Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Lesson

Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Lesson

Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Lesson.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

? ? ?

16 December 2023

Why Youths of Today Are Uncontrolled?

*Most of the youths of today are uncontrolled.

They have no self-control.

Why they are uncontrolled?

ReplySince they don't believe in existence of Almighty.

Their only one principleEat, drink and be merry!

*It's the duty of all those who believe in the existence of Almighty to guide such youths. Else

they are also doing a sin.

*More than 75 percent of youths are involved in premarital relationship.

Most of the youngmen and youngwomen consume liquor, wine, whiskey etc.

Most of the youngmen and youngwomen are non-vegetarian.

Most of them smoke.

And the darkest aspect of this is that they consider it fashion or advancement.

Today if any youth is not involved in premarital relationship, that is treated as backward.

If any youth doesn't consume liquor, wine, whiskey that's treated as backward.

*One day such youths will repent.

Already many such youths are repenting.

But they don't want to learn the lesson.

*Situation is going to be reversed.

It's already reversing.

Western youths are considering Hindu age-old glorious system as fashion.

While most of the Indian youths still consider premarital relationship, liquor, non-veg food,

smoking as fashion.

*May Almighty bless such youths with wisdom to adopt a golden path of divinity.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 December 2023

Youths Need Proper Guidance

Youths not getting proper training as per our age-old glorious Indian culture.

Our youths are not getting proper guidance. They need guidance.

They are influenced by the Western culture which may be a disaster for their golden future.

Since the Western people are already learning a lesson and they're migrating towards age-old

glorious Indian culture as they foresee their advantage in this.

What is our age old Indian culture?

I remember somethings which I want to share here. At least up to the marriage somethings

need to be followed. And those are the best youths who follow it even after their marriage. If you

like any of these points you can follow it. If you don't like these, then no need to follow. You can

calculate your advantage or disadvantage.

I never used to eat anything when I was out of the home. I never used to eat anything from the


I always wanted to avoid to drink water when I was out of the home. I didn't like drink water

outside my home.

I always wanted to avoid to use toilet in my school, college , public place or out of the house.

I didn't purchase anything without the permission of my parents or without their information

before my marriage.

I loved to live in the home with my parents.

Now a days many changes I have noticed even before the marriage of the youths of today.

If someone gets the job he considers the salary of his own. In our time we used to hand over the

salary to parents.

Youth of today says- This is mine, this is yours even before the marriage.

In our time we used to say all this belongs to family. Every thing belongs to our family.

Youths of today want to live separately in a separate room or hostel or PG or flat even before

their marriage. They want their privacy. They want to remain independent.

This was not the case in our time. We all used to live together.

Youths of today is lacking the spirit of togetherness.

Youths of today is lacking Family-spirit.

It is due to the lack of religion or spirituality in the youths of today.

Most of the youths of today do not want to live with their parents after the marriage.

In most of the cases wife wants to avoid the visit of her mother in law or father in law. Hence son

also wants to avoid such visits. Same will be the case with their children with more intensity if

this trend continues.

Most of the youths of today want that no relatives or friends should visit to their home for some

days even after some years of marriage.

They want if any relative comes for some days, he should stay in some hotel.

But earlier it was not the case. We used to consider- Atithi Devo Bhav!

We used to consider any guest as God.

We used to consider that some guest has been sent by God.

If this tendency continues, then God can only help the future of today's youth!

As you sow!

Same you will reap!

Avoid such type of trend if you don't want your black future.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 November 2023

Atma-Gyani sees no one to worship

*No need to worship anyone!

By the Self-realized Atma-Gyani!

*Hence you should not be confused!

If Atma-Gyani doesn't worship anyone!

*Atma-Gyani sees no one to worship!

For him no one exists except him!

*At the initial stage itself!

He comes to know!

Only he exists!

No one else, nothing else!

*At initial stage itself!

He comes to knowI was sleeping since millions of years!

I was seeing this beautiful world!

In my dream! Now I have woken up!

*He realizes like this!

To whom will he worship?

*His worldly behavior!

Only to set a lesson for others!

As he has no other duty!

*Atma-Gyani becomes God!

Krishna, Brahman, self, Atma!

Just after realizing this truth!

*Who sinks in the ocean of Brahman!

He becomes God immediately!

Like a drop of water mixed in ocean!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

20 October 2023

People also ask- Who is Pravin Agrawal?

For Pravin Agrawal, this world seems to exist but it doesn't exist like a dream since he has

already realized this truth.

When anything doesn't exist, then why to break our heads?

But for the good of the people who don't know this truth he regularly shares his posts, blogs,

articles etc.

Pravin Agrawal never wanted his publicly. But people want to know-Who is Pravin Agrawal.


Don`t go to name.......don`t go to body......don't go to photo.....see only thoughts.....see only

lesson......see only message......since no thought is mine.....all are universal messages.....all

lessons are already followed and practiced by our great saints.....truth never

remains the same even after crores of years.......and time is itself in maya......since god never

changes, so truth never changes.....hence don`t go to name.











3 September 2023

What is Sanatan Dharma?

*Everyone is Sanatan. Hence everyone is in Sanatan Dharma.

*If you forget your grandfather, truth will not change. You will remain grandson of your


Your ignorance will not change the truth.

*Do you know what is Sanatan?

Do you know what is Sanatan Dharm?

*Self, Atma, Supreme Soul, Paramatma, Almighty God, Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Shiva, Vishnu,

Ganesh, all these are Sanatan.

*In fact everyone is Sanatan since everyone is Self, Soul or Atma.

*Sanatan means never ending, who was never born, who will never die. Who always exists.

That is called Sanatan. That may be invisible for sometimes due to your ignorance but remains

always. That is known as Sanatan.

That may disappear for you only due to your ignorance but can not be ended.

*Fire can't burn it, water can't wet it, air can't dry it, sword can't cut it. Nothing can destroy it. No

one can destroy it.

That is called Sanatan.

*Sanatan means life values which keep it alive for ever.

Sanatan means life values which keep you alive for ever.

Else you will be destroyed but not your Atma which is Sanatan.

Thus you will keep on learning the lessons till you come from ignorance to light.

And that is eternal knowledge.

*Sanatan means eternal Dharma. If you follow it, you will survive. Else you will be destroyed but

not your Atma.

*Only Sanatan remains for ever.

No one else can remain for ever.

*Sanatan welcomes you from every religion, every nation, every language, every gender, every

races, every caste, every color, etc.

*Sanatan embraces everyone.

Sanatan loves everyone.

*Sanatan unites.

Sanatan never divides.

*Sanatan is eternal knowledge.

Sanatan is eternal light to finish the darkness of ignorance.

*Sanatan never sees any difference between humans.

Sanatan loves all humans, animals, birds, trees, plants, ants, all the creatures.

*Not only this Sanatan loves even a stone and a particle of dust seeing God inside it.

*Sanatan welcomes everyone from every religion, every nation and gives respect to them.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

17 Aug 2023

Beautiful Story Of Ramcharitmanas

*When I was child, I studied this beautiful story in Ram Charit Manas. I couldn't forget this story

even now. This is the episode of Vishwa-Mohini Swayamvar.

*Devarshi Narad is a true devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu loves him too much.

Once Narad became proud of his virtues. He praised himself. He was under the impression that

he was the most handsome man, most smart, top most devotee of Lord Vishnu.

*Lord Vishnu knew about this. He can not see any shortcomings in His true Devotees. Hence

He decided something.

*Narad was going somewhere. On the way he saw a very beautiful city decorated with beautiful

flowers. It appeared that the residents of this beautiful city were celebrating Diwali.

*He asked some of the residents- What is happening here?

The resident of the city replied- You don't know? This city is in the kingdom of a very powerful

king. He has organized Swayamvar for the marriage of his beautiful daughter. She is the most

beautiful girl in the world having all the virtues of any Goddess. Meanwhile that girl was passing

by with her friends towards some garden.

Narad saw her beauty. Narad couldn't believe it. She was so beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi.

*Narad returned to his home and went straight to Lord Vishnu.

He said to Lord Vishnu- O Lord, you always praise me saying that I never ask anything from

you. Today I want something.

Lord Vishnu knows everything. Even then He replied- Yes Narad! What do you want?

Narad said- Please make me the most handsome man in the world.

Lord Vishnu replied- Okay.

*Now Narad was too happy. He straight away went to the marriage-place in the Swayamvar.

*Swayamvar started. Many handsome kings decorated with beautiful clothes and ornaments

were sitting in the beautiful Raj Bhawan. Narad also occupied one chair.

*The girl, named Vishwa Mohini, started to select the most suitable match for her. One by one

she was passing by every seat of the kings from different countries. Narad was fully confident

that he would win this Swayamvar.

*Now it was the turn of Narad. The girl came towards Narad and went away laughing at him.

*Narad was very annoyed. He was so sad. He straight away went to Lord Vishnu.

There were two Darbari or Ganas of Lord Vishnu. Their names were Jay and Vijay. They

laughed after seeing the face of Narad.

*Narad saw his face in the mirror. He couldn't imagine. His face was like a monkey.

*Narad was very furious with Lord Vishnu.

He cursed Lord Vishnu- You did not make me the most handsome in the world. Instead you

changed my face like a monkey.

*He cursed Jay and Vijay- You will become demons in your next birth.

*He cursed Lord Vishnu- You will also face the same state in your next incarnation as I am

feeling now. You will also miss your wife like I am missing Vishwa Mohini.

Then, my face will help you. Only monkeys will help you.

*Lord Vishnu replies- Okay Narad. No problem. Your words will be true.

But go to the same city now.

*Narad went to the same city. But he couldn't find the city now. Neither city was there, nor

Vishwa Mohini was there.

Lord Vishnu pulled back His Maya. Hence the city was not found now. City was created just to

teach the lesson to Narad. City was created just to end the pride or ego of Narad.

*Now Narad has become cool. He asks for an apology from Lord Vishnu and His Ganas.

Lord Vishnu said that it happened as per His wish.

Narad told Jay and Vijay - You will be demons in your next birth but the most powerful. Then

Lord Vishnu Himself will have to take incarnation to kill you. Then you will be liberated.

*Due to this reason Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Lord Rama. Jay and Vijay took the next

birth of Ravana and Kumbhakarna and were killed by Lord Rama. Rama had to miss his wife

Sita. Lord Hanuman came to help Lord Rama as a monkey.

*Do you know? Why have I shared this story?

This is the state of most of us in this world.

This world is also like the city of illusion mentioned in this episode.

We are fighting for the things which really do not exist!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

17 August 2023

Beautiful Story Of Ram Charit Maanas

*When I was child, I studied this beautiful story in Ram Charit Maanas. I couldn't forget this story

even now. This is the episode of Vishwa-Mohini Swayamvar.

*Devarshi Narad is true devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu loves him too much.

Once Narad became proud of his virtues. He praised for himself. He was under the impression

that he was the most handsome man, most smart, top most devotee of Lord Vishnu.

*Lord Vishnu was knowing about this. He can not see any shortcomings in His true Devotees.

Hence He decided something.

*Narad was going somewhere. On the way he saw very beautiful city decorated with beautiful

flowers. It appeared that the residents of this beautiful city were celebrating Diwali.

*He asked some of the residents- What is happening here?

The resident of the city replied- You don't know? This city is in the kingdom of very powerful

king. He has organized Swayamvar for the marriage of his beautiful daughter. She is the most

beautiful girl in the world having all the virtues of any Goddess. Meanwhile that girl was passing

by with her friends towards some garden.

Narad saw her beauty. Narad couldn't believe. She was so beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi.

*Narad returned his home and went straight to Lord Vishnu.

He said to Lord Vishnu- O Lord, you always praises to me saying that I never ask anything from

you. Today I want something.

Lord Vishnu knows everything. Even then He replied- Yes Narad! What do you want?

Narad said- Please make me the most handsome man in the world.

Lord Vishnu replied- Okay.

*Now Narad was too happy. He straight away went to the marriage-place in the Swayamvar.

*Swayamvar started. Many handsome kings decorated with beautiful clothes and ornaments

were sitting in the beautiful Raj Bhawan. Narad also occupied one chair.

*The girl, named Vishwa Mohini started to select most suitable match for her. One by one she

was passing by every seat of the kings from different countries. Narad was fully confident that

he will win this Swayamvar.

*Now it was the turn of Narad. The girl came towards Narad and went away laughing at him.

*Narad was too much annoyed. He was so sad. He straight away went to Lord Vishnu.

There were two Darbari or Ganas of Lord Vishnu. Their names were Jay and Vijay. They

laughed after seeing the face of Narad.

*Narad saw his face in the mirror. He couldn't imagine. His face was like monkey.

*Narad was very furious on Lod Vishu.

He cursed Lord Vishnu- You did not make me the most handsome in the world. Instead you

changed my face like monkey.

*He cursed Jay and Vijay- You will become demons in your next birth.

*He cursed Lord Vishnu- You will also face the same state in your next incarnation as I am

feeling now. You will also miss your wife like I am missing Vishwa Mohini.

Then, my this face will help you. Only monkeys will help you.

*Lord Vishnu replies- Okay Narad. No problem. Your words will be true.

But go to the same city now.

*Narad went to same city. But he couldn't find the city now. Neither city was there, nor Vishwa

Mohini was there.

Lord Vishnu pulled back His Maya. Hence the city was not found now. City was created just to

teach the lesson to Narad. City was created just to finish the pride or ego of Narad.

*Now Narad becomes cool. He asks the apology from Lord Vishnu and His Ganas.

Lord Vishnu said that it happened as per His wish.

Narad told to Jay and Vijay - You will be demons in your next birth but the most powerful. Then

Lord Vishnu Himself will have to take incarnation to kill you. Then you will be liberated.

*Due to this reason. Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Lord Rama. Jay and Vijay took next

birth of Ravana and Kumbhakaran and were killed by Lord Rama. Rama had to miss his wife

Sita. Lord Hanuman came to help Lord Rama as monkey.

*Do you know? Why I have shared this story?

This is the state of most of us in this world.

This world is also like the city of illusion mentioned in this episode.

We are fighting for the things which really do not exist!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

17 August 2023

Beautiful Story Of Ram Charit Maanas

*When I was child, I studied this beautiful story in Ram Charit Maanas. I couldn't forget this story

even now. This is the episode of Vishwa-Mohini Swayamvar.

*Devarshi Narad is true devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu loves him too much.

Once Narad became proud of his virtues. He praised for himself. He was under the impression

that he was the most handsome man, most smart, top most devotee of Lord Vishnu.

*Lord Vishnu was knowing about this. He can not see any shortcomings in His true Devotees.

Hence He decided something.

*Narad was going somewhere. On the way he saw very beautiful city decorated with beautiful

flowers. It appeared that the residents of this beautiful city were celebrating Diwali.

*He asked some of the residents- What is happening here?

The resident of the city replied- You don't know? This city is in the kingdom of very powerful

king. He has organized Swayamvar for the marriage of his beautiful daughter. She is the most

beautiful girl in the world having all the virtues of any Goddess. Meanwhile that girl was passing

by with her friends towards some garden.

Narad saw her beauty. Narad couldn't believe. She was so beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi.

*Narad returned his home and went straight to Lord Vishnu.

He said to Lord Vishnu- O Lord, you always praises to me saying that I never ask anything from

you. Today I want something.

Lord Vishnu knows everything. Even then He replied- Yes Narad! What do you want?

Narad said- Please make me the most handsome man in the world.

Lord Vishnu replied- Okay.

*Now Narad was too happy. He straight away went to the marriage-place in the Swayamvar.

*Swayamvar started. Many handsome kings decorated with beautiful clothes and ornaments

were sitting in the beautiful Raj Bhawan. Narad also occupied one chair.

*The girl, named Vishwa Mohini started to select most suitable match for her. One by one she

was passing by every seat of the kings from different countries. Narad was fully confident that

he will win this Swayamvar.

*Now it was the turn of Narad. The girl came towards Narad and went away laughing at him.

*Narad was too much annoyed. He was so sad. He straight away went to Lord Vishnu.

There were two Darbari or Ganas of Lord Vishnu. Their names were Jay and Vijay. They

laughed after seeing the face of Narad.

*Narad saw his face in the mirror. He couldn't not imagine. His face was like monkey.

*Narad was very furious on Lod Vishu.

He cursed Lord Vishnu- You did not make me the most handsome in the world. Instead you

changed my face like monkey.

*He cursed Jay and Vijay- You will become demons in your next birth.

*He cursed Lord Vishnu- You will also face the same state in your next incarnation as I am

feeling now. You will also miss your wife like I am missing Vishwa Mohini.

Then, my this face will help you. Only monkeys will help you.

*Lord Vishnu replies- Okay Narad. No problem. Your words will be true.

But go to the same city now.

*Narad went to same city. But he couldn't find the city now. Neither city was there, nor Vishwa

Mohini was there.

Lord Vishnu pulled back His Maya. Hence the city was not found now. City was created just to

teach the lesson to Narad. City was created just to finish the pride or ego of Narad.

*Now Narad becomes cool. He asks the apology from Lord Vishnu and His Ganas.

Lord Vishnu said that it happened as per His wish.

Narad told to Jay and Vijay - You will be demons in your next birth but the most powerful. Then

Lord Vishnu Himself will have to take incarnation to kill you. Then you will be liberated.

*Due to this reason. Lord Vishnu too the incarnation of Lord Rama. Jay and Vijay took next birth

of Ravana and Kumbhakaran and were killed by Lord Rama. Rama had to miss his wife Sita.

Lord Hanuman came to help Lord Rama as monkey.

*Do you know? Why I have shared this story?

This is the sate of most of us in this world.

This world is also like the city of illusion mentioned in this episode.

We are fighting for the things which really do not exist!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

4 June 2023

How People Come In Divine Life?

*Some People are divine!

From their birth!

They have faith on God!

They are the best!

*Some People want to know!

How this world was created?

How humans etc were created?

They have belief on God!

Hence they are better!

*Some People starts faith!

When they get sorrows!

Hence they start faith!

They are good people!

*Some People starts faith!

When they get havoc in life!

They want its solution!

They come in divine life!

They can be called good!

*Some People start faith!

After they survive!

Cyclones, accidents!

Calamities, Nuclear war etc!

Thus they become good!

*Some People don't start faith!

Even after facing havoc!

Big calamity, Nuclear war etc!

They don't come in divine life!

Since they don't have faith!

They are the worst people!

They get pain and sorrows!

*Who don't have faith on God!

Who don't come in divine life!

They don't have faith on themselves!

Nature teaches them lesson!

They repent at last moments!

*Some People don't believe God!

They have faith on Self, Atma, Soul!

This is also belief on God only!

Since Atma is Paramatma or God!

*People want to avoid divine life!

To avoid hardships in life!

To make their life easier!

To make their life comfortable!

To continue sin in life!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


9 September 2021

Don't worry

*Don't worry!

Be happy!

*Those who tortures!

Innocent women, children!

And their public!

They will learn the lesson!

*It is universal truth!

Reaction against action!

It is law of nature!

*And those who don't help!

Such innocent people!

They will also learn!

Next number may be their!

*If you do injustice!

If you see injustice!

Both will learn the lesson!

Without any doubt!

*It is applicable for any individual!

It is applicable for any nation!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


17 Aug 2021

Respect Woman!

*Don't consider woman weak!

She is Shakti!

If she doesn't speak!

Don't think, she is weak!

*She is the ultimate power!

Like Uma, Sita and Radha!

*Where there is respect for woman!

There is divine power!

Where there is insult for woman!

There is demonic power!

*Fight for the right of woman!

You may be man or woman!

*War of Lanka was fought for woman!

War of Mahabharat was fought for woman!

*Don't ignore the rights!

Of women and children!

*Don't be selfish at critical times!

Else nature will teach you lessons!

*Be united for the dignity of human!

If there is danger for human rights!

*A real war is not actual war!

If you show your unity!

You win the war!

Even without fighting!


17 July 2021

True Incident : Don't trouble your Maa

It is the true incident of my childhood.

There was one of my neighbor.

He was having two sons. The elder son was selected in Navy, hence he was not in the family.

The younger son was living in the family.

The mother used to love her son as you know the love of mother for her children. She used to

prepare special dishes for the son.

But the son used to be busy in games etc. Maa used to ask the son many times to eat the food,

delicious dishes etc. But the son never listened his mother. Thus son used to trouble his mother

often. Hence mother used to be irritated.

One day mother expired.

Now, no one was there to ask the son for the food. Now son realized the love of his mother due

to her absence.

Now son used to weep. Son used to repent, why I didn't obey the mother? Why I didn't take the

meals in time?

He used to remember his mother.

Everyone must learn the lesson from this.

You don't know the value of a person or a thing till you have the same.

Once you miss the same, you realize the value!

Then you repent with tears!

Hence, try to value every person, every thing which you have!

Else, you will have to repent one day!

Forward this to all concerned to wake up all concerned!


9 July 2021

Actions to Prevent Third Wave of Covid

We all know that the second wave of Covid was too much furious. We must learn the lesson

from our past mistakes during the second wave of the Covid.

It is great relief that Covid is now reducing significantly. This is right time to check by all of us so

that we should not be careless like last time.

The following steps need to be taken by Central Govt and State Governments and all of us to

prevent the third wave of Covid :

1/ Entry in all picnic spots need to be restricted.

2/ Entry in all types of processions connected to domestic, religious, social, political, official,

unofficial needs to be restricted.

3/ Instructions need to be issued to traffic police to be more vigilant in the evening and morning

hours of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to prevent the rush of the vehicles inside,

outside and in the boarder of each big city, tourist point, picnic point in each state.

4/ Surprise check of masks, social distancing and other Covid norms needs to be continued at

least for one more year if we want to prevent third wave of Covid.

5/ All the existing checks for preventing the Covid need to be continued for next one more year

in all the Air Ports, Railway Stations, Bus Stands and the boarders of all big cities.

6/ Home delivery system prevailing at the time of Covid needs to be continued at least for next

one more year.

7/ Work from home may be continued with about fifty percent of staff in each private company at

least for next one more year. They may be opened on alternate days.

8/ Entry in Cinema Halls, Alcohol Bars, Gym, Beauty Parlor, Hair Salon needs to be restricted

for at least one more year.

9/ Schools and Colleges need to be encouraged to work fifty percent online at least for next one

more year.

They may be opened on alternate days.

If you are agreeing, you may forward this to all concerned to wake up all concerned since it is

the right time.


8 JUN 2021

Take Lessons From Last Time


It is positive sign that!

Covid cases are reducing!

Today all India figure!

Less than one lakh!

But we must take lessons!

From experience of last time!

After first wave!

Covid was reduced!

People thought!

Covid is finished!

People took it!

As normalcy!

They started to work!

As per normal things!

But you have yourself seen!

The result of this looseness!

Covid became too furious causing!

So much death toll in second wave!

Never repeat the same mistakes!

Take lessons from last time!

Even if Covid is reduced!

Even if Covid is finished!

Don't take it lightly!

Take all precautions!

Don't go out of the home!

Go only if urgent!

Continue online modes!

Continue online delivery!

These precautions will not harm you!

These precautions will only help you!

Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


7 Jan 2021

Why I say to keep it secret?

Why I say that!

Your divine experience!

It should be kept!

As top secret!

During the year 1990!

When I was new!

In this divine journey!

I was not knowing this fact!

I got some divine experiences!

And I told to some of my friends!

From the moment I told about it!

I never had same experience again!

Earlier I used to tell!

About my experiences!

Due to my ignorance!

But after learning the lesson!

I ask you to keep it top secret!

So that whatever mistakes I did!

You should never repeat the same!


It is good if beloved diesPeople are living!

The life of animals!

They are living!

Without any purpose!

They sleep at late night!

They wake up late in the morning!

They don't do anything divine!

They don't tread on path of Almighty!

They don't do any thing divine!

How can they expect peace or joy?

It is better if some of your beloved dies!

Then you come in line!

Then you change yourself!

At least for some time!

But most of the people!

Forget it very soon!

They again start!

To live like animals!

Really those are very fortunate!

Who take the lessons!

After the death of a beloved!

They start to change!

They start divine life!

And one day they forget!

Their all miseries!

Permanently with divine joy!

Thus they know the purpose of life!

And they achieve it one day!

But they are the most fortunate!

Who come on this divine path!

Without the death of beloved!

They are blessed by Almighty!


Why work is worship?

Why Almighty has made work or Job?

Have you ever thought about it?

Almighty has shown His mercy by creating work or job. It may be any job, office job or

household work or your personal work.

Hence work is itself a reward!

You may do mistakes while working, but never worry!

Never fear of mistakes!

Krishna has told in Gita - No work is perfect.

Mistakes are indispensable to teach you lessons of life!

If you sit idle without any work in your home or office, you will become mad!

Reason of depression, tension in your life is just wasting your time. If you waste time, time will

waste you!

Empty mind is devil's workshop.

It is very True!

About thirty years back my some of the staff committed some mistakes.

You know what punishment I gave to him.

I asked him to sit idle for one month.

And what happened?

Just after ten days he came to me weeping.

He told me - Sir, I am so sorry. You have given me enough punishment. I will never repeat the

same mistakes.

I again engaged him in his old duty.


Don't worry! Be happy!

Whatever happened!


Don't worry!

Be happy!

You can't change it now!

Forget it!

Don't remember it!

Since no benefit by it!

Take lesson!

Don't repeat the same!

It is up to you!

Improve yourself!

Almighty is so kind!

He does not remember your sins!

If you promise to improve!

If you don't repeat the same!

Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

Leave everything on Him!

Then you will always be winner!


Biggest Obstacle

Biggest obstacle!

On the way of love!

True love!

Divine love!

You think that!

If I love this person!

What people will think!

People will say so many things!

He is inferior to me!

People will ask!

Why you love this inferior person?

Why you love this inferior group?

Why you love this inferior religion?

Why you love this inferior God?

Don't go below your standard!

Our group is superior!

Our religion is superior!

Our God is superior!

Hence don't go there!

But you must know!

Student must go to best teacher!

If he has to get good marks!

Patient must go to best Doctor!

If he has to recover fast!

Irrespective of the religion!

Same was the case of Meera Bai!

She was princess!

But she used to love the saints!

She used to love devotees of Krishna!

People considered them inferior!

Hence king used to do objection!

King used to ask Meera -

You are going below your standard!

You are loving the devotees!

You are loving the beggars!

It is the insult to kingdom!

But Meera was bold!

She did not care all these things!

She left the kingdom!

She went to Vrindavan!

Never consider any one inferior!

Never have fear from society!

Never think -

If I love this person!

If I love this group!

If I love this religion!

If I love this God!

If I live with this person!

If I live with this group!

If I live with this religion!

If I live with this God!

What my friend circle will say?

No one is your true friend!

All are just for showing!

No one will give you company in time!

Except Almighty and His beloved!

Take lesson from Meera!

Know the value of the Divine!

She lived with devotees of Krishna!

She lived with the beggars!

Even after withstanding the critics!


Why sorrows are required?

Sorrows are required to increase your Titiksha.

Titiksha is your power to withstand adversities or sorrows.

Why it is necessary to increase?

If you don't increase it, mind will continue its play.

If you don't increase it, you will not be able to understand this play of mind.

Hence you will not be able to understand Maya which is unreal or Illusion.

Hence it is very very necessary to face the sorrows.

Sorrows increase your capacity to understand the truth or reality.

If you read the scriptures during your sorrows, you will understand and follow them more


You do everything whole heartedly during the sorrows.

You remember Almighty whole heartedly during the sorrows.

In worldly joy, you forget Almighty, you increase your ego, you become more proud.

You feel that no one is equal to you.

But when you see some person more happy than you, then you become unhappy and you try to

become the same.

If you get illness or problems, then you know the reality that you were wrongly thinking yourself

as happy. It was your wrong impression that no one is equal to you.

During sorrows, you know the reality of life, who is yours, who is not yours!

Then you come to know that only Almighty is yours and no one is yours!

Hence sorrows are very much required to teach the lesson of life!


If our problems are not ending

If your problems are not ending!

Yadi Aapki pareshaniyan khatm hone ka naam nahi le rahi Hain!

It shows that you have not become strong enough in the eyes of Almighty God!

Hence He wants to make you stronger!

That is the reason He wants to continue your test!

What you do?

If your son is weak in any subject. You continue his lessons.

Student can not go to higher class if he doesn't pass the exam.

Same is the case with Almighty!


They will learn the lesson

They will learn the lesson!

After Corona period!

Who have not honored!

Their Mazdoor!

Since it was their test!

By Almighty!

Who have not paid them the salary!

During this Corona period!

They will not find Mazdoor!

After Corona period!

Since most of the Mazdoor!

They have left to their cities!

By walking on feet with pain!

Since they were not paid!

Now these Mazdoor will not come back!

Such owners will have to repent!

They may have to close their factory!

And they will get such punishment!

Since it is law of nature!

If you insult any one or any thing!

The same will insult you!

Be rest assured without any doubt!


Pros and Cons

Always remember!

Never, any thing is bad!

Every thing has pros and cons!

Like a coin has two sides!

Hence, never feel sad!

Even if you know some thing bad!

Even if you get something bad!

Even if you miss something good!

Everything is result of your Karma!

Your bad karmas are burnt!

If you get sorrows!

Your good Karmas are reduced!

If you get comfort!

Even if you have to sit!

Under the scorching sun!

During the summer!

Under the open sky!

During the shivering winter!

It will make you stronger!

Feel always positive!

Don't fear Covid-19!

It will make you stronger!

It will clean the environment!

Which the man could not do!

Which man can't do!

Nature can do!

Nature can set right everything!

Which man has spoiled!

The problem is for some time!

Hence don't worry!

Take all precautions!

And be happy!

But, now remember!

Never to repeat!

Your past mistakes!

Learn lesson from them!

For your happiness!

And your generations!

Almighty is always with you!

And will remain always!

13 January 2020

We must take lesson from lord Rama and Buddha!

Lord Rama was son of the king.

He was going to be a king but sent to the forest. Even then he was not perturbed by this.

He was God but he accepted very difficult life of forests during 14 years.

He accepted to be a beggar instead of being a king!


Since he preferred Divine than the worldly things.

Since this world is an imaginary world!

Similar was the case of Buddha! He also preferred to be a beggar than to be a king!

For what purpose?

Since he preferred peace and divine than worldly things!

If we always prefer divine than the worldly things, then only we can enter in the regime of


For this we are not required to leave our family!

Main thing is the importance!

To which thing we give the maximum importance!

Words of Wisdom: Ego

We must learn lesson from lord Sri Krishna.

Though He was Almighty God Himself.

Yet He preferred to be driver of His lover Arjuna.

You must have seen many photos of Lord Sri Krishna in which He is driving Rath ie Chariot of

Arjuna. He was not having any ego.

It teaches us the lesson that no work is small.

We must learn from Him.

We must also try to be accordingly.

If you are oppressing any one

If you are oppressing any person, group or cadre.

Then, be sure that you, your group or cadre will also be oppressed by any other person, group

or cadre certainly. And there should be no doubt in this.

If you are doing injustice with any person, group or cadre . You will also be delivered with similar

injustice by any other person, group or cadre. And that will be multiple times.

There should be no doubt in this!

Don't be smarter. Almighty will send more smarter than you to teach a lesson.

Hence be honest with all people, groups and cadres in personal and official dealings for your

sake only.

Words of Wisdom: Efforts

In worldly endeavors, there are chances of success and failure.

But if your efforts are for Almighty, they can never be failures!

You will certainly get the best results!

If not in this birth, then in other births but certainly.

However there is nothing like failure!

Any time you fail, it teaches you a lesson for next time!

You must be motivated by your failures to do better next time!

Mentality of Educated Youth:

Educated youth of today thinks that he has been educated only for his livelihood and for getting

promotions to reach the top most posts. This is the tendency of majority of our youth after being

selected in top competitions like IAS, and other all India Govt services, IIM, IIT, etc. It gives very

sad feeling that nobody cares for the nation about this.

They don't talk about their responsibilities towards the nation. They usually talk about their late

promotions and career prospects which is also important but not primary aim of the education. It

is the secondary aim of education. Primary aim of all government services is how to render our

best services towards our beloved nation. After that comes future promotions and career

prospects. We need to have spirit of patriotism. We must remember that our youth like Chandra

Sekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, etc sacrificed their lives for the nation. And due to them only we

are in good positions today. Our educated youth must learn the lesson from the teachings of

Swami Vivekananda to render selfless service to the nation.

Interviewers while selecting such key posts should ask such a questions to judge the patriotism

of the candidate for government jobs and this must have first priority or weightage.

It needs to be made mandatory for every selection by UPSC.

We must never forget that nation comes first. Then comes our state, city or Colony. And we

come at last on priority. But we have made its reverse order.

We can blame to our government and department but we must know what is government. We

all are only the government.

If we don't improve, how can we expect that government will improve. A building is made by the

bricks and each of us is a brick.


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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?


My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated -

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Bashutosh Nath

Supply Chain & Planning Lead at ACI Limited (Pharma)

10 个月




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