Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Samadhi
Pravin Agrawal ????
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Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Samadhi.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
? ? ?
22 September 2023
Body is ego
*When I come from Samadhi!
First of all I see my body!
*Then I see world from body!
Then I am entangled!
In body and the world!
Then I feel joy and sorrow!
*Body is the cause of bondage!
World is the cause of bondage!
*Body is the ego!
When I say I am body!
I am trapped in body!
I am trapped in world!
*When I know I am Atma!
Not a body!
Then no body, no world!
Only I am left!
*Body is the cause of ego!
Ego is cause of joy sorrow!
*Same is true for you!
Same is true for me!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
21 September 2023
Everyone everything thought of Atma
*Everyone is thought of Atma!
Everything is thought of Atma!
Only Atma exists, nothing else!
*Water is thought of Atma!
Fire is thought of Atma!
Air is thought of Atma!
Five elements thought of Atma!
*Atma just thinks!
Water is produced!
Atma just thinks!
Fire is produced!
*Atma just thinks!
Five elements are produced!
*Atma just thinks!
Your body is produced!
Else you are always in Samadhi!
*Atma just thinks!
Everything is produced!
*Atma just thinks!
Everyone is produced!
*Atma is Kalpa Taru!
An ancient tree!
Which produces everything!
Whatever you think!
*Atma is Chintamani!
An ancient jewel!
Which produces!
Whatever you think!
*Atma is self!
Atma is yourself!
Atma is every gender!
Atma is consciousness!
Atma is soul!
Atma is Paramatma!
Atma is Almighty!
Atma is every God!
Of every religion nation!
Atma is Radha!
Atma is Sri Krishna!
*Nothing exists!
Except one infinite Atma!
*Atma is power of everyone!
Atma is power of everything!
Which is supreme power!
Which is present for ever!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 May 2023
What is Upadhi?
*You are PM CM!
You are ED, CMD!
You are popular!
You are celebrity!
You are Film-Star!
You are Sports-Star!
You are Prize winner!
You are Senior!
You are junior!
*You are well known!
You are unknown!
*You are millionaire!
You are poor!
*You are king!
You are beggar!
*You are man, woman!
You are body!
You are subtle body!
You are mind!
You are senses!
You are intellect!
You are ego!
*All these are Upadhi!
Means, you are covered by these!
*Remove all such Upadhi!
Then you will find!
You are always in Samadhi!
*Your wrong presumption!
About your true identity!
That is called Upadhi!
*Know, you are immortal Atma!
Then there is no Upadhi!
Then you are always in Samadhi!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
20 March 2023
No body, No World
*Body exists!
Only then world exists!
*When body does not exist!
World does not exist!
*Ego exists!
Ego of body exists!
Subtle mind exists!
Only then world exists!
Else there is no world!
Only one Atma exists!
Only Almighty exists!
Only Brahman exists!
*In fact!
Ego doesn't exist!
Body does not exist!
Subtle mind does not exist!
Hence world does not exist!
Only one Atma exists!
Only Almighty exists!
Only Brahman exists!
*This Truth we know in Samadhi!
This we experience in Samadhi!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 March 2023
Where is the body?
*In Samadhi!
Where is the body?
Where is the world?
*If anything exists!
It always exists!
Any time, if it doesn't exist!
Then it doesn't exist always!
*Any thing which doesn't exist!
It may seem to be visible!
It never exists!
*Where is the body?
Where is the world?
During the Samadhi!
*Only I exist in Samadhi!
Body, world don't exist!
During the Samadhi!
*Hence only I exist!
Body does not exist!
World does not exist!
*When I come out of Samadhi!
My dream again starts!
I again start to see the dream!
Then body, world seem to exist!
*I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am the self!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 March 2023
Yog Vashishth and Samadhi
*Some time!
I can't listen!
Yoga Vasishta!
*Initially I listen it!
But after some time!
I go into the Samadhi!
*Then I can't listen it!
Even after listening!
*I can't know!
What was I listening!
*Then I want to listen it again!
To know this secret knowledge!
*This is the miracle!
Of this precious gem!
Yoga Vasishta Maha Ramayana!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 February 2023
What is Yoga Samadhi?
*To be without desire!
To remain without desire!
That is called Yoga!
That is called Samadhi!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
5 February 2023
Upadhi and Samadhi
*Remove all Upadhi!
You are always in Samadhi!
*What is Upadhi?
Your face!
Your name and fame!
Your popularity!
Your post like PM CM!
Your designation MD, DG!
Your wealth!
Your esteem like celebrity!
Your wisdom!
Your qualities!
Your qualifications!
Your stardom!
Your fan following!
Your richness!
Your poverty!
Your bigness, smallness!
Your body, Intellect, senses!
All these are Upadhi!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
23 Jan 23
All miracles in dream
*Tell me!
Reply me!
*If you see any miracle!
During the day!
During your waking!
*Do you see it?
In your sleep?
Do you see it in deep sleep?
You don't see!
*Do you know?
Four states of consciousness!
Deep sleep!
*During waking!
Whatever you do in sleep!
It becomes dream!
*During sleep!
Whatever you do in waking!
It becomes dream!
*During Deep Sleep and Samadhi!
Whatever you do!
In waking and sleep!
Nothing is available!
Only you are left!
*Hence you are different!
Than all these your states!
Since you are present!
In all these states!
20 Jan 2023
No one can say that he is God
*God is Sat Chit Anand!
No one can say that he is God!
*If one is settled in God!
Then he is in Samadhi!
Then no one else remains!
Except one Almighty God!
*Then no one is there to speak!
Then no one is there to listen!
*Hence who will say?
Hence who will listen?
*Then you can't say that you are God!
Then no one can say that he is God!
*Then world ends!
Then Maya ends!
Then illusion ends!
Then ignorance ends!
*Then only one Almighty is left!
Then only one Paramatma is left!
Then only one Atma is left!
Only one Sat Chit Anand is left!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
15 Jan 2023
Screen of Consciousness
*There is only one Chidakash!
There is one Supreme Soul!
One infinite screen of consciousness!
One infinite Chinmay Sky!
*This world movie!
Being played!
On this screen!
In this sky!
*You may sleep!
You may deep sleep!
You may wake up daily!
You may wake up in Samadhi!
In this world movie!
*Every one, every thing!
In this movie!
Nothing beyond this movie!
You are part of this movie!
*When you wake up for ever!
When you are in Samadhi!
When you know this fact!
Then movie is finished!
*Life and death!
Only in this movie!
Every one, everything And!
Your body in this movie!
*Nothing else exists!
Except this Chinmay screen!
*You may call it Almighty!
You may call it Paramatma!
You may call it Atma or!
God of any religion!
*When you love all!
Selflessly without want!
You know the secret!
Of this world movie!
*Purpose of your birth!
To know this secret!
*All festivals in this movie!
Happy Makar Sankranti
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
? ? ?
6 Jan 2023
How this universe is dream?
*I am Chidakash Atma!
When I start to imagine!
I create thought of body!
I create thought of world!
I start to see world from body!
*I am pure in nature!
Thoughts make me impure!
*In deep sleep no thought!
I feel purity and pleasure!
Then no dream, no Universe!
*In dream sleep!
No purity, no pleasure!
Different universe exists!
*In waking up of body!
No purity, no pleasure!
Then this universe exists!
*I Samadhi state!
I feel purity and pleasure!
Then no dream, no Universe!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 DEC 2022
True Incident : When I was too much sad
During the year 1990-91 in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat I was too much sad, full of sorrows after the
sad demise of my father. Sometimes I wanted to end my life. I used to consider myself most
sad, most unhappy person in the entire universe.
Most of the times I was busy in contamplation of Almighty.
Once I was engaged in the prayer of beloved Lord Sri Krishna.
All of the sudden I was filled with sacred divine bliss!
I tasted the divine nectar with the immense mercy and blessings of beloved Sri Krishna!
My sorrows were converted in to immense divine joy. It appeared to me that there was no
sorrows, no sadness, no unhappiness.
I was feeling that I was the most happy person on the earth!
I was feeling that I was the most fortunate person in the entire universe!
I was full of divine joy for some time!
I was full of gratitude for beloved and merciful Lord Sri Krishna!
I realized the truth of these verses of holy Bhagavad GitaBG 6.21: In that joyous state of Yog, called samadhi, one experiences supreme boundless
divine bliss, and thus situated, one never deviates from the Eternal Truth.
BG 6.22: Having gained that state, one does not consider any attainment to be greater. Being
thus established, one is not shaken even in the midst of the greatest calamity.
5 December 2022
To be free from all desires is Eternal Samadhi
*Peace is achieved!
When you have no desire!
*Desire is bondage!
Free of desire is liberation!
*Desire gives pain, pleasure!
Without desire nothing these!
*Atma-Vichar blesses Gyan!
Gyan reveals absence of scenes!
*When scenes disappear!
Desires disappear!
*World never exists!
But it is visible!
Due to desires!
*When there is no desire!
Then there is no bondage!
Then there is no liberation!
Then only Atma is left!
Then only Paramatma is left!
*You see the world!
As per your desires!
Since thoughts are created!
As per your desires!
*No desire!
No world!
*As fragrance is mixed in air!
Desires are mixed in Chinmay!
It causes the world!
It causes birth and death!
*Even if you desire!
Even if you don't desire!
You will get as per Prarabdha!
Hence it is better, don't desire!
*When you consider you as body!
Don't desire!
*When you consider you as Atma!
You can't desire!
Then no problem!
Even if body desires or not!
*If desires fulfilled!
You become happy!
If desires not fulfilled!
You become sad!
Hence never desire!
*Even if desires are fulfilled!
You will have to leave the items!
For which you have desires!
Every thing you have to leave!
*On receiving any item!
You become happy!
And on leaving it!
You become sad!
*Hence it is better!
Don't desire!
3 DEC 2022
True Incident : Experience of death
I have died thousands of times in thousands of births!
But during this birth itself I have died number of times.
This is the incident when I left my body probably second time!
I left my body first time when I was enlightened by my beloved Lord Sri Krishna!
Every time we go on Samadhi, we leave our body.
When I was serving in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during the year 1990 I was engaged in
contemplation of God most of the times after sad demise of my father.
One day I was reciting different Mantras of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman etc in
silence along with the contemplation. I was checking the influence of Mantra-Power of different
Gods on myself.
It might be more than one hour duration I left my body and I was flying in to the sky, departing to
the abode of Paramatma Sri Krishna or Almighty! Whatever you can name Him!
But I was feeling like alive!
My body was on the earth!
I was feeling liberated!
I realized the glory of Moksha!
When I reached very high in the sky, I remembered about my body and family.
I thought that family members would weep if I don't return to my body on the earth.
They will consider me dead.
Hence I returned to my body on the earth!
This is the true incident which I am sharing now on this very sacred day of Mokshada Ekadashi
and Gita Jayanti in the most auspicious month of the year ie Margashirsha month.
It is believed that Mokshada Ekadashi brings salvation if Lord Sri Krishna is worshiped or Gita is
recited on this auspicious occasion!
Lord Sri Krishna has himself told in GitaI am Margashirsha, the most auspicious month of the year!
I am sharing this incident for the good of one and all to know Mantra Power.
If you have full faith, focus and concentration. Then you can yourself witness the power of
Happy Mokshada Ekadashi!
Happy Gita Jayanti!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
23 NOV 2022
How subtle mind is formed?
*When I come from Samadhi, I see the body.
*I start to call it mine and I. And I start to call its relatives and things as mine. Thus I create my
subtle mind. Thus I create my world!
*When I think about you, I create subtle mind!
*When I think about anything, I create subtle mind!
*Thus I create my world!
*Thus many thinking makes subtle mind more strong!
*Thus many desires makes subtle mind more strong!
*Thus world becomes more strong!
*Then I tend to forget myself!
19 NOV 2022
Body does not dream
*Your body does not dream!
You see the dreams!
*You are not body!
You are Atma!
*Body is finite!
Atma is infinite!
*Atma sees the dream!
Atma sees three types of dreams!
*First type of dream!
Atma is seeing!
During your wake up state!
In which body is waking!
But Atma is sleeping!
*Second type of dream!
Atma is seeing!
During your sleep time!
In which body is dreaming!
Atma is also dreaming!
*Third type of dream!
Atma is seeing!
During your deep sleep time!
In which body is not dreaming!
But Atma is dreaming!
*When Atma wakes up!
There is no wake up state of body!
There is no dream state of body!
There is no deep sleep state of body!
Except Atma, every thing disappears!
*Then world disappears!
Then body disappears!
*Then only Atma is left!
That is Samadhi state!
31 OCT 2022
Body has no separate existence
*When I come out of Samadhi!
Body takes birth from me!
*I am Chinmay!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
*Body has no separate existence!
Jad has no separate existence!
World has no separate existence!
*When I see my body!
I see the world from body!
*Body acts like a biscope!
I see through this biscope!
Thus I find the world!
*Thus I produce the body and world!
Like I produce the dream in me!
*But this dream!
Only when!
I go to sleep!
*When I wake up!
I find the dream missing!
Then nothing exists except me!
That is the state of Samadhi!
*I am always in eternal Samadhi!
But for body it breaks some time!
When it takes birth from me!
Then I start to see the dream!
*I am always with Jad!
When I see through Jad!
I see the Maya!
When I don't see through Jad!
I see only myself, only I am left!
30 OCT 2022
@How I felt after enlightenment?
@It was during the year 1990.
During enlightenment my body was lost in Krishna, the Almighty!
@I was completely submerged in Paramatma!
I was completely in Samadhi!
@When I came out of Samadhi, I found this body. I wanted to call it this-
@I wanted to say -
This body is sitting.
@But I thought I have to live in society. If I start to say my body as this body, people will laugh.
This will not be practical.
@Hence I left my plan to call it - This body!
I started to say this body as - My body.
I started to say it - Me and Mine!
@But in reality I am not this body!
I am pure Atma!
I am pure Paramatma!
@This body has been received by me as a gift to act in this beautiful world.
@Hence if this body dies, I don't die!
30 SEP 2022
I exist in your name and form
*I only exist in your name!
I only exist in your form!
*I only exist in your beautiful face!
I only exist in your handsome face!
*There is no difference!
Between I and you!
I and you are same and one!
*I only exist in your birthday!
I only exist in your marriage anniversary!
I only exist in your work anniversary!
*I am proud of myself!
I am doing so good work!
In your name and form!
*You are doing a lot of service!
Of entire universe and mankind!
I am proud of myself!
I am doing in your name and form!
*You are so popular!
I am proud of myself!
I am so popular!
In your name and form!
*You are so powerful!
I am proud of myself!
I am so powerful!
In your name and form!
*You are one of the biggest leader!
I am proud of myself!
I am so big leader!
In your name and form!
*You are so big officer!
I am proud of myself
I am very big officer!
In your name and form!
*You are owner of many companies!
I am proud of myself!
I am owner of these big companies!
In your name and form!
*You have billions of dollars!
I am proud of myself!
I have billions of dollars!
In your name and form!
*You are IAS, IIM, IIT qualified!
I am proud of myself!
I am so qualified!
In your name and form!
*But you don't know yourself!
Once you know yourself!
All your these qualifications!
They will be vanished in moments!
With your bright dazzles!
*Treat all these only!
As if in your dream!
As if in my dream!
*When I am in deep sleep!
All these exist nothing!
Except myself only!
*When I am in Samadhi!
All these exist nothing!
Except myself only!
28 SEP 2022
Mein Hi To Hun Aapke Rup Mein!!
*I only exist in your name!
I only exist in your form!
*I only exist in your beautiful face!
I only exist in your handsome face!
*There is no difference!
Between I and you!
I and you are same and one!
*I only exist in your birthday!
I only exist in your marriage anniversary!
I only exist in your work anniversary!
*I am proud of myself!
I am doing so good work!
In your name and form!
*You are doing a lot of service!
Of entire universe and mankind!
I am proud of myself!
I am doing in your name and form!
*You are so popular!
I am proud of myself!
I am so popular!
In your name and form!
*You are so powerful!
I am proud of myself!
I am so powerful!
In your name and form!
*You are one of the biggest leader!
I am proud of myself!
I am so big leader!
In your name and form!
*You are so big officer!
I am proud of myself
I am very big officer!
In your name and form!
*You are owner of many companies!
I am proud of myself!
I am owner of these big companies!
In your name and form!
*You have billions of dollars!
I am proud of myself!
I have billions of dollars!
In your name and form!
*You are IAS, IIM, IIT qualified!
I am proud of myself!
I am so qualified!
In your name and form!
*But you don't know yourself!
Once you know yourself!
All your these qualifications!
They will be vanished in moments!
With your bright dazzles!
*Treat all these only!
As if in your dream!
As if in my dream!
*When I am in deep sleep!
All these exist nothing!
Except myself only!
*When I am in Samadhi!
All these exist nothing!
Except myself only!
? ? ?
23 SEP 2022
Dhyan Kaun Karega?
*Who will do the meditation?
Dhyan Kaun Karega?
*How can you do meditation?
How can you do Dhyan?
*You are infinite consciousness!
You are infinite Atma!
You are infinite Paramatma!
*Who is always in meditation!
Who can never leave meditation!
Who is in eternal Samadhi!
*How can he need to do meditation?
How can you need to do meditation?
*When you consider yourself as body!
Then only question of Dhyan arises!
Then only need of meditation arises!
*But when you are always Atma!
When you are infinite consciousness!
When you are infinite Paramatma!
No question of any Dhyan arises!
No need of any meditation arises!
23 SEP 2022
God and Jeeva
*There is no liberation!
There is no bondage!
*Which exists today!
That always exists!
*Which doesn't exist today!
That never exists!
*God is in eternal Samadhi!
I am in eternal Samadhi!
*If Samadhi doesn't exist now!
It can never exist!
*If Samadhi exists now!
It will always exist!
*Truth remains truth!
False can never become truth!
*It is merely ignorance!
Which gives false illusion!
*I am always liberated!
I was always liberated!
Since I am always God!
I am never Jeeva!
*I can never be bonded!
It was only my ignorance!
I thought myself bonded!
*I am always pure consciousness!
Body and mind are gifts to me!
*How my gift and myself?
Both can be same!
It is never possible!
*Gift remains gift!
I remain as myself!
*But due to ignorance!
I started myself to assume!
Merely body and mind!
Hence I thought myself as bonded!
*It was only in my thinking!
I considered myself as bonded!
*When ignorance is removed!
Then I am as it is!
I am pure consciousness as ever!
*Nothing can harm me!
Nothing can benefit me!
*Birth and death only to body!
Birth and death never to me!
22 SEP 2022
I am in eternal Samadhi
*My body is gift to me!
My mind is gift to me!
But I am not body, mind!
*I am pure consciousness!
I am Sat Chit Anand!
I am in eternal Samadhi!
*When I consider!
Body and mind as gift!
I am not trapped!
*When I don't consider!
Body and mind as gift!
I feel trapped!
22 SEP 2022
I am in eternal Samadhi
*I am seeing movie of world!
I am in eternal Samadhi!
*When I assume!
This world true!
I become subtle mind!
Then I start to act!
Through subtle mind!
*Then I assume myself!
As trapped in Maya or illusion!
*When I don't assume!
This world movie as true!
Then I remain as I am!
*But I am always!
In eternal Samadhi!
28 JULY 2022
@What is dream?
@Sapna Kya Hai?
What is dream?
@What you see!
That is dream!
@You may see it in night!
You may see it in day!
@Whatever you see in sleep!
Whatever you act in sleep!
That is dream!
@You may sleep in night!
You may sleep in day!
@But you never sleep!
Your mind sleeps!
Your body sleeps!
@When body sleeps!
Mind does not sleep!
That is normal dream!
@When body sleeps!
Mind sleeps!
That is deep sleep!
@When body does not sleep!
Mind sleeps!
That is Samadhi!
@How mind sleeps?
When no thoughts!
Then mind sleeps!
Then no mind!
@This is called enlightenment!
This is called God Realization!
@Purpose of birth!
To know this truth!
7 JULY 2022
@All this is my dream
@Whatever happened!
Whatever is happening!
Whatever will happen!
@All this is my dream!
Don't worry! Be happy!
@Who took birth in past!
Who are taking birth!
Who will take birth!
All are in Me!
@Who died in past!
Who are dieing!
Who will die!
All are in Me!
@Consider every one in dream!
Every thing in dream!
@Once I wake up!
I find this dream missing!
@In deep sleep!
I find this dream missing!
@In Samadhi!
I find this dream missing!
@Like in a movie!
Every one, every thing!
Colored lights!
@Consider same!
In this world movie!
Chinmay Light!
@Don't worry!
Be happy!
@Treat all this!
As My illusion!
@Don't be trapped!
In this illusion!
@This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
22 June22
@Every one is God
@If someone says!
He is God!
Then nothing is wrong!
Don't feel awkward!
@Every one is God!
In more or less proportion!
@Every one is human!
Every one is flesh and bones!
Every one is Chinmay!
Hence every one is God!
@Like every gold ornament!
It may be ring, necklace etc!
It is gold!
@Like every drop is water!
Like every spark is fire!
@In the same way!
Everyone is made by God!
Hence every one is God!
@But one must know!
For God, all are Gods!
There is no other!
No one is listener!
No one is speaker!
@Being in God!
It is state of Samadhi!
Then nothing else exists!
Except one Almighty!
@Sadhana must be continued!
Till one is in pure bliss always!
Till that time one is Sadhak!
14 June22
@Manifestation of the Self
@It is immaterial!
If Self manifests or not!
How can it matter?
@During dream world is manifested!
During waking world is manifested!
Self remains as it is!
@During deep sleep world is not manifested!
During Samadhi world is not manifested!
Self remains as it is!
@When world is manifested!
Mind feels joy and sorrows!
Due to the presence of Self!
@When world is not manifested!
Only joy and no sorrows!
Due to the presence of Self!
@During dream and waking!
Mind plays its role!
Hence joy and sorrows!
@During deep sleep and Samadhi!
No mind since mind sleeping!
Hence only joy and no sorrows!
@World is the cause of sorrows!
Self is the cause of joy!
@Mind is the cause of sorrows!
Self is the cause of joy!
24 April 2022
Karma Theory
*You are Atma!
You are not body!
*Hence you can't work!
Body works due to your presence!
*Gunas themselves act!
Nature itself works!
*Body is nature!
You are beyond nature!
*But due to your ego!
Due to your attachment in body!
You consider that you work!
But you can't work!
*Body is acting itself!
Due to the Sanskars of all births!
*But that is also in Maya illusion!
Like you work in your dreams!
*You do not think!
Mind itself thinks due to you!
*Hence you have to be actionless!
You have to be thoughtless!
To know your original state!
Which is without action, thought!
*But it is not possible!
Since you always work!
Except in deep sleep!
Except in Samadhi!
*Hence Krishna told best way in Gita!
That is sameness in all situations!
Do your Karma selflessly!
Without want of the results!
*You have right to do Karma!
But never in the results!
*Remain same in all the opposites!
Thus remain beyond duality!
*And the most important!
Work done by body is not work!
Work done by mind is true work!
Be same by body and mind!
*It is possible by Abhyas, practice!
It is possible by Vairgya, detachment!
*This is the beautiful theory!
Revealed by beloved Krishna!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 FEB 2022
Time and Space
*There is no time and space in me!
I am beyond time and space!
*Time and space are in mind!
I see time and space by mind!
*Time and space within the mind!
I am beyond the mind!
*I am pure Atma!
I am Satt Chitt Anand!
*Time and space in my dream!
I am beyond the dream!
*In deep sleep, no time and space!
In Samadhi, no time and space!
30 JAN 2021
True Incident With Me
About twenty years ago I went for the Darshan of Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi at Raj Ghat, New
I did Parikrama of Samadhi and bowed my head.
To my surprise I found as if Mahatma Gandhi standing near me and after a while disappeared.
Then I knew that he was really a Mahatma and a liberated soul.
This incident confirms the existence of soul as described by Lord Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita.
My infinite love, thanks and Pranam to lotus feet of Mahatma Gandhi.
Let the people know the greatness of Mahatma that He is still alive among us!
28 December 2021
How to enter in Divine Kingdom?
*At the initial stage of the Sadhana, I used to chant the holy names in very loud sound.
And in this process after some time I used to forget my body. I used to reach in Samadhi state
some times.
*Hence it is very good technique to enter in the divine kingdom. But your place must be in such
a place where no one should be disturbed due to your loud chanting.
*Loud chanting of holy names is beneficial even for animals, birds and trees.
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29 November 2021
When we wake up
*When you wake up!
First, you see your body!
After that you see!
The world from body!
*Hence you are different!
Than your body!
*Same is the case with Samadhi!
When we come out from Samadhi!
First we see our body!
After that, the world from body!
*Observe silence!
Talk to yourself in silence!
Ask from yourself!
Reply to yourself!
*Silence is the top most initiation!
More powerful than!
Initation by looking, speaking
Or by touching!
*It will purify the individual!
In all respects!
And thus it establishes!
In the Self, Reality or Atma!
28 October 2021
Your body does not dream
*Your body does not see the dreams!
You always see the dreams!
Atma always see the dream!
*And when you don't see dreams!
You wake up in fact!
Then you are in Samadhi!
*When you wake up!
You know yourself!
You know Atma!
You know Paramatma!
You know Almighty!
You know Krishna!
You know Allah!
You know Jesus!
*You can give any name!
But best name is Atma!
But best name is Paramatma!
But best name is Almighty!
But best name is Self!
*Since it does not create!
Any fight between religions!
31 May 2021
I alone exist in deep sleep
I alone exist in deep sleep!
I alone exist every time!
I alone exist in dream!
Every thing mind game!
I alone exist in waking!
Every thing mind game!
I alone exist in Samadhi!
Mind ceases to exist!
Hence no mind game!
It is pleasure state!
26 May 2021
My Four States
Deep Sleep State -
Body sleeps. Mind sleeps.
I am as it is.
I don't feel any pain. I feel pleasure.
Dream State -
Body sleeps. Mind doesn't sleep.
I am as it is.
I feel pain and pleasure in dream.
Day State or Wakefulness -
Body does not sleep. Mind doesn't sleep.
I am as it is.
I feel pain and pleasure during the day ie when I am wake up.
Samadhi State -
Body does not sleep. Mind sleeps.
I am as it is.
I don't feel any pain and pleasure during the day ie when I am wake up.
This is Awakening or Enlightenment State.
5 Mar 2021
States of Mind
Deep Sleep
Body sleeps. Mind sleeps. You don't see any dream. No pain. Only pleasure, peace or rest.
Only you Atma remain. Only pure consciousness remains.
Dream Sleep
Body sleeps. Body takes the rest. Mind doesn't sleep. Mind doesn't take the rest.
You see the dreams and act accordingly during the dreams.
You Atma are mixed with the dreams. Pure consciousness is mixed with the dreams.
You feel pain and pleasure during the dreams.
Body does not sleep. Body does not take rest. Mind doesn't sleep. Mind doesn't take rest.
You Atma see different scenes as per your mind. Hence you see the dreams during waking and
act accordingly during wakefulness.
Thus you feel pain and pleasure accordingly.
Body is not sleeping. But mind meditates.
Mind listens the devotional songs.
Hence mind sleeps. But body is waking.
Hence you feel only pleasure, peace or rest.
Since mind sleeps, you Atma do not see any scene or dream.
This is Samadhi.
30 JAN 2021
True Incident With Me
About twenty years ago I went for the Darshan of Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi at Raj Ghat, New
I did Parikrama of Samadhi and bowed my head.
To my surprise I found as if Mahatma Gandhi standing near me and after a while disappeared.
Then I knew that he was really a Mahatma and a liberated soul.
My infinite love, thanks and Pranam to lotus feet of Mahatma Gandhi.
I didn't want to share this incident but I am sharing. Let the people know the greatness of
Mahatma that He is still alive among us!
27 Nov 2020
Ego can not end in the world
Ego can not end permanently!
When you are in this world!
World has existence!
When you have ego!
Once ego finished!
World finished!
Once ego finished!
Then you will be in divine!
Then you will be divine!
Then you will be in Almighty!
Either there can be Almighty!
Or there will be Universe!
Both can not remain together!
Everything is a game of ego!
Your body is also in ego!
Your mind is also in ego!
This universe is in ego!
Hence if you have body!
You need ego for it!
To act in the world!
Else you can not act!
Once ego finished!
You will be in Samadhi!
You will be in Almighty!
Universe will not be there!
Hence ego is necessary!
To act in this universe!
Those whose ego is finished!
But they want to live in the world!
Again they have to create ego!
So that they can act in the world!
I am in Eternal Samadhi
I am in eternal Samadhi!
I only exist and nothing else!
This universe is a movie!
I am screen of this movie!
Movie is changing!
Screen never changes!
Movie is being played!
On my screen!
All planets!
Sun, moon, stars!
All oceans, hills,
Mountains, deserts!
Forests, entire sky!
Moving, unmoving things!
On this screen ie myself!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
12 Sep 2020
Ego is First Thought
From Samadhi when you get up!
First thought is ego!
Thus ego is created!
When you get up from Samadhi!
First of all you see your body!
Then first thought arises -
I am this body!
After that chain of thoughts start!
Thus mind is created!
Mind is bunch of thoughts and!
Then you start dealing in the world!
Thus ego is thought!
Thus mind is thought!
It is all mind game
It is all mind game.
When you are sleeping, mind is sleeping.
Then you have no world, no family, no body.
Only you are left, not your body. Then no ego.
Then you are peaceful.
When you get up. Mind wakes up.
Then you see everything through mind.
Then you see the world, your family, your body.
Then ego arises. You consider yourself merely a body. Then you are affected by joy and sorrow
of the body.
Mind is Jada. You see through the mind. Then you perceive the universe.
World is projected through mind.
In fact you do not sleep or wake up.
Only your mind sleeps or wakes up.
When mind is tired, it sleeps. When it takes rest and refreshes, it wakes up after taking rest.
Mind takes energy from yourself.
In deep sleep, when the mind is completely sleeping, only you are left and you don't perceive
the universe. Since you don't see through the mind at that time.
But when mind wakes up. You see through the mind and ego arises. Then you start seeing the
Even if mind is awake. But you don't see through the mind. Then you are in Samadhi.
I am in eternal Samadhi!
I am sensing the word through the body!
Body acts as telescope!
When I see through the body!
I see the world!
When I don't see through body!
Only I remain not the world!
I am in eternal Samadhi!
Samadhi and Upadhi
Remove all Upadhi!
You will always be in Samadhi!
You are beyond Upadhi and Samadhi!
Body may be in Upadhi!
Body can be in Samadhi!
But you can't be!
Since you are not the body!
You are soul!
You are Atma!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Senior Officer Metal Pre-Treatment Chemical Research & Development
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Ohm Gan Ganpataye Namo Namah Ohm
Chief Consultant at Culinary Hospitality Services
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