Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Shiva
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Shiva.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
? ? ?
30 December 2023
Why Shiva worships Rama?
*Why Lord Rama worships Shiva?
Why Lord Shiva worships Rama?
Why Lord Shiva worships Krishna?
*No God is superior or inferior!
No God is senior or junior!
Every God is Brahman!
Every Goddess is Brahman!
Brahman is only one Almighty!
*Every God Goddess worships other!
Almighty worships Almighty!
Brahman worships Brahman!
In different names and forms!
*Not only this!
Every God sees every creature!
As an integral part of Brahman!
*Brahman is the self soul Atma!
Atma is Paramatma Almighty!
Atma sees everyone in dream!
*When Atma wakes up!
Then only Atma is left!
Only self is left!
And nothing else!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
30 November 2023
Don't go without invitation
*You are not free!
You are not spare!
You have some value!
*Even if they are relatives!
Even if they are friends!
*Never go anywhere!
Without any invitation!
In case of their death!
In case of their disease!
In case of their accident!
In case of their misery!
In case of your helplessness!
When you seek their help!
*People feel burden!
Even if you go for a few days!
Never go without invitation!
*Never forget!
Sati went to her parents!
Without any invitation!
Shiva reminded her for not going!
Without any invitation!
Even then Sati went!
And she had to sacrifice her life!
For the sake of her honor!
And the honor of her husband!
Hence never go without invitation!
*Your honor comes first and foremost!
Honor of your spouse is important!
Never go without any invitation!
Even if you are very poor!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
3 September 2023
What is Sanatan Dharma?
*Everyone is Sanatan. Hence everyone is in Sanatan Dharma.
*If you forget your grandfather, truth will not change. You will remain grandson of your
Your ignorance will not change the truth.
*Do you know what is Sanatan?
Do you know what is Sanatan Dharm?
*Self, Atma, Supreme Soul, Paramatma, Almighty God, Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Shiva, Vishnu,
Ganesh, all these are Sanatan.
*In fact everyone is Sanatan since everyone is Self, Soul or Atma.
*Sanatan means never ending, who was never born, who will never die. Who always exists.
That is called Sanatan. That may be invisible for sometimes due to your ignorance but remains
always. That is known as Sanatan.
That may disappear for you only due to your ignorance but can not be ended.
*Fire can't burn it, water can't wet it, air can't dry it, sword can't cut it. Nothing can destroy it. No
one can destroy it.
That is called Sanatan.
*Sanatan means life values which keep it alive for ever.
Sanatan means life values which keep you alive for ever.
Else you will be destroyed but not your Atma which is Sanatan.
Thus you will keep on learning the lessons till you come from ignorance to light.
And that is eternal knowledge.
*Sanatan means eternal Dharma. If you follow it, you will survive. Else you will be destroyed but
not your Atma.
*Only Sanatan remains for ever.
No one else can remain for ever.
*Sanatan welcomes you from every religion, every nation, every language, every gender, every
races, every caste, every color, etc.
*Sanatan embraces everyone.
Sanatan loves everyone.
*Sanatan unites.
Sanatan never divides.
*Sanatan is eternal knowledge.
Sanatan is eternal light to finish the darkness of ignorance.
*Sanatan never sees any difference between humans.
Sanatan loves all humans, animals, birds, trees, plants, ants, all the creatures.
*Not only this Sanatan loves even a stone and a particle of dust seeing God inside it.
*Sanatan welcomes everyone from every religion, every nation and gives respect to them.
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
24 August 2023
How I became slim?
Earlier I was not slim. How I became slim?
I became slim by following these tips-
1/ I used to drink hot water in morning and evening before the meals. I used to drink it sip sip
like tea. It melted my fat. Try this for at least 3 months.
2/ I used to recite Mantra of Lord Rama, Krishna, Hanuman or Shiva etc. It melts the fat. If you
recite any Mantra as much as possible. Then you will become slim. Since your entire focus will
be on Mantra. Then you will be worried only to remember Mantra. Worry melts the fat. Then you
become slim. Try this at least 3 months.
3/ If you love Krishna or any God or any person remembering God inside him. Love melts the
fat. Then you become slim.
Hence love Krishna or any God. Love any person remembering Krishna inside him.
Then you can become slim. Try this at least 3 months.
4/ Try to remember Krishna or any beloved God as much as possible. You will become slim after
some time. I have myself experienced it. I became slim as I tried to remember beloved Krishna
always. If you give importance to Krishna and you promise yourself to remember Krishna
always. Then you will be worried about it. Then certainly your fat melts and you become slim. I
got tremendous improvement due to this reason.
Do any of these at least for 3 months.
You will start to see the results just after one month.
Then you will not remain bulky. You will reduce your fat. You will be slim. Then you will increase
glow in your face.
Try any of this.
But those who try all of the above tips for at least 3 months, they are the best.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 August 2023
Krishna says to love Hindu, Muslim
*Krishna never says to love Hindu only!
Krishna says to love every religion!
Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc!
He is incarnation of love!
*Not only Humans!
Krishna says to love!
Animals, birds, trees, plants!
Every creature of the universe!
*Krishna is God of every religion!
Krishna is God of every nation!
You can give Him any names!
He remains one and only one!
*If we give many names to you!
Will you change by these names?
*You will not change!
Krishna doesn't change!
Krishna remains same and one!
He belongs to one and all!
*Krishna doesn't change His names!
We humans only change His names!
*Krishna is Shiva, Shiva is Krishna!
Krishna is every God, Goddess!
Of every religion, every nation!
Since Krishna is Almighty, Soul, Self!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
10 July 2023
What is Hanuman Chalisa?
Hanuman Chalisa is a beautiful devotional song of 40 verses composed by Goswami Tulsi Das.
Lord Hanuman is monkey God, most famous devotee of Lord Rama. He is considered very
powerful and an Avatar of God Shiva.
There are some secret benefits of Hanuman Chalisa. Most of the people do not know them. The
author wants to make them well-known through this book for the benefit of one and all
irrespective of any difference of nation, gender, religion, caste, race, language etc.
Jai Jai Bajrang Bali.
Jai Sri Hanuman!
6 April 2023
How strange Mahakal
*How much powerful!
This is!
No one can describe it!
*Its one atom!
It can drink entire ocean!
It can eat entire Himalaya!
It can dry entire Amazon forest!
Within moments!
*This is Mahakal!
Its one atom can erase!
Sun, moon, earth, all planets!
Within moments!
*In fact!
Only this exists!
Only one Mahakal exists!
In atom level!
And infinite level!
*And it is called Sri Krishna!
It is called Hanuman, Rama!
It is called Shiva! Vishnu!
It is called Supreme Soul!
It is called Brahman, Self!
And God, Goddess, Almighty!
Of every religion, nation!
*Know this most powerful!
It is purpose of birth of everyone!
On this beautiful planet earth!
*Thus celebrate!
A real!
Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
28 March 2023
Scenes do not exist!
*Only one Atma exists!
That is Paramatma!
Nothing else exists!
Scenes do not exist!
*That Paramatma!
You can call Him!
Almighty or God!
Of any religion!
*That Paramatma!
He is seeing this world!
In His dream!
We all in His dream!
*Those who are in His dream!
They consider world true!
Those who know this fact!
They don't consider world true!
*When any one knows this!
He merges in the!
Infinite ocean of Almighty!
*That Paramatma!
You can call Him Krishna!
Any Goddess, Shiva!
Vishnu or any other God!
*Aim of birth of every one!
On this beautiful planet earth!
To know this truth!
To merge in Him!
*This is possible!
Only in this life!
Not after the death!
*If you share this post!
It will itself be a worship!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
21 February 2023
I am Atma, You are Atma
*I am soul!
You are soul!
I am Atma!
You are Atma!
*Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma is Krishna!
*I am Paramatma!
I am Krishna!
You are Paramatma!
You are Krishna!
*Krishna is Radha!
Radha is Krishna!
I am Radha!
You are Radha!
*Krishna, Radha same!
Shiva, Krishna same!
*Ganesh, Durga, Krishna same!
They are only one Almighty!
*Almighty is Paramatma!
Atma is Paramatma!
*I am Paramatma!
You are Paramatma!
*You may be knowing!
You may not be knowing!
*I know this truth!
I am Paramatma!
I already mixed!
In His infinite ocean!
*Now other things just matter of time!
Mangoes take time to ripe!
They must get sun, water, food!
They will ripe in time!
*Don't worry!
Be happy!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 February 2023
Nature of This World Drama
Entire universe is like drama of one Almighty God. You can call Him Shiva, Krishna, Almighty,
Paramatma Ganesh, Durga, Allah, Jesus, Nanak, Buddha or any other God of any religion,
In this drama one and only one Almighty God is playing in different names and forms.
He Himself is every person, thing, sun, moon, stars, ocean, planets, deserts, forests, mountains,
hills, everything.
He Himself acts among different people and things during this drama.
When this drama is over, then only one Almighty is left.
Initially also He was alone.
At last also He remains alone.
Then, nothing else exists except one Almighty!
I hope one day you will also know this world drama.
Since it is the very purpose of your birth on this planet earth!
My best wishes for your happy divine journey!
Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri.
Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
Pravin Agrawal
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group
18 February 2023
True Incident : How My Divine Journey Started?
*On this very auspicious day of Maha Shivratri, I am sharing one of the most secret and sacred
incidents, a divine experience of my life with the infinite blessings and grace of Lord Sri Krishna.
*It is the incident of year 1990 when I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat. After sad demise of
my father I was too much upset. Most of the time I was under contamplation of Paramatma, God
or Krishna.
*One day I was sitting in my office under contamplation of Krishna. All of the sudden, I felt that
my body is cut in two pieces.
I felt that my body was beheaded.
Then I felt that my head was missing.
Again I felt that my torso was missing.
I was without head for some time.
I was without torso for some time.
This was strange feeling for some minutes again and again.
*I couldn't believe this!
Then I knew first time. I am not body. I am Atma or soul, son of Paramatma, Sri Krishna!
*I shared this incident with one of my friends after some days. He told me - This is divine
experience. You are very fortunate that you experienced such type of incident.
*After that I never had the same experience.
That is the reason I tell you for not sharing your divine experience to anyone. But you can share
after about 25 years or 30 years of your divine journey when you are fully sure that you will not
have any loss of your divine journey if you share this.
*This incident confirms the existence of Atma or soul as described by Lord Sri Krishna in
Bhagavad Gita.
*Sri Krishna explains in Bhagavad Gita -
Sanskrit Shloka:
??? ??? ??????? ????????? ??? ????? ??????
? ??? ??????????????? ? ?????? ???????
English Citation:
nainam chhindanti shastrani nainam dahati pavakah
na chainam kledayantyapo na shoshayati marutah
English Meaning:
Weapons cannot cut the soul, nor can fire burn it.
Water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it.
Hindi Meaning:
????? ?? ? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??, ? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??,
? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?????????? ? ???? ???
Source: Bhagavad Geeta 2.23
*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam to lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna who is embodiment of
mercy, love and bliss always.
*Krishna is Shiva!
Shiva is Krishna!
Only one Almighty!
*Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
2 February 2023
I can show you God
*On the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivratri, this year I have planned to show Almighty God
to those people who have pure faith and belief on God, Allah, Jesus etc your any God of any
religion or nation anywhere in the entire universe. I can give you glimpse of Almighty God.
*This year Maha Shivratri is on 18 February 2023, but I can start right now for this auspicious
*I can show you Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Durga, Allah, Jesus or Almighty etc. You can give Him
any name. Like we can give different names to water. In the same way all these are different
names of one and only one Almighty.
*I can show you God present in your heart in your body. I can show you in your home only. No
need of going here and there. No need to come to me.
*You must fulfill the following conditions-
1/ You must be somewhat pure in your heart.
2/ You must be having faith and belief on your God of any religion or nation.
3/ You must have WhatsApp number.
4/ You must be very keen to see Almighty God.
*If you are interested, you may send your WhatsApp number to the following email id-
*Please accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Pravin Agrawal
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group
? ? ?
18 Jan 2023
*I am soul!
You are soul!
*Everyone is soul!
Every thing is soul!
*Every one is contained in soul!
Every thing is contained in soul!
*Entire universe in soul!
This world in the soul!
And that is Supreme soul!
*Soul is one!
Soul is many!
*Nothing else exists!
Except one Supreme Soul!
*You can call it Ganesh!
You can call it Durga!
You can call it Krishna!
You can call it Shiva!
You can call it Rama!
*You can call it God!
Of any religion, nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 Jan 2023
Even if you remember by mistake
*If you remember Almighty!
Rama, Krishna, Shiva, other God!
Of any other religion!
Atma, Paramatma etc!
Even by mistake!
*And if you forget your body!
All other things of the world!
*Even for very short duration!
You will immediately know Him!
You will immediately know Atma!
You will immediately know Self!
Or God of any other religion!
Since all are same and one Almighty!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
28 DEC 2022
Those people are wise
*Who can reply these questions!
Those people are wise!
*Who contemplate on these questions!
Those people are wise!
*Reply these questions-
Who created religious places?
Who created temples?
Who created mosques?
Who created churches?
Who created Gurdwaras etc?
*How people used to worship?
When these places were not there!
*How people used to know Almighty?
When these places were not created!
*Who created Lord Ganesha?
Who created Lord Shiva?
Who created Lord Vishnu?
*Who created Hindu Gods?
Who created Muslim Gods?
Who created Christian Gods?
Who created Gods of all religions?
*How people used to worship?
When these Gods were not created!
*Who created genders?
Who created religions?
Who created nations?
Who created races?
Who created languages?
Who created complexions?
Who created complexes?
Who created business?
Who created employment?
How these were created?
*How people used to live?
Without all of them!
*How fire was discovered?
How its quality was discovered?
That it burns! It heats!
How people used to live before it?
*People used to worship nature!
People used to worship source of creation!
When religious places were not created!
Gods of all religions were not created!
*People wondered!
How they had been created!
They started to worship nature!
*What is nature?
Human body is nature!
Tree, plants are nature!
Ocean, hills etc are nature!
*Who created words?
Who created Guru?
Who created God?
Who created Mantras?
*Who created marriage systems?
Why marriage system was created?
How marriage system was created?
*All of them were created!
At different stages of human civilization!
What was that stage?
*Necessity is the mother of invention!
What was the necessity?
That all of them were created!
At different stages of civilization!
*Ask yourself?
Have we become really civilized?
After creating them!
*Try to know reply of these questions!
Do contamplation!
Thus try to know your origin!
Thus try to know yourself!
Thus try to know Almighty!
24 October 2021
Krishna Tatva
*What is Tatva?
Tatva is Hindi word!
In English!
It is called Element!
*Krishna Tatva!
Allah Tatva!
Jesus Tatva!
Nanak Tatva!
*Durga Tatva!
Rama Tatva!
Ganesh Tatva!
Shiva Tatva!
Vishnu Tatva!
*Paramatma Tatva!
Atma Tatva!
*All these Tatva!
Only one!
*No difference in them!
All these Tatva are same!
*Krishna Tatva in every place!
In this universe!
*Entire universe inside!
Of this Krishna Tatva!
Not outside!
Since it is infinite!
*In fact Krishna Tatva only exists!
Nothing else exists!
*Journey of life of everyone!
Aim of life of every one!
To be settled in this Krishna Tatva!
Where sorrows can't touch you!
*If one is settled in this Krishna Tatva!
One becomes immortal for ever!
*Krishna Tatva is called Brahm!
Brahm is different than Brahma!
*Divine journey only for this purpose!
Spiritual journey only for this purpose!
To know this Krishna Tatva!
And then to settle in this Krishna Tatva!
*My best wishes to all of you!
For your happy Spiritual journey!
Wish You Merry Christmas!
19 DEC 2022
Know Ocean of consciousness
*Detachment and Atma-Vichar!
They bless liberation!
*When wrong knowledge is removed!
Then desires are finished!
And one is blessed with divine joy!
That is without time, space, thing!
*That is called Brahm!
That is visible as world!
It appears as Dwait due to oversight!
That is without thought everywhere!
*Thus know this!
And be peaceful!
*That is situated in itself!
Nothing like Chitt, Avidya!
Subtle mind, Jeeva exist!
These are visible in Brahm!
Due to mistakes!
In Brahm nothing exists!
*In all the worlds!
From Shiva up to the grass!
Every thing is Brahm!
*Neutral, friend, enemy!
Every one is Brahm!
*Till intellect is trapped!
In the world!
Due to ignorance!
And one sees many!
In one Brahm!
Till that time!
Chitt exists!
*Till Aham Bhav in body!
And Mamatva in Anatma!
Till that time illusion of Chitt exists!
*Till that time!
One does not get this highest!
With preaching of Saint and Scriptures!
And folly is not removed!
Till that time!
Illusion of Chitt exists!
*Till that time ego of body is not removed!
Illusion of world is not finished!
And one is not situated in knowledge!
Till then illusion of Chitt exists!
5 December 2022
True Incident : When I came to know the Truth of these sacred words of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva has told in Ramayana:
Uma Kahau Mein Anubhav Apna.....
I am blessed to realize these sacred words of Lord Shiva!
I was enlightened during the year 1990 with the infinite grace and blessing of Lord Sri Krishna!
It is truly mentioned in Bhagavad Gita.
I also had the same experience:-
One can't see Almighty with the normal eyes. Hence I was blessed with Divya Dristhi, the divine
After that I was enlightened.
I felt that I was sleeping since millions of years. I experienced that I woke up all of the sudden
after seeing a long dream of thousands of births.
I lost my all individuality and personality.
I felt that I have been blessed with a new birth.
15 SEP 2022
Nothing Exists Except Almighty
*Only Self exists!
And nothing else!
*Self is Atma!
Self is Paramatma!
Self is Almighty!
*Self is Krishna!
Self is Jesus!
Self is Allah!
*Self is Ganesh!
Self is Shiva!
Self is Durga!
Self is Rama!
*Self is every God!
Self is every Goddess!
Of every religion!
*Self sees the world!
Self sees the body!
*I am the Self!
I am Drishta!
World is Drishya!
Body is Drishya!
*I am Atma!
I am seeing the world!
I am seeing the body!
*I am Seer!
World is scene!
Body is scene!
*Almighty is infinite!
Paramatma is infinite!
*Infinite Paramatma is seeing the world!
Infinite Almighty is seeing every thing!
Infinite Self is seeing every one!
*Paramatma is filled everywhere!
There is no space for world!
But Paramatma is seeing the world!
*Like we see the dream!
We see world in the dream!
There is no space of the world!
In the dream which we see!
Only we exist, not the dream!
*I am seeing the world!
World is not seeing me!
*I am seeing the body!
Body is not seeing me!
20 June22
@Why great people have sorrows?
@All great people have sorrows!
Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha!
All had sorrows in their lives!
Why great people have sorrows?
@Have you ever thought about this?
Can you reply this question?
@They have to win the Prakriti!
They have to win the nature!
@And winning the nature!
It is not an easy task!
@What is the nature?
What is the Prakriti?
@Your body is nature!
Your mind, intellect, ego!
All these are nature!
This world is nature!
@Hence they have to win!
All these things!
@How can they win?
They can win only if!
They are given adverse situations!
In body, mind, intellect, world etc!
@How can they be given adverse situations?
Only by sorrows, not by happiness!
@And they have to pass!
All these difficult exams!
@Only after that!
They can become great!
@Thus they can remove their sorrows!
Thus they can remove sorrows of others!
@Only due to this reason!
We still remember them!
@We remember them!
For our benefit!
To follow their path!
To remove our sorrows!
? ? ?
30 April 2022
Hindu Muslim Christian
*All are my children!
Irrespective of their religion!
*Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh!
All religions my children!
*I live in their heart!
I give them life!
*I love my children equally!
But those who love Me!
They are very dear to Me!
They live in My heart!
*I am Ishwar!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Nanak!
*I am Ganesh!
I am Durga!
I am Shiva!
I am Krishna!
*All these My different names!
All these My different forms!
*I am with form!
I am without form!
*This is My voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
10 April 2022
Ram Tatva
*What is Tatva?
Tatva is Hindi word!
In English!
It is called Element!
*Ram Tatva!
Jesus Tatva!
Nanak Tatva!
Allah Tatva!
*Durga Tatva!
Krishna Tatva!
Ganesh Tatva!
Shiva Tatva!
Vishnu Tatva!
*Paramatma Tatva!
Atma Tatva!
*All these Tatva!
Only one!
*No difference in them!
All these Tatva are same!
*Ram Tatva in every place!
In this universe!
*Entire universe inside!
Of this Ram Tatva!
Not outside!
Since it is infinite!
*In fact Ram Tatva only exists!
Nothing else exists!
*Journey of life of everyone!
Aim of life of every one!
To be settled in this Ram Tatva!
Where sorrows can't touch you!
*If one is settled in this Ram Tatva!
One becomes immortal for ever!
*Ram Tatva is called Brahm!
Brahm is different than Brahma!
*Divine journey only for this purpose!
Spiritual journey only for this purpose!
To know this Ram Tatva!
And then to settle in this Ram Tatva!
*My best wishes to all of you!
For your happy Spiritual journey!
*Happy Durga Navami!
Happy Ram Navami!
You can give it any name
It is like this!
You need water!
It is essential to quench your thirst!
You can give it any name!
You can call it Neer!
You can call it Paani!
You can call it Jal!
You can call it water!
But by giving different names!
It does not change its property!
It remains as it is!
It quenches the thirst of all!
Irrespective of their religion!
Irrespective of their gender!
Irrespective of their nation!
Irrespective of their language!
Same is the case with Almighty!
You can call Him Rama!
You can call Him Allah!
You can call Him Krishna!
You can call Him Shiva!
You can call Him Durga!
You can call Him Jesus!
You can call Him Nanak!
By giving different names!
Almighty will not change!
He will remain as it is!
He will quench your thirst!
Of your thousands of births!
Irrespective of your religion!
Irrespective of your gender!
Irrespective of any differences!
Since He is the sole aim of your birth!
Since you are longing for Him!
Since your thousands of births!
Since He can only quench your thirst!
If you share this post!
In the required language!
To remove the ignorance!
It will be worship of Krishna!
It will be Namaz for Allah!
It will be love to Jesus!
Then you use your education!
Then you make use of reading it!
1 Mar 2022
Om Namah Shivaya Mantra Meaning
*Om Namah Shivaya is a powerful and popular Mantra of Lord Shiva.
But do you know its meaning?
*Shiva means Kalyankari in Hindi.
Kalyankari means one who does good of every one!
Hence meaning of this Mantra.
We worship one who always does good of others!
*But, what is real good?
Real good is one which is done selflessly!
If we always do good of every one selflessly ie without any intention or motive of our gain, then
we are in Shiva!
*But we can make one intention, one motive!
We can see Shiva inside every one!
Shiva means Shiv-Tatva which includes every God like Jesus, Allah, Nanak etc!
You can name it Almighty!
*Then we really love Lord Shiva!
Then we really chant this auspicious and powerful Mantra!
*Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri!
*Om Namah Shivaya ? ??? ?? ???
1 Mar 2022
Maha Shivratri Message of Shiva
*O My Children!
Don't fear death!
I am Lord of death!
Take it a play!
*You have seen death!
Many times!
In your dreams!
Do you remember now?
*Take birth and death!
Like in a dream!
*You are the witness of birth!
You are the witness of death!
*Why do you worry?
You never die!
*Don't be attached with body!
Don't be attached with world!
*See every thing in a dream!
See every thing in movie!
*Do you fear after the dream?
Do you fear after the movie?
*Sometimes death becomes necessary!
Sometimes birth becomes necessary!
*I have to take birth!
When Dharma declines!
*Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri!
*Om Namah Shivaya ? ??? ?? ???
24 October 2021
Krishna Tatva
*What is Tatva?
Tatva is Hindi word!
In English!
It is called Element!
*Krishna Tatva!
Allah Tatva!
Jesus Tatva!
Nanak Tatva!
*Durga Tatva!
Rama Tatva!
Ganesh Tatva!
Shiva Tatva!
Vishnu Tatva!
*Paramatma Tatva!
Atma Tatva!
*All these Tatva!
Only one!
*No difference in them!
All these Tatva are same!
*Krishna Tatva in every place!
In this universe!
*Entire universe inside!
Of this Krishna Tatva!
Not outside!
Since it is infinite!
*In fact Krishna Tatva only exists!
Nothing else exists!
*Journey of life of everyone!
Aim of life of every one!
To be settled in this Krishna Tatva!
Where sorrows can't touch you!
*If one is settled in this Krishna Tatva!
One becomes immortal for ever!
*Krishna Tatva is called Brahm!
Brahm is different than Brahma!
*Divine journey only for this purpose!
Spiritual journey only for this purpose!
To know this Krishna Tatva!
And then to settle in this Krishna Tatva!
*My best wishes to all of you!
For your happy Spiritual journey!
19 Aug 2021
Who is brave?
*One who does atrocities!
On weak people!
He is not brave!
He is coward!
*Anyone who creates fear!
He is not brave!
Anyone who makes fearless!
He is brave in true sense!
*One who protects!
Weak people!
By risking his life!
He is truly brave!
*Rama protected weak people!
Krishna protected weak people!
Jhansi ki Rani protected weaker!
Shivaji protected weak people!
*Such people are brave!
And those follow them!
They are brave!
They also do like them!
*Forward this to all concerned!
To wake up all concerned!
24 July 2021
Who is Guru?
*Any one who has seen Guru Tatva!
Who is settled in Guru Tatva!
He is called Guru!
Irrespective of any differences!
*Guru Tatva!
Krishna Tatva!
Allah Tatva!
Jesus Tatva!
Nanak Tatva!
*Durga Tatva!
Rama Tatva!
Ganesh Tatva!
Shiva Tatva!
Vishnu Tatva!
*Paramatma Tatva!
Atma Tatva!
*All these Tatva!
Only one!
*No difference in them!
Every Tatva is same!
*Guru Tatva in every place!
In this universe!
*Entire universe inside!
Of this Guru Tatva!
Not outside!
Since it is infinite!
*In fact Guru Tatva only exists!
Nothing else exists!
*Journey of life of everyone!
Aim of life of every one!
To be settled in this Guru Tatva!
Where sorrows can't touch you!
*If one is settled in this Guru Tatva!
One becomes immortal for ever!
*Guru Tatva is called Brahm!
Brahm is different than Brahma!
*Divine journey only for this purpose!
Spiritual journey only for this purpose!
To know this Guru Tatva!
And then to settle in this Guru Tatva!
*My best wishes to all of you!
For your happy Spiritual journey!
*Wish You Happy Guru Purnima!!!
28 June 2021
Shivoham : I am Brahm
I am Shiva!
I am Vishnu!
I am Rama!
I am Krishna!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Buddha!
I am Nanak!
I am Sri Sri Ravi Shankar!
I am Prem Rawat!
I am Sathya Sai Baba!
I am Shirdi Sai Baba!
I am Raman Maharshi!
I am Kabir!
I am Tuka Ram!
I am Dadu!
I am Dada Bhagwan!
I am Mehar Baba!
I am Neem Karoli Baba!
I am Baba Buta Singh Nirankari!
I am Mahavatar Baba!
I am Lahiri Mahasaya!
I am Yukteshwar Giri!
I am Yogananda!
I am Guru!
I am Shishy!
I am Dwait!
I am Adwait!
I am Brahm!
I am Almighty!
I am Paramatma!
I am Atma
I am Jiva!
I am Nirjiva!
I am movable!
I am immovable!
I am everyone!
No one different than me!
All names, all forms!
In my sweet dream!
When I wake up!
I find!
No one exists!
Nothing exists!
Except myself!
I alone exist!
28 June 2021
Shivoham : I am Brahm
I am Shiva!
I am Vishnu!
I am Rama!
I am Krishna!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Buddha!
I am Nanak!
I am Sri Sri Ravi Shankar!
I am Prem Rawat!
I am Sathya Sai Baba!
I am Shirdi Sai Baba!
I am Dada Bhagwan!
I am Mehar Baba!
I am Neem Karoli Baba!
I am Baba Buta Singh Nirankari!
I am Mahavatar Baba!
I am Lahiri Mahasaya!
I am Yukteshwar Giri!
I am Yogananda!
I am Guru!
I am Shishy!
I am Dwait!
I am Adwait!
I am Brahm!
I am Almighty!
I am Paramatma!
I am Atma
I am Jiva!
I am Nirjiva!
I am movable!
I am immovable!
I am everyone!
No one different than me!
All names, all forms!
In my sweet dream!
When I wake up!
I find!
No one exists!
Nothing exists!
Except myself!
I alone exist!
? ? ?
16 June 2021
True Incident when I was child
This is true incident when I was child.
We used to live in a very ordinary rented house. This may be the incident of about more than
thirty years old.
Owner of the house gave us ultimate to vacate the house by so and so date as he wanted to
sell it.
My father tried but couldn't get any suitable house on rent.
The matter reached to the court. With some influence, the owner of the house got the court
order. The court had given some deadline to vacate the house.
Only a few days were left for the deadline to vacate the house. My mother was too much
worried. It was the court order, if the house could not be vacated, it was to be vacated through
Police force on that date.
The owner was too much happy. It seems that he spent much amount of money at lower level to
get this order passed.
My mother was too much worried. She used to worship Lord Shiva. She went to the temple for
Lord Shiva listened her prayer and gave her thought to visit one of our family friends. He was a
Judge but in some lower court. We were not knowing that he was dealing such cases.
My mother told the entire incident to him. After knowing it, he told my mother that he only
passed that order. Why we didn't inform him earlier?
He told my Mom - No problem. You need not vacate the house till you want.
We got too much relief. The decision to vacate the house was stayed till further notice.
My Mother thanked Lord Shiva for showing His grace!
11 March 2021
How you feel during enlightenment?
When you are enlightened!
You feel that you are not body!
You are pure Atma! Soul!
Then earth is revolved very fast!
There is so much brightness!
You can't see anything except divine!
Soon the world is disappeared!
Only you and Paramatma are left!
Then you get divine eyes!
Every thing becomes divine!
You can't see Almighty by these eyes!
Soon you are also merged with Paramatma!
Drop merges in mighty ocean of Almighty!
Then you feel and live as Atma!
You feel you are thousands of years old!
Then you see the person!
Of even one hundred years old!
As very small child!
Then you need not to live in the world!
Since very purpose of life is achieved!
It depends upon you to live or not!
But you may choose to live!
For the good of one and all!
As per your remaining Prarabdha!
Then you see every one as Krishna!
Then you see every one as Shiva!
Then you see everyone as God!
Then you can give even one crore rupees!
Even to a Beggar!
If you have this amount!
Thinking him God!
Then no difference remains!
Between any person and God!
Then you can touch the feet of!
A beggar! Untouchable!
A dog! Cow! Any animal!
Considering him God!
Then you forget the doors!
Even of your home!
Then you look like a mad!
Then you are intoxicated!
In the love of Krishna!
Then you forget all things!
Then sweet food will be bitter for you!
Then bitter food will be sweet for you!
Then even if you speak!
A smallest lie!
You will feel like!
You are shot!
You have no life!
You are finished!
Then you feel the home of Almighty!
As your home! Sweet home!
Then joy of lust will be like poison for you!
It will be very difficult to you to leave the joy!
Of bliss, Anand, Paramand, divine joy!
5 Mar 2021
How you feel during enlightenment?
When you are enlightened!
You feel that you are not body!
You are pure Atma! Soul!
Then earth is revolved very fast!
Soon the world is disappeared!
Only you and Paramatma are left!
Soon you are also merged with Paramatma!
Drop merges in mighty ocean of Almighty!
Then you need not to live in the world!
Since very purpose of life is achieved!
It depends upon you to live or not!
But you may choose to live!
For the good of one and all!
As per your remaining Prarabdha!
Then you see every one as Krishna!
Then you see every one as Shiva!
Then you see everyone as God!
Then you can give even one crore rupees!
Even to a Beggar!
If you have this amount!
Thinking him God!
Then no difference remains!
Between any person and God!
Then you can touch the feet of!
A beggar! Untouchable!
A dog! Cow! Any animal!
Considering him God!
Then you forget the doors!
Even of your home!
Then you look like a mad!
Then you are intoxicated!
In the love of Krishna!
Then you forget all things!
Then sweet food will be bitter for you!
Then bitter food will be sweet for you!
Then even if you speak!
A smallest lie!
You will feel like!
You are shot!
You have no life!
You are finished!
Then you feel the home of Almighty!
As your home! Sweet home!
Then joy of lust will be like poison for you!
It will be very difficult to you to leave the joy!
Of bliss, Anand, Paramanand, divine joy!
5 Mar 2021
Can you leave everything?
How much value do you give to God?
Can you leave your family, job! All things!
For knowing Shiva! Krishna! Allah!
Without any money or mobile!
And just leaving some message!
It depends upon your seriousness!
Lack of love from you, not from Krishna!
If you can do so!
Then you are eligible!
To know Krishna!
To know Shiva!
To know Almighty!
To know Atma!
To know yourself!
After this it depends on Krishna!
To send you back to your home or not!
If you are ready for this!
Then believe me!
You really love Krishna!
You are very near to Almighty!
8 March 2021
How my Spiritual Birth took place? Part 3
Self enquiry is the best way to know yourself.
Major portion of my Spiritual Birth was covered by self enquiry.
I used to ask myself and I used to reply myself during walking, sitting, seeing etc most of the
times. It took some days to get proper reply of my questions from myself!
What is self enquiry? Try to know yourself. What you are? What you are not?
Reject the non-self! Reject what you are not!
Accept only what you are!
Ask yourself! Are you body or body is yours?
Are you eyes or eyes are yours?
Are you head or head is yours?
Are you legs or legs are yours?
Are you five elements?
Ask yourself again and again and try to reply yourself. You must be satisfied with your reply.
Almighty will help you!
Try to win desire, anger, greed, attachment.
Krishna will help you! Shiva will help you!
I adopted the same process during the initial stages of my Spiritual journey during the year
And I got the final correct reply from myself!
Thus I could know myself!
Thus I could get final reply to - Who am I?
Try this!
Krishna will certainly help you!
Shiva will certainly help you!
Wishing You Happy Maha Shivaratri!
2 MAR 2021
One has to drink the poison
One has to drink the poison!
Like Lord Shiva!
Only then one can reach to Shiva!
Only then one can reach to Krishna!
You have to drink the poison!
Of insult, hurt, etc!
If you want to reach out to Shiva!
By drinking poison!
You purify your mind!
Day by day!
Mind is like moon!
Why Shiva keeps moon?
Over His head!
Why Shiva is shown?
Drinking poison?
Moon is cool and calm!
Poison is insult and hurt!
If you drink the poison!
Then only you can keep!
The moon on your head!
Then only you can be cool and calm!
Then only you can reach to Shiva!
Then only you can reach to Krishna!
Sacred name of Shiva!
It will purify your mind!
Holy name of Krishna!
It will purify your mind!
Once mind is purified!
You become Atma!
You become soul!
As you are!
2 MAR 2021
Krishna is Shiva
Krishna is Shiva!
Shiva is Krishna!
Krishna has told in Gita!
To whom so ever you worship!
You worship Krishna only!
If you worship Shiva!
If you worship Allah!
If you worship Jesus!
It comes to Krishna only!
Krishna accepts your worship!
Whatever form you worship!
He is all in one, one in all!
25 February 2021
How my Spiritual Birth took place? Part 2
Continued from Part 1
I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I
remembered his death and thought I would also die. Thus I had very much fear of death. I
couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I thought to jump from the railway
bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to resolve my plight.
Thus my prayer continued.
Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to
save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he
became my greatest Guru.
Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like
Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of
Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are
talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife
and two small kids. Thus you have done a great sin. Go back to your home!
It took from December 1989 to February 1990.
My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.
25 FEB 2021
Mantras are true
I have checked myself about the truth of various Mantras during the initial stages of my
Sadhana itself during the year 1989-90.
The Mantras are as true as the calculations in Mathematics.
Mantra like Om Tat Sat, Om Mantra, Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram, Om Namah Shivaya,
Om Namo Narayana, Jai Jai Bajrang Bali and other Mantras are very very True. And you should
not have even the slightest of doubts in this truth. All these Mantras give direct impact to
different body parts resulting different reactions by our body parts, feelings and emotions.
These Mantras work at subtle levels which mind can not understand.
These Mantras work as sacred vibrations. Thus they purify our body, mind, intelligence and
Jai Jai Bajrang Bali.
Jai Sri Hanuman!
28 JAN 2021
People are more sad than you
People are more sad than you!
Believe me!
And it is very good!
That you are sad!
And it is all designed by Almighty!
Believe me!
Not to trouble you!
But to make you stronger!
All have suffered like this!
Even Lord Shiva suffered like this!
Even Lord Rama suffered like this!
Even more than this!
There is no other way out!
Since you are to be removed!
From your wrong identity!
You have to experience it!
Not knowing theoretically!
But practically!
And for knowing it practically!
Pitcher has to be baked in fire!
Since He is the Master Potter!
If you are not ready for it!
Then you must be ready!
For your thousands of deaths!
Birth after the births!
If your child wants to touch the fire!
Will you allow him?
4 December 2020
Don't confuse in the names
Don't confuse in the names!
Like Krishna!
Etc etc!
Make it simpler!
Be simple!
Call it Paramatma!
And Atma!
Almighty is Paramatma!
You are Atma!
You are His part!
He is your part!
All Gods are covered!
In this one name!
All Goddesses covered!
In this one name!
From every religion!
From all religions!
Hence don't confuse any more!
Make it simpler for always!
Since you are present!
Hence He is present!
Since you are His part!
He is your part!
? ? ?
3 December 2020
How my Spiritual Birth took place?
I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the
death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone. I couldn't see the death of anyone,
even in the movie.
Some times I saw the death of anyone in a movie and I started crying in the Cinema Hall itself.
In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the
death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.
I was in too much grief like Arjuna.
I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to
forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.
Some times I thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to
Almighty to resolve my plight.
Thus my prayer continued.
Krishna is very kind hearted. He melted. Like He came to save Draupadi. He came to save me
to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. There are four types of His lovers -
Gyani, Arta, Artharthi and Jigyasu. And He blesses all the four types as per their requirements. -
GITA 7/16
I was Arta. He came for my rescue as per His promise. Thus He ended my plight.
It took from December 1989 to February 1990.
My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.
Don't Compare Almighty With Ginn
Don't compare Almighty with Ginn!
You may be knowing the Ginn!
You must have read stories of Ginn!
He comes out of the bottle!
Then he asks, what you want!
Then he replies -
Jo hukm mere Aaka!
It means -
What ever you order, I will do!
Don't consider Almighty like Ginn!
Don't think that He will obey you!
He will listen your prayer!
But He will do as per your good!
Since He knows about you!
What is good, what is bad for you!
He is intelligent more than you!
He is intelligence itself!
Hence don't worry!
Be happy!
Just surrender to Him!
Then you need not worry for any thing!
You may call Him!
Goddess Durga!
Lord Krishna!
Lord Shiva!
Lord Ganesh!
Your Spiritual Master!
Spiritual Guru!
You can give Him any name!
Soul Meditation
It is one of the best meditation techniques.
As per Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Lord Shiva has described total 112 techniques to know Almighty.
Out of them one is to be centered only on one thought again and again. If you focus your
attention on only one thought for three months, then you may know the secret of Almighty God.
In Soul Meditation, you are required to consider yourself as a Soul, not the body. Soul does not
do anything. Hence you will have to consider yourself as non-doer.
If you do this, it is called Soul Meditation.
Whenever your mind is free, you are free.
Remember this technique and do it again and again.
Concentrate on it.
You will get the benefit.
No doubt in this technique.
You can check yourself!
But you will have to do at least for one month and all the times when you are free during this
Just you have to remember!
Since you are soul, not the body!
Best wishes!
Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group
It is the irony
It is the irony.
We Indians consider our Gods like Lord Hanuman, Lord Krishna Lord Shiva, Lord Rama as out
of fashion or outdated.
But the foreigners including Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc, all are adopting these Gods as
modern, advancement and improvement of life irrespective of their religion, castes, language,
Many leading industrialists have took the benefit of our Gods. Like Steve Jobs and Facebook
founder Mark Zuckerberg said to visited Baba Neem Karoli, a prominent devotee of Lord
Hanuman. And they got the blessing and success in their business.
If you forget our Gods, you will remain empty handed.
If you firmly believe on your Gods, you may also get the same type of benefit.
Gods do not see Indian or foreigner or Hindu or Muslim. They see the entire world as one family.
How to pass very difficult time
When you have very difficult time. When you are likely to have depression.
Then following ways may help you to make you stronger:
1/ Know that Spiritual world or divine world is opposite to this world.
If you are having difficulty in this world, you will be having comfort in divine world. And you can
enter in this divine world only when you are alive, not after the death.
2/ Nothing is free. You get something by spending some thing. If you are having comfort, then
your bank account of virtues is reduced. If you are having difficulty, then you must be happy
since your sins are reduced.
3/ Know, this world is an Examination Hall. You have to pass the exam. Almighty is taking your
exam. And you have to pass this test. You must be happy that He has chosen you for this exam.
Since He takes the exam of only those whom He loves most. He considers you fit for the exam.
4/ You must come out of your comfort zone if you want to be stronger.
5/ Remember that you had difficulty many times in the past and you had overcome it.
Today you don't even remember them. Hence this difficult time will also pass like old one.
6/ You forgot your difficult time, worries, beloved persons and things to whom you loved most
ten years back. Hence this difficult time also you will forget after ten years.
7/ Gold glitters only after heating. Rose gives fragrance only after living with the thorns. Hence
this difficult time is also for shining you so that you can give fragrance.
8/ You are brave. You are not coward. Hence you can not run away from difficulties.
Remember, you can run away from the body but not from your mind.
9/ Think this universe as movie. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a movie. Are you
effected by movie? See the movie and enjoy good and bad both.
10/ Think this universe as a dream. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a dream. Are
you effected by dream? See the dream and enjoy good and bad.
11/ In fact, there is no difficult time or easy time. There is nothing good or bad. Only your
mindset and attitude makes it such. Hence try to make your attitude accordingly.
12/ Thank God you are breathing. Thank Almighty you are alive. About one and half lakh people
who were alive yesterday, they could not see the dawn of today morning. And this happens
13/ Go to any hospital. See, how people are sad, how much sorrows they are having!
They are more unhappy than you! Their difficulties are much more than you!
14/ Even Gods had difficult times. Lord Rama had to go exile for 14 years along with his wife.
Life of Sri Krishna was full of difficulties right from His birth. He took birth in Jail. Lord Shiva had
to drink poison. No one can be greater without drinking the poison.
15/ If autumn comes, spring will also come certainly. If night brings the darkness, then day will
also bring brightness very certainly in your life. Day and night are cycle of nature. Joy and
sorrow are cycle of nature. Why do you worry?
16/ If you want to make use of your education, please share this with others to enhance peace
and happiness. You must consider yourself fortunate if you can remove the pain or sorrows of
even one person.
Don't be proud of God
Don't be proud of God!
Don't have ego of God!
Don't boast that!
You worship!
Lord Rama!
Lord Krishna!
Don't have ego of Rama!
But follow His sayings!
Then you can't have ego!
Then you can not boast!
Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Shiva!
Allah, Jesus, Nanak, all same!
Follow words of Krishna!
He is incarnation of love!
He told to love all!
Hence, love all!
And that is His best worship!
This is the worship of Almighty!
Sorrows are very very necessary
Sorrows are very very necessary!
Since gold glitters after heating!
To reach up to the doors of Almighty!
Gold has to glitter very much!
And you are the gold!
You have to shine!
In present state!
You can't reach doors!
Any thing!
Beyond imagination!
Which none can see!
It can't be so cheap!
Even Gods had to face the sorrows!
Rama had to go for long exile!
You know about the birth of Krishna!
Life of Krishna is full of sorrows!
Even then you find Him always smiling!
Shiva had to take poison!
Never run away from sorrows!
Else you miss golden chance!
To shine you! To glitter the gold!
Which is your hidden treasure!
It is the vast ocean of sorrows!
Which you fear just on seeing!
But when you have courage!
Once you cross it!
You see its unending beauty!
You see its unending love!
Self is same in everyone
Self is same in everyone!
Self of Krishna is my self!
Self of Shiva is my self!
Self of Rama is my self!
Self of Almighty is my self!
Self of Allah is my self!
Self of Jesus is my self!
Self of Nanak is my self!
Since self of Almighty is Atma!
Since self of Allah is Atma!
Since God of every religion Atma!
And Atma is Paramatma, Almighty!
If you really love
If you really love!
If you really want your true lover!
If you want your divine love!
You will have to pray Almighty!
Radha prayed to Almighty!
Thus she got Krishna!
Sita prayed Almighty!
Thus she got Rama!
Parvati prayed Almighty!
Thus she got Shiva!
If you want your divine love!
You will have to pray Almighty!
If you want bliss!
You will have to pray Almighty!
Then only you can get your lover!
Then only you can be immortal!
Then only you can get bliss!
Then only you can know yourself!
It is the easiest way!
To get your divine lover!
Pray to Almighty!
And become one with lover!
If you become one with lover!
You become one with Almighty!
And immortal with bliss!
Then you know yourself!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Divine voice from sky: Almighty
I have no body!
I have no senses!
I have no mind!
I have no subtle mind!
I have no intellect!
I have no subtle intellect!
I have no ego!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Almighty!
I am Shiva!
I am Krishna!
I am Rama!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Nanak!
I am Buddha!
I am one in all!
I am all in one!
I am with shape!
I am without shape!
I am with form!
I am without form!
Nothing exists except me!
All are in me!
No one is different than me!
Nothing is different than me!
I am infinite ocean of divine love!
I am infinite ocean of divine bliss!
I am Almighty!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
If I am calling you
If I am calling you Ms Neeta!
I am not calling your body!
I am calling you!
I am calling Jeevatma!
And you are the part of Paramatma!
Since Jeevatma is part of Paramatma!
You are son of Paramatma!
Irrespective of your gender!
Hence this gives me an opportunity!
To remember Him, Almighty!
Almighty is Paramatma!
Almighty is Atma!
Almighty is Ganesha!
Almighty is Shiva!
Almighty is Durga!
Almighty is Rama!
Almighty is Krishna!
Almighty is Guru!
Almighty is Allah!
Almighty is Jesus!
Almighty is Nanak!
Almighty is Buddha!
Almighty is one n only one!
Nothing exists except one Almighty!
If I praise you!
I praise Almighty!
If I love you!
I love Almighty!
Allah is Atma
Allah is Atma!
Atma has no religion!
Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma has no religion!
Ganesha is Atma!
Krishna is Atma!
Rama is Atma!
Shiva is Atma!
Saraswati is Atma!
Durga is Atma!
Kali is Atma!
Laxmi is Atma!
Almighty is Atma!
Paramatma is Atma!
God is Atma!
Brahm is Atma!
Except one Atma!
Nothing exists!
In this universe!
And out of the universe!
Everyone is Atma!
Everything is Atma!
Every word is Atma!
Every thought is Atma!
Subtle intellect is Atma!
Intellect is Atma!
Subtle mind is Atma!
Mind is Atma!
Senses are Atma!
Body is Atma!
All genders are Atma!
Women are one Atma!
Men are one Atma!
Atma is one n only one!
Atma is Almighty!
Atma is Brahm!
Atma is everywhere!
All Gods are one Atma!
All Avatars are one Atma!
Nothing is without Atma!
Atma has pervaded every one!
Paramatma has pervaded every thing!
Atma has pervaded the sky!
Paramatma has pervaded the sky!
You can't hide anything from Atma!
You can't hide anything from Paramatma!
Jeevatma are many!
Atma is only one!
Mercy of Sri Krishna
A fool like me!
Graced by Sri Krishna!
I was having no ability!
But He graced me!
With His infinite mercy!
I have no such tongue!
Which can describe!
The glories of Krishna!
Even infinite tongues!
Can not describe Him!
I can't describe!
Mercy of Sri Krishna!
He is infinite!
Hence for describing Him!
Infinite wisdom required!
Infinite intellect required!
Only one thing!
I can do!
I can weep after missing Him!
Remembering His mercy!
Such a lovely Krishna!
Such a merciful Almighty!
He is Paramatma!
He is Atma!
He is Ganesh!
He is Guru!
He is Shiva!
He is Vishnu!
He is Durga!
He is Kali!
He is Saraswati!
He is Laxmi!
He is Ishwar!
He is Allah!
He is Nanak!
He is Jesus!
He is Buddha!
He is Mahavir!
He is Shirdi Sai!
He is Kabir!
He is Paramanand!
He is Shanti!
He is all in one!
He is one in all!
Why you can't follow Him?
Why you can't believe His glory?
You can see yourself!
If you don't believe me!
He is the only one solution!
For your all viruses!
For your all diseases!
For your all problems!
How is Almighty?
I have no body!
I have no senses!
I have no mind!
I have no subtle mind!
I have no intellect!
I have no subtle intellect!
I have no ego!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Almighty!
I am Shiva!
I am Krishna!
I am Rama!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Nanak!
I am Buddha!
I am one in all!
I am all in one!
I am with shape!
I am without shape!
I am with form!
I am without form!
Nothing exists except me!
All are in me!
No one is different than me!
Nothing is different than me!
I am infinite ocean of divine love!
I am infinite ocean of divine bliss!
I am Almighty!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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? ? ?
???? ????, ??????? ??????? I Sanatan Metaphysics I ?????????????? I Vedic Astronomy I ???? ??????? I Tarot I I Help You Build Spiritual Wealth Bridging Sanatan Wisdom With Modern Life. UGC NET Qualified [Management].
10 个月Har har Mahadev ???????
10 个月Career Guidance
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PHLD Planner at Katoen Natie khonaini
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Engineer at Syrma SGS Technology Limited
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