Postseason Baseball - Pitch4Pete and ALS Non-Invasive Stem Cell Research Move Forward To the Next Base
John Parton
C-Suite Partner/Transformative Business Leader/Innovation Enabler/Nutrition/ CPG/Life Science/Tech With Sustainability and Efficiency Focus
In vivo studies are under way in Toronto, and after surviving the wild card playoff so are the Blue Jays, so its a good time of year for 'We The North" . Pending positive results from these in vivo studies we intend to lobby Health Canada as soon as possible to begin a human clinical trial. So thanks for all those who have supported the cause to date...patients, Dr's, clinician's, researchers are all of one mind and united in the goal of finding a cure to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig’s or Motor Neuron Disease. Please keep supporting
We may have moved off first base but there's still a long way to go. Next base will be a pilot clinical trial, if those results are then positive, enrollment would expand significanltly with costs rising in tandem. So please keep supporting in order that we can also create a compelling business case model for the further expansion of this ground breaking research. Time matters most!