The Potential Of Chatbots In The Education Sector
The ongoing pandemic has made remote lectures and assessments nearly unavoidable for professors and learners globally. While that may have introduced a few issues in the teaching process, specialized AI chatbots for education can quell many of them easily. Conversational AI promises to solve many administrative and teaching-related problems in the educational sector.
Online learning was always seen as an off-kilter, future alternative to regular, face-to-face lectures between students and teachers in schools and colleges. Then the pandemic arrived and flipped everything that we knew upside down. How online learning gained prominence in the pandemic age is quite well documented by now.
AI-led digitization has always impacted industries for the better, and now it can positively influence the field of education too, mainly through conversational AI. Conversational AI, one of the more commonly used AI subfields, has applications in areas such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and flight reservation tracking. Chatbots are the tools that primarily use AI and NLP to generate synthetic texts for online conversations. Perhaps unsurprisingly, specially designed chatbots for education can simplify some of the problematic aspects related to the education sector.
Streamlining Student Admission
A normal student enrolment process can be cumbersome even in the best of times. The excessively long admission lines in schools and colleges, a deluge of documentation needs, and credential verification requirements make the process tedious for everyone involved in it.
The introduction of chatbots for education-related use can resolve some of these problems. During their configuration, educational chatbots are programmed to follow certain prompts to aid communication between institutions and admission-seeking students. Admission logistics is aided significantly by automating communication between institutes and admission seekers. For instance, a chatbot could ask learners to submit their identity-proof and educational qualification documents before a machine learning-based system does the job of verifying their authenticity.
The ease with which a chatbot processes information and provides it to users can be instrumental in making student admission fast and effective. More importantly, it frees up the humans involved in the process to handle other, potentially more complex admission-related tasks.
Personalizing the Learning Experience
Too often, teaching in schools and colleges is completed in a broad manner for students, each of whom may have different ways and speeds of understanding a given concept. Advanced future educational chatbots can add a degree of personalization to the teaching process by delivering customized educational content to each student. Additionally, such systems can also resolve each student’s doubts and queries individually, thereby adjusting to their speed of learning and helping them attain more out of their curriculum. Chatbots are not perfect. They have their share of shortcomings that need overcoming before they can be used extensively. However, as we have seen above, they can bring about truly significant improvements in the educational sector in the future.