Potentia team live On-Board!
Chrysoula Vasiliki Patrikiou
Chief Business Officer @ PYLI NET Human Centric Technology● ?A Human Capital Architect with a Vision that meets Action
For the first time in the history of Greek Shipping, the land and the sea are connected through live coaching, wellness and psychological counseling tele-sessions. Potentia team live On-Board Tanker Aegean Power of Arcadia Shipmanagement Co Ltd.The Master Capt.Nicolas Zygouris and her Greek Officers. Capt. Dimitrios Mattheou CEO Arcadia Shipmanagement and Mr. Lambros Chahalis Chairman of the P/C Maritime Committee of Propeller Club of the U.S. International Port of Piraeus through their meaningful and motivational speech they expressed their empathy and contributed essentially to the encouragement of the seafarers. It is a great honor for me and my associates Spyros Kottoris Executive Coach, Learning & Development Manager, Naoum Karaminas Psychologist, Psychometrics & Assessment Executive and Dennis Christodoulatos Wellness Coach to experience live sessions with seafarers On-Board and share knowledge, but mostly share feelings and thoughts. Seafarers have chosen to serve an extremely critical working environment, the oceans, the sea. Seafarers have chosen to deal with risks and critical situations on a daily basis. Our Respect to these people, the Navigators and the Leaders of the World! Potentia team will be On-Board to listen to their stories and learn from their experience. We will try our best to keep fostering the Seafarers of the World to #RISE#GROW and #Lead. This is our promise and our ethical commitment towards human potential.
Hymn to human capacity, Praise to human nature!