-impacting-medical-diagnostic-device-michel
(2) Organisational impact assessment: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/factors-impacting-medical-diagnostic-device-sector-early-michel/