Posture: A Balanced Perspective Part 2
Quick, show me good posture!???
Did you immediately hear your parent’s voice in your head yelling “STOP SLOUCHING!!!” or?
Your parents were right, slouching is not good for your body.?
As a child, though, you probably only heard their critical comments/yelling.?
Sometimes good advice is delivered in a way we can’t hear, let alone take action on.???
Let’s move past your parents and focus on you as an adult living in a culture not kind to your body.?
Not kind:??
Bad posture can cause a host of physical, mental and emotional issues such as headaches, neckaches, shallow breathing, lack of mental clarity/poor concentration, low back and hip pain, etc.?
Bad posture can make you look shorter, heavier and less energetic.?
Over time bad posture can lead to fragile bones, increased risk of falling and fractures.
Sometimes people can sense an issue in their bodies and simply don't know how to fix it or who to ask for help.
Sometimes people overcorrect an issue (i.e. overdoing pulling shoulders back and down for instance) and cause other types of problems.
Sometimes people, once they can sense they’re slouching or hiking their shoulders up to their ears, are able to change to a better position.?
However, good posture is not a natural state for the majority of us and usually we don’t think about good posture until our body starts to hurt.?
Yes, improving your posture can be a long process and it does takes valuable mental and physical energy.?I've worked for decades to help my personal training clients and my yoga class members to improve their posture.
The results are well worth your efforts.?
Many of us have grand intentions, want to start with big gestures and quickly fix a complex problem with a massive energy push.?
Generally this is a recipe for burn out.???
Pick one action step.?Do this one step consistently for several days/weeks before you add another step.?The first step you take doesn’t have to be the “perfect” one.?Don’t stress over what you do, just do something.???
Done is better than perfect, especially when adding a new habit.
Set yourself up for success by consistently doing that one step. Consistent practice builds momentum and as your momentum grows, so will your capacity for bigger action steps.??
Finally be kind to yourself.?Change is hard for most of us, habits are even more difficult to change because they’re automatic and unconscious.?
Acknowledge any effort you make to think about and improve your posture.?Over time, observing your consistent efforts will translate into progress on changing your habits and help you move forward to even more change if desired.?
One last thought:?
If you’re an older adult, posture is a key component to better balance.?Falling and sustaining significant (and sometimes fatal) injuries is a common concern.?Most older adults don’t associate good posture with improving balance.?I’ll discuss this link more in another article. ?
In the meantime, what can you do right now to improve your posture?