We are in times where there are so many things going on at once. Everywhere you turn there is something negative going on to distract us from the blessings in our lives. Everywhere you turn anxiety and stress are at an all- time high! Speaking of high…food prices are through the roof causing financial strain on budgets that are already stretched.
?People are dealing with more mental & behavioral issues than ever before. Yet there is less mental health screening in many situations that put many people at risk. Some are dealing with their own personal battles which no one knows anything about.? Everywhere you turn we are always in or exposed to some type of battle.? But what I have noticed for myself is that when I am in a battle and anxiety and worry have consumed my thoughts, it’s because I am relying too much on worldly systems, others, myself, and not on the creator of the world. The truth of the matter is faith is a fight.?
?So how do we continue to fight in this up and down cycle called life? One solution may be found in the book of Matthew. Matthew 7:7-8 it says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
?So, in my opinion, the only way to continue to stay in the fight of life is to stay in a posture of prayer! A posture of battle! To me in my life God has gone undefeated when I get on my knees and give the situation to him. It says if you ask it will be given to you; if you knock, the door will be opened; the one who seeks will find. In other words, every battle or need we have, if we spend time with him, we can discern wisdom, direction, reassurance, and battle plans.
?With everything going on around us, we have to get into our battle posture or prayer! When you pray, it is saying I am not able, but God is able! You are not saying the job is able, not saying the groups I belong to are able, not saying I have all the answers, but saying I am humble enough to accept that some battles I am not built for alone.
While it’s good to have many blessings around us like a job, family, groups, and many others things, those blessings are not always a comfort when you are in a battle. But the key is to “daily” be in a posture of prayer so we can be prepared and navigate through the ups and downs of life. That’s not saying problems will go away, but it is saying “I can’t do this thing called life alone”.
?So, what about you? How are you coping with the battles of life? Are you trying to handle it on your own? Are you reaching out to others? Have you indulged yourself in a pint of your favorite ice cream or something unhealthy to cope? For me, the only solution that has worked is to be in a daily posture of prayer.?
?Ready! Aim! Fire!
Written by Donald Edwards
Amen Donald. To think and believe I can be ‘in control’ is a lie. My flesh says this thing called prayer is too humble a thing. Sounds to sentimental for the ‘strong’, for the intelligent and relevant desires of my Self. Self is the problem isn’t it. “I’ve got this!” …. Until I most certainly do not and then Matt 11 28-30 beginning with Come into me all who are weary and heavy-layden…. It is at those moments I am reminded again all that you have written here is so accurate and true Donald. God bless Donald! Continue on the battle by His grace and power through his Holy Spirit! All the best, Joe Seawell