The Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of the Subscribe to Open (S2O) Model

The Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of the Subscribe to Open (S2O) Model

As the landscape of scholarly publishing evolves toward open access, innovative approaches are reshaping how research is disseminated. One such approach gaining traction is the "Subscribe to Open" (S2O) model. Today we delve into the advantages and potential drawbacks of S2O, shedding light on its role in reshaping scholarly communication.?

What is the S2O Model??

S2O offers publishers a gradual and systematic way to convert their journals to open access, ensuring a balanced and sustainable shift. Publishers have the flexibility to convert journals on a yearly basis, fostering a seamless transition that is manageable for all stakeholders involved.?

Should all existing subscribers of a journal accept the S2O proposition, the publisher makes the content of the current year's subscription open access. Nonetheless, if a notable portion of subscribers opt out or defer their subscriptions, the content for that specific year remains gated.?

This process repeats annually, signifying that the accessibility of each year's content hinges on the extent of subscriber engagement.?

Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of S2O

Advantages  1. S2O's strength lies in its ability to encourage participation from existing subscribers. By extending ongoing access to these subscribers, publishers can make content covered by annual subscriptions freely accessible to everyone, amplifying its reach. 2. Publishers can repeat the offer annually, allowing more time for subscribers to embrace open access. 3. S2O preserves publishers' existing revenue streams while simultaneously widening access.   4. S2O removes both article processing charges and paywalls, enabling researchers worldwide to publish and access vital research.   Disadvantages  1. Although S2O strives to enhance open access, it might not address affordability challenges for institutions in low-income regions. Libraries from resource-constrained areas might struggle to afford subscriptions, perpetuating unequal access.  2. Failure to meet participation thresholds in a given year leads to gated content. 3. Risk of reduced revenue: S2O's effectiveness depends on sufficient subscriber participation. Should a significant number opt-out or delay renewals, publishers might face reduced revenue, impacting journal viability.  4. Transitioning from subscription models to S2O necessitates meticulous planning and communication. Publishers might encounter hurdles while coordinating with various institutions and subscribers, introducing logistical intricacies.

While the S2O model embodies a promising path forward, a holistic approach that addresses its potential disadvantages is pivotal.This is a summarized version of the original article.

At Impact Science, we've partnered with scholarly societies to conceptualize and promote their S2O initiatives for increased adoption by librarians and research offices. If you require our assistance, feel free to reach out to us!


