Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Immortality

Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Immortality

Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Immortality.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

? ? ?

3 November 2023

Where does soul goes after death?

One of my LinkedIn friends asked a question-

Where does soul goes after the death?

The question is very good. Everyone must have curiosity about the self.

See my reply-

As per our scripture, after the death soul goes as per the thought at last moment.

And this seems to be true.

If one is attached to his family and he remembers about the family at the time of death, he takes

birth in his family.

If one is attached to his dog and he remembers his dog at the time of his death, he takes birth

as a dog.

If one is attached to Krishna and he remembers Krishna at the time of his death, he gets lord

Krishna after his death.

Whatever you remember most of the time during your life time, you can remember the same at

last moment as you become habitual and attached to the same.

That is the reason wise people say to remember Krishna or any other God or Almighty as much

as possible. Since you can remember the same thing during the last moment for which you

have wasted your entire life. It becomes your practice. You will get last thought as per the same

during the last moments.

Krishna blesses with eternity or immortality if you remember Krishna.

Hence try to remember Krishna as much as possible.

Practice for Krishna!

Practice makes perfect.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 August 2023

Worship God or God Realized


*You can't gain this knowledge!

Without worship!

Even if you are told!

You are Brahman!

*You will be repeating it like parrot!

But you can not understand!

Since it is top secret knowledge!

It is king of every available knowledge!

In the entire universe!

*You can write hundreds of books!

You can read hundreds of books!

You can be praised even by!

President of US or any great nation!

But you can't get this knowledge!

*By this knowledge!

You become knowledge!

*Worship Krishna or any beloved God!

Worship God Realized Person!

From your inside and outside!

Only after that!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Then you can gain this knowledge!

*This knowledge can not be copied!

It always remains original!

*Your intellect needs to be refined!

Intellect needs to be purified!

With your entire surrender!

From your inside and outside!

Then it will become subtle intellect!

*Only after this!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Only after this!

You can understand this knowledge!

Which bestows immortality!

*No one can steal this knowledge!

No one can snatch this knowledge!

Total submission, surrender required!

To gain this very special knowledge!

Which makes one immortal for ever!

*This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is called divine knowledge!

This is king of every available!

Knowledge in this universe!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 July 2023

Don't Worry About Anything

*What do you want?

By wealth, property!

Popularity, name and fame!

Millions of followers!

Political power, Ministry!

Prizes, qualifications!

Post and designation etc!

*You want happiness!

By all these things!

*All these things on this earth!

They belong to beloved Krishna!

*When He is yours!

When you get Krishna!

You get millions times!

More happiness!

Than you derive happiness!

By all these things together!

*When you get Krishna!

You feel the most happy person!

In the entire universe!

Then you feel yourself!

The richest person of the earth!

*All the earthly things will be missed!

At the time of your death!

But Krishna will live with you!

Even after the death!

Then you will taste immortality!

*Don't waste precious time!

For worldly things!

Utilize your precious time!

Only for Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


23 May 2023

Secret of Immortality

*How Chinmay has become Jad?

What are the impurities of Chinmay?

Why body and world visible?

*When you assume anyone!

Different than you!

Separate than you!

Inferior or superior to you!

Then you tend to become Jad!

Then Chinmay becomes Jad!

*What is Jad?

Jad is foolishness!

Jad is ignorance!

*Your body and this world!

They are Jad!

*What is Chinmay or Chaitanya?

That is Knowledge!

That is your true identity!

*When you can not touch the feet!

Of anyone, sweeper, peon etc!

When you can not sweep the doors!

Of your neighbor, sweeper etc!

*Then you assume them different!

Then you assume them separate!

Then you assume them inferior!

*That is the main reason!

You see body and world!

Your ego creates body, world!

*Else there is no body or world!

Only you Chinmay Atma, soul exists!

*Try this for some days!

And check yourself!

This is the secret of immortality!

*Same is the case with you!

Same is the case with me!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


22 May 2023

Jadata is only impurity

*Chinmay has impurity!

Jadata is only impurity!

Due to this impurity!

Body, world visible!

*Nothing else exists!

Except Chinmay!

*When Chinmay becomes impure!

It gives rise to body and world!

*If we become pure day by day!

We approach to ourselves!

That is Atma, Soul, Self!

*Then world is reduced!

Day by day!

As if one wakes up from sleep!

Slowly slowly, dream disappears!

*Jadata is like dream!

World is like dream!

Jadata is ignorance!

Atma is Knowledge!

*Jadata is body!

Jadata is world!

*Jadata is mortal!

Chinmay is immortal!

*We are not Jad!

We are Chinmay Atma!

*Always remember!

Never forget!

I am Purush!

Body is Prakriti!

Purush is Chinmay!

Prakriti is Jad!

*This is the secret of immortality!

This is the secret of all religions!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


12 May 2023

Who sinks in this ocean becomes God

*Don't think this space as empty!

Every space is filled up!

With infinite ocean of Almighty!

*This ocean is such a special!

Who sinks in this ocean becomes God!

*This ocean is filled up with Chinmay water!

Which can make every one immortal!

*This ocean is over the earth!

This ocean is under the earth!

This ocean is over the sky!

No empty space is available!

*This ocean is such a Miraculous!

It is having every God of every religion!

It is having every Goddess of religions!

It is having every Guru of every religion!

Since infinite years till now!

*This ocean has no beginning, no end!

This ocean is without birth or death!

*Who sinks in this ocean!

Becomes without birth or death!

*This ocean is without the world!

This ocean is within the world!

This ocean is beyond the nature!

This ocean is within the nature!

*This ocean is beyond time and space!

This ocean is within time and space!

*No one is beyond this ocean!

Nothing is beyond this ocean!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

To sink in this ocean of immortality!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


16 Jan 2023

If we get bad

*If we do good!

Even then we get bad!

*If we get punishment!

Even if we have done nothing wrong!

*This is the greatest thing!

For firm belief on Almighty!

*Why it is so?

Why it happens?

*In this birth!

We do everything good!

It is great!

*We know only this much!

But Almighty knows!

About our all the past births!

*He needs to neutralize!

Karma of our all past births!

Only then we can be pure!

For immortality or liberation!

*Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

*Your past Karma!

They are being neutralized!

By withstanding all these!

*It will make you pure!

It will make you stronger!

Required to know yourself!

Required to know Atma!

*Nature sets right everything!

Every Karma needs to be repaid!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


27 December 2022

Biggest obstacle in divine journey

*Do you know the biggest obstacle?

In divine journey!

*That is!

Want of Maan, Prstishtha!

You want your respect!

You want your popularity!

You want your worship!

You want your self-praise!

*That is the biggest obstacle!

That is the biggest hurdle!

*That is your biggest exam!

And you have to pass that exam!

*If you are trapped in this!

Then you can't enjoy divine joy for ever!

*Those who want to enjoy!

Permanent divine joy for ever!

Nectar of immortality!

They are not trapped in this!

*They want to keep them secret!

They prefer to remain beggar!

*Since, for them even the!

King of heaven is nothing!

President of a nation is nothing!

Prime Minister of a nation is nothing!

*Even if such people seem to be begging!

But they can bless you with post like!

Kingdom of heaven!

President of a nation!

Prime Minister of a nation!

*Speech of such person becomes true!

His saying is more than enough!

, Such person lives!

Always intoxicated in divine joy!

The nectar of immortality!

He considers himself!

The most happy person!

On this entire earth!

In all the worlds!

Hence he wants nothing!

*He can live as a king!

He can live as a beggar!

For him no difference!

*One must strive for this position!

Then your divine journey is true!


21 JULY 2022

@No end of knowledge

@For worldly knowledge!

No end!

For divine knowledge!

No end!

@Don't fight anyone!

For right or wrong!

For Worldly knowledge!

For showing your superiority!

@Since it will be of no use!

Even if you are master of worldly knowledge!

Since it in Maya!

Since it is just illusion!

@People report me!

He is wrong!

I am right!

I checked in Google!

@If worldly knowledge gives you immortality!

Use it and utilize your time!

If worldly knowledge increases your ego!

Then it will be painful for you!

Since it gives you pain of births and deaths!

@Don't fight for worldly knowledge!

For proving your superiority!

Strive for divine knowledge!

And make use of your birth!

? ? ?

2 July 2022

@You invite death

@You invite death!

If you consume more food!

If you see more!

If talk more!

If you listen more!

If you touch more!

If you taste more!

If you smell more!

@You invite death!

If you misuse senses!

If you misuse subtle mind!

If you misuse intellect!

If you misuse yourself!

@What is misuse?

If you misuse them!

For the world!

It is misuse!

@If you use them!

For the divine!

Then it is best use!

Then you invite immortality!


9 June22

@How to deal with Jealousy?

@Why you are jealous?

Assume this world as dream!


No one is superior!

No one is inferior!


All are acting in drama!

@Don't forget!

Sampatti Vipatti Ki Jad Hai!

More you have!

More you will be in trouble!

@Everything will be missed!

Then you will be very sad!

Hence it is better not to have!

@If you are happy!

By any thing, person!

Or circumstance!

You will be unhappy!

By same thing, person!

Or circumstance!

@If you are more happy!

Then you will be more unhappy!

With all these things!

@Since you have to miss them one day!

Since they have to miss you one day!

@On receiving you will be happy!

On missing you will be unhappy!

@Try to find out that thing!

Which can never be missed!

And that is Almighty!


Almighty is taking your test!

He wants to make you stronger!

Hence you have to win the jealousy!

@Don't be weak!

Be strong!


All these are toys!

To trap you in mortal world!

@Hence don't be attracted!

By all these things!

Thus win the jealousy!

@Krishna has told in Gita!

Initially you have to drink the poison!

Only after that!

You can taste the nectar of immortality!

@Thus have faith!

On these words of Krishna!

@If you win yourself!

You win the world!


3 May 2022

What is Akshaya Tritiya

*Akshaya means imperishable!

Which can not be destroyed!

*It is believed!

If you donate anything!

On this day!

Its result will be imperishable!

*It is the greatness of our Sanskrati!

And this festival is during peak summer!

If you donate drinking water!

If you donate slippers to poor!

If you donate umbrella to deserved!

Who require such things!

During peak summer season!

You will get imperishable results!

*And if you do it selflessly!

And if you remember Almighty!

If you recite His sacred names!

On this day selflessly!

Then you can also get immortality!

During this birth itself!

*Wish you Happy Akshaya Tritiya!

Make it Real Happy Akshaya Tritiya!


14 October 2021

Love your Maa like this

*Love your Maa like this!

You should not be attached!

With her body!

She should not be attached!

With your body!

*You should not be a cause!

Of her bondage!

She should not be a cause!

Of your bondage!

*Always consider!

Love to Maa, love to Devi Maa!

Love to Maa, love to Maa Durga!

Not even slight difference!

*Love every one in family!

Like this!

Do thy duty!

As given by Almighty!

*Everyone is of Almighty!

No one is yours!

Assume like this!

Do as per your capability!

*Always consider!

You are not the doer!

You can't do anything!

Krishna makes you dance!

As per your Karma!

*Hence don't keep any ego!

Don't boast for your work!

Camphor dissolves in air!

If kept it open!

So are your virtues!

*If you tell your good deeds to any one!

They don't remain good deeds!

They don't remain selfless!

Hence not eligible for immortality!

*Wish you Happy Durga Navami!

Wish you Happy Dussehra!


31 July 2021

Don't go outward

*Go inward!

Don't go outward!

Don't see others!

Don't show others!

Don't like others!

Don't dislike others!

Don't judge others!

Judge only yourself!

Since there is no other!

Only you exist!

*I speak to you inside!

Don't see my message!

Don't wait for my call!

Listen my voice inside you!

*If you can listen!

You are eligible for immortality!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


12 July 2021

Only Those Who Have Faith

Hi Friends,

Happy to announce, this year on the auspicious occasions of Sri Krishna Janmashtami and

Guru Purnima, it has been proposed that Instant Divine Knowledge may be imparted by the

grace of Lord Sri Krishna for entry in the divine world to the eligible seekers of God. If you are

selected, you may be eligible for immortality and liberation.

You may be given initial glimpse of presence of divine.

You need not to come any where. Remain wherever you are!

Some procedure has been formulated to assess this eligibility.

Following information is also requiredYour Full name

Your latest photograph by WhatsApp

Your Aadhaar card by WhatsApp

Only those who have faith on me need to respond. People must have faith on me that I shall not

misuse their documents. Those who don't have faith on me are not required to respond on this

post. Since you may not have any glimpse if you don't have faith on me.

You may be Hindu, Muslim or any other religion. You may be from any nation, gender, language,

race, caste, etc.

If you are out of India, then Aadhaar Card is not required. Your any Identity Proof which must

have your photo is applicable.

After that your eligibility will be checked by some secret process.

If you are selected, you will be included directly in Spiritual India WhatsApp Group 7 which will

be termed as Knowledge group.

If you want Instant Divine Knowledge, please inform your WhatsApp number by this email id -

[email protected]

Please accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group


4 July 2021

What is Spiritual Birth?

Even if you have seen God!

Even if you have seen Kali!

Even if you have seen Krishna!

But you don't know yourself!

If you don't know yourself!

Then your journey is incomplete!

Yes, spiritual journey is incomplete!

If you don't know yourself!

Even if you can do many miracles!

Even if you can walk on fire or sea!

But you don't know yourself!

Then your journey is incomplete!

Without knowing yourself!

Liberation is impossible!

Immortality is impossible!

Only if your spiritual birth takes place!

You are entitled for liberation!

You are entitled for immortality!

And what is spiritual birth!

Knowing yourself is spiritual birth!

20 June 2021

What can I give you?

My Dear Friends!

My Beloved!

What can I give you?

On my birthday!

Since I am very weak!

I want to give you immortality!

I want your liberation!

Since I can't see you dying!

Nothing less than immortality!

Nothing less than liberation!

It is my very weakness!

I can't see my lovers dying!

Those who are my lovers!

Those who are my relatives!

Those who are my friends!

I can't see them dying!

I pray to my beloved Krishna!

I pray to my loving Almighty!

To remove your sufferings!

And pains for ever by His Grace!

I pray to loving Krishna!

I pray to beloved God!

To bless you divinity!

By showing you His love!


17 Jun 2021

Sthir Buddhi and Asthir Buddhi

Sri Krishna tells us in Gita!

There are two types of Buddhi!

There are two types of mind!

Stable mind and unstable mind!

Unstable Buddhi has many branches!

Causes many thoughts and changes!

Stable mind is the cause of joy!

Unstable mind is cause of sorrows!

Stable mind leads to!

Immortality or liberation!

Unstable mind leads to!

Bondage birth after the births!

Stable mind is the firm in decision!

Unstable mind always changes it!

Unstable is like mind of a bird!

Flying from one tree to another!

If you join any group or party!

Or Job, WhatsApp Group etc!

And you continue to change it!

Then you are of unstable mind!

If you want success in life!

If you want permanent joy!

Don't have mind of bird!

Have stable mind for ever!

Unstable mind creates illusion!

Stable mind removes illusion!


26 May 2021

Only those who can speak in Silence

Only those who can speak in silence!

Only those who can listen in silence!

They are entitled entry in divine world!

Only they are eligible for liberation!

Only they are eligible for immortality!

Those who want to show others!

About their devotion to Almighty!

They can never enter in divine!

Almighty is not available for sale!

Almighty available for selfless!


18 FEB 2021

Worldly Joy Vs Divine Joy

Worldly joy appears to be nectar!

In the beginning!

But it is poison!

In the end!

Divine Joy appears to be poison!

In the beginning!

But it is nectar!

In the end!

It is not for saying!

But it is a fact!

You can check yourself!

This truth!

Same thing has been told!

By Sri Krishna!

In Bhagwad Gita!

Worldly joy gives you!

Death after the death!

In every birth!

Divine Joy gives you!

Immortality for ever!

No further birth!

Birth is cause of sorrows!

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita-

Rules For Living In Your Family By Pravin Agrawal-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

? ? ?

Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die By Pravin Agrawal-

Peace can't be achieved without divine By Pravin Agrawal-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

28 Punishments for OUR SINS - GARUDA PURANA-


Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-

? ? ?


Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Radhe radhe ji

Lalatendu Keshari Dhal

Duck Creek Billing Developer at Coforge || Ex-MindtreeMind

11 个月

Jai Maa??


Jai shree ganesh Jai Mata di ??

Nihal Sri Ameresekere, Professional Consultant

Member - CFE, ICGFM & IAACA | Associate - ABA | Author

11 个月




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