Postseason Baseball - Pitch4Pete and ALS Non-Invasive Stem Cell Research Move Forward To the Next Base

Postseason Baseball - Pitch4Pete and ALS Non-Invasive Stem Cell Research Move Forward To the Next Base

In vivo studies are under way in Toronto, and after surviving the wild card playoff so are the Blue Jays, so its a good time of year for 'We The North" . Pending positive results from these in vivo studies we intend to lobby Health Canada as soon as possible to begin a human clinical trial. So thanks for all those who have supported the cause to date...patients, Dr's, clinician's, researchers are all of one mind and united in the goal of finding a cure to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig’s or Motor Neuron Disease. Please keep supporting

We may have moved off first base but there's still a long way to go. Next base will be a pilot clinical trial, if those results are then positive, enrollment would expand significanltly with costs rising in tandem. So please keep supporting in order that we can also create a compelling business case model for the further expansion of this ground breaking research. Time matters most!     



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