Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Existence
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Existence.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
? ? ?
9 January 2024
You give existence to the world
*World doesn't give existence to you!
You give existence to the world!
*You say that world exists!
World doesn't say that it exists!
*You think of the world!
You see the world!
You speak about the world!
You touch the world!
You taste the world!
You smell the world!
*You only give existence to world!
World doesn't give existence to you!
*You give existence to world!
With your mind!
If mind is not there!
No world is there!
*You are the self soul Atma!
Atma is Paramatma Almighty!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
15 December 2023
How this world doesn't exist?
*Visible world is Jad!
Visible things are Jad!
Jad is like a dead leaf!
Jad can't see anything!
*Chinmay is seeing Jad world!
Jad world can't see Chinmay!
*You say that world exists!
World doesn't say!
That you exist!
*You give existence to world!
World doesn't give existence to you!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 August 2023
Others do not exist
*Believe me!
Others do not exist!
*Do not show others!
Do not see others!
*You are trapped!
By the images of the others!
That is the cause of your bondage!
That is the cause of your sorrows!
Since millions of births!
*Forget others!
Only you exist!
*You give existence to all!
During waking!
As you give existence to all!
In your dream!
*Know this secret key of joy!
And be happy!
From now onwards!
*Do as per your nature!
Try as per your habit!
Be natural!
Don't be trapped by others!
*Don't do anything!
For happiness of others!
Do everything!
For your happiness only!
*Then only you can be happy!
Then only you will remain happy!
*Always remember!
Others do not exist!
You give existence to everyone!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
3 August 2023
What happens after Liberation?
Part 1
Received the following question:
What happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem
but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.
Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no
For replying this!
Reply following questions -
You are seeing a movie!
Then you have any fear or Sorrows?
You are playing in a drama!
If you die in the drama!
You have any fear?
You have any sorrows?
You saw a horrible dream!
You have any fear or worry now?
You were present in deep sleep!
Were you having any fear of body?
Were you having any sorrows?
How you felt during deep sleep?
Now you must have got!
Your reply!
Part 2
It is common question!
People may have this question!
People fear liberation also!
Mukti is fear from death!
Mukti or liberation same thing!
After Mukti we don't die!
Mukti is knowing!
This world is illusion!
Your body is illusion!
World and body don't exist!
Even without Mukti we don't die!
We change from one form to another!
Before Mukti!
We are in ignorance!
After Mukti!
We are not in ignorance!
Mukti is knowing!
You don't die!
Only body dies!
Mukti removes fear!
Hence Mukti is!
Mukti from ignorance!
Ignorance is the cause of sorrows!
You are wearing clothes!
If you change your clothes!
Any thing goes wrong?
After Mukti you remain as it is!
And you know what you are!
No change in your existence!
You know your real existence!
After Mukti life does not go!
But you know that you are life!
Part 3
Liberation is mukti from!
Birth and death!
But not from life!
You don't take further birth!
Birth is the cause of sorrows!
Since it gives pain of death!
Birth after the births!
And many other sorrows!
During birth so much pain!
During death so much pain!
In body so much pain of!
Diseases, old age etc!
But after Mukti!
You are free from sorrows!
No diseases, no old age!
No further birth or death!
Before Mukti you don't know existence!
After Mukti you become existence!
You fear due to your body!
You fear from leaving your body!
For Mukti, no need to leave body!
You get Mukti while living in body!
No liberation after death!
Liberation only in your life!
You don't need to die!
You don't need to leave body!
After death liberation not possible!
Since you need body to do Karma!
Mukti is knowing, who are you!
Not incomplete but full knowledge!
12 February 2023
How to see God?
Following is the process for seeing God, Almighty:
First, you must have faith and firm belief on one and only one Almighty God.
Second, you get glimpse of God.
Third, you see God as per your intense desire.
Fourth, you merge with God.
This is the entire process.
There are two types of Darshan or seeing:
First Darshan, you see directly in any shape of God.
This can be done only by God with His immense blessing. But this is very rare. Every one is not
entitled for this. This requires good Karma of thousands of births.
Second Darshan, you get the glimpse of God. For this also you require somewhat pure heart.
This can be done by you and others. You can yourself do it by visiting religious places,
pilgrimages, fasting, meditation etc. This makes your heart pure. An impure heart can not see
Almighty God.
Other person like Guru can also show you God in this second process. He can give you glimpse
of one and only one Almighty God. He can bless you with divine glimpse or grace. This can be
done by visit to the doors of Guru. Some of the Guru can give you this divine glimpse from
distance also. But this is very rare.
After having divine glimpse you know the truth about one Almighty God. Then you have full
faith, firm faith on Existence of God. Then you don't have doubts on God.
Then your divine journey starts. Then you can reach up to God by practice. It may take short
time or long time as per the intensity of your practice.
If you do not get any divine glimpse of God, then don't be disappointed. Try to purify your heart
by practicing. This practice can be done by listening devotional music, by fasting, by meditation,
by increasing focus, by selfless work, by reading scripture, by Satsang and by reading my
sharing about Krishna, Almighty God. Thus by purifying intellect.
What is divine glimpse?
You get some hint, some glimpse of God or Atma or soul in your mind. You don't see God in
front of your eyes. But you feel presence of God in your mind, in your heart. You get some
feeling about presence of Atma or God. You get some divine light. You get some thoughts from
Atma or God. You get some words of your Atma ie soul or God. You hear some words in
silence. You get some thoughts in silence. For this you need to focus on you, your thoughts. You
become thoughtles for some time. Do not see in front of you. See inside you, inside of your
heart, inside of your mind and body. This is known as divine glimpse.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
15 Jan 2023
True Incident : When Krishna trained me
*Today on this very auspicious day of Makar Sankranti I am sharing a very true incident of my
life. I never wanted to share this. But I could not stop myself without sharing the glory of my
beloved Guru Lord Sri Krishna!
*This is my true experience, true incident. When I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during
the year 19989-90. I used to be very sad, full of sorrows due to sad demise of my father. I used
to remember Lord Sri Krishna, God, Paramatma most of the time. I used to remain under
contemplation about God, existence of Atma and Paramatma.
*During those days I experienced this true incident. Sri Krishna used to impart training of
Spirituality to me. Initially He examined me. He tested me. He used to ask many questions to
test me. His questions were about existence of divine, Atma, God, Paramatma, Almighty and
I used to reply.
*During those days there were two souls in my body- First of myself and second of Lord Sri
Krishna! There were two souls in my body for many days during this duration!
*He lived inside my body for many days for imparting this training. He used to talk to me. I used
to reply His every question. When I was fully trained and I passed His examination, He left my
body after many days. Then my eyes were full of tears for many days. I was weeping for many
days as I missed my beloved Krishna from my body.
I became like dead after missing my beloved Krishna from my body.
*Sri Krishna is so much merciful. He is so kind. Words can't express His beauty, His mercy or
*During this period I myself realized the truth of these verses mentioned in Bhagavad Gita :
*The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of
all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. - 18/61
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*Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of
knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. - 10/11
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*To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by
which they can come to Me. - 10/10
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*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam for beautiful lotus feet of my beloved Krishna always, for
*Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti.
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 Jan 2023
Body is not holding you
*You are holding your body!
Body is not holding you!
*You give existence to body!
Body does not give existence to you!
*You are attached to body!
Body is not attached to you!
*Once you know yourself!
You know these facts!
*Try to know yourself!
This is purpose of your birth!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 January 2023
How to start divine journey?
Part 1
How to start Spiritual Journey?
I started my spiritual journey during the year 1990 after sad demise of my beloved father. I was
fond of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna during my childhood. But as I grew up my faith was
reduced till I was selected in IIT Roorkee. Then I used to say that Almighty God does not exist.
Only hard work counts. I worked hard and hence I was selected in IITs.
After my marriage faith on God was further reduced. I used to do Puja but only for worldly
But I was having full faith on Existence of Paramatma, One Almighty God.
When you start your divine journey, first and foremost you have to win the followingKaam- It means desire and lust.
Krodh - It means anger.
Lobh - It means greed.
Moh - It means mine-Ness. This is mine, this is not mine.
Madd - It means your thinking- I am so much powerful. I am so much wealthy. I am so much
It is very difficult to win all above 5 enemies. But once you take vow for winning these enemies,
then God helps you! Krishna helps you!
I tried to win above 5 enemies just after starting my divine journey and I got the help of Almighty.
You must make a routine to read Bhagavad Gita and Sunderkand of Ramayana during morning
and evening hours at least for one hour or half an hour during a fixed time, place and duration. If
evening time is not possible, then morning time is essential. Do it for some months.
I did it. One must do it with much devotion.
You must repeat any Mantra of your any one favorite God as much as possible in your mind
along with the remembrance of God.
During my divine journey I recited the auspicious Mantra of Lord Rama for some years. If I used
to find any person with the name or Mantra of any other God, I used to tell him- Love only
Rama! Recite only the Mantra of Lord Rama, not any other God!
You must see your favorite God like Rama or Krishna inside of everyone. It will give benefit in
your divine journey. Since you will remember God as much as possible due to this reason. And
remembering God gives you magical blessings and benefits.
Hence you must see your favorite God in your spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, boss,
subordinate, customer, colleagues, staff, workers, seniors, juniors etc. Since God lives in the
heart of every person.
Thus you can remember the greatest lord Almighty. Try to remember Him always. It is the
ultimate purpose of Spiritual journey.
It is the rule, whatever you remember you become!
If you remember good person, you become good.
If you remember wicked person, you will become wicked!
If you always remember your favorite God, he will help you. He will guide you. He will bless you
with good and auspicious thoughts.
Do three times Prayers daily to your favorite God during Morning, Afternoon and Evening hours.
Make your prayer as per your requirement and happiness.
Pray to God to remove your weaknesses!
9 Jan 2023
How to start divine journey?
*How to start Spiritual Journey?
I started my spiritual journey during the year 1990 after sad demise of my beloved father. I was
fond of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna during my childhood. But as I grew up my faith was
reduced till I was selected in IIT Roorkee. Then I used to say that Almighty God does not exist.
Only hard work counts. I worked hard and hence I was selected in IITs.
*After my marriage faith on God was further reduced. I used to do Puja but only for worldly
But I was having full faith on Existence of Paramatma, One Almighty God.
*When you start your divine journey, first and foremost you have to win the followingKaam- It means desire and lust.
Krodh - It means anger.
Lobh - It means greed.
Moh - It means mine-Ness. This is mine, this is not mine.
Madd - It means your thinking- I am so much powerful. I am so much wealthy. I am so much
*It is very difficult to win all above 5 enemies. But once you take vow for winning these enemies,
then God helps you! Krishna helps you!
*I tried to win above 5 enemies just after starting my divine journey and I got the help of
*You must make a routine to read Bhagavad Gita and Sunderkand of Ramayana during morning
and evening hours at least for one hour or half an hour during a fixed time, place and duration. If
evening time is not possible, then morning time is essential. Do it for some months.
I did it. One must do it with much devotion.
*You must repeat any Mantra of your any one favorite God as much as possible in your mind
along with the remembrance of God.
*During my divine journey I recited the auspicious Mantra of Lord Rama for some years. If I
used to find any person with the name or Mantra of any other God, I used to tell him- Love only
Rama! Recite only the Mantra of Lord Rama, not any other God!
*You must see your favorite God like Rama or Krishna inside of everyone. It will give benefit in
your divine journey. Since you will remember God as much as possible due to this reason. And
remembering God gives you magical blessings and benefits.
Hence you must see your favorite God in your spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, boss,
subordinate, customer, colleagues, staff, workers, seniors, juniors etc. Since God lives in the
heart of every person.
*Thus you can remember the greatest lord Almighty. Try to remember Him always. It is the
ultimate purpose of Spiritual journey.
*It is the rule, whatever you remember you become!
*If you remember good person, you become good.
*If you remember wicked person, you will become wicked!
*If you always remember your favorite God, he will help you. He will guide you. He will bless you
with good and auspicious thoughts.
*Do three times Prayers daily to your favorite God during Morning, Afternoon and Evening
*Make your prayer as per your requirement and happiness.
*Pray to God to remove your weaknesses!
Ask your sincere apology at least 9 times for your any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly daily
during your morning and evening prayers.
*Thank God at least 9 times during your morning and evening prayers for blessings you so
many things.
*Read or recite Hanuman Chalisa in your mind at least 7 times in a day! Lord Hanuman will
bless you!
*Donate at least one percent of your monthly income on the day of Purnima and Amavasya
every month specially grass to cow, food and water for poor or beggars.
Some donations for medical purposes if you want to keep your good health. This must be a
regular practice without fail if you want to progress in your divine journey.
Try to hide yourself by doing all these types of charity. Don't do it for your name and fame or
selfish motives!
*Try to do your every work in your home, office, work-place or business as the service of God.
Since you are doing everything for God sitting inside of everyone! Thus try to reduce your ego.
Thus try to serve all while living in your home, not in jungle, hills, mountains or forests.
*Thus you will get divine help of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama or of your favorite God.
*Have firm faith on your divine journey and its various stages. There are 7 stages of divine
*Thus God will remove your shortcomings in divine journey in every stage.
Thus God Himself will help you!
*My best wishes for your happy divine journey!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
28 DEC 2022
Medicine is not the remedy of disease
*Try to find out the cause of disease!
Remove that cause!
Medicine is not the remedy of disease!
*You are wearing shoe!
There is a thorn in the shoe!
You are feeling pain due to this!
*What will you do?
Will you eat pain killer?
Will you apply ointment?
*By doing this!
Your pain may be removed temporarily!
But not permanently!
*Remove the pain for ever!
Remove the thorn from the shoe!
Thus remove your pain!
Thus be happy!
*Try to find out the cause of sorrows!
Remove the cause!
Thus be happy!
*World is the cause of sorrows!
Remove the world from mind!
Use it to fulfill your needs!
Thus be happy!
*Don't give much importance to world!
Give importance to your existence!
Give importance to your happiness!
*Other things and people!
They can't give you happiness!
You yourself can give you happiness!
*If we give happiness!
We will get happiness!
*If we expect happiness!
From other people and things!
We can never be happy!
*Giving is in our hands!
But taking is not in our hands!
17 OCT 2022
@I am Atma of everyone!
I am soul of everyone!
I am life of everyone!
I am existence of everything!
@No one exists without me!
Nothing exists without me!
@I exist in everyone!
Everyone exists on my screen!
I am inside of everyone!
I am outside of everyone!
@I am the Substratum of everyone!
I am Substratum of everything!
@Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn!
Twitter, Facebook etc!
All of them exist due to me only!
@All owners exist in me only!
All founders exist in me only!
@All companies exist in me!
All industries exist in me!
All factories exist in me!
@All Prime Ministers exist due to me only!
All Presidents exist due to me only!
@All billionaires exist due to me only!
All celebrities exist due to me only!
@All divine Masters exist in me only!
Gods of all religions exist in me only!
@If I don't exist!
All of these will not exist!
@I give existence to everyone!
I give existence to everything!
@But when I wake up!
Nothing exists except me!
@I am Vishwatma!
I am Substratum of everyone!
I am Substratum of everything!
@This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
6 OCT 2022
@How mind comes in existence?
@I am Chaitanya!
When I consider myself!
As body!
Mind is formed!
@When I consider!
Other body!
As different!
Mind is formed!
@Mind has no separate entity!
When I give existence to body!
When I say anything good or bad!
Mind is formed!
@Mind is just thought!
Mind is just a bunch of thoughts!
Mind has no separate entity!
23 May 2022
Everyone wants to be popular
*This world does not exist!
Even then!
Everyone wants to be popular!
In this mortal world!
Thus they give existence to world!
*There is rate race!
To become popular!
By different pretexts!
*Some wants to be popular!
On the ground that!
They want to do public welfare!
They want to change the world!
Without changing themselves!
Without doing complete journey!
*If you make complete journey!
You will not find out the time!
To do public welfare!
To become popular!
*Everyone wants to be Guru!
Everyone wants to be Coach!
Everyone wants to be Motivator!
Everyone wants to be Influencer!
Everyone wants to be Writer!
Everyone wants to be YouTuber!
*Everyone wants to create Organization!
Everyone wants to create Ashram etc!
So that his name should run for ever!
With the help of his Organization etc!
Thus they are befooling themselves!
*When this world itself does not exist!
How long your Ashram etc will last?
*When this world does not exist!
How long your name will last?
*Don't do unnecessary efforts!
Consume your entire energy!
To know yourself fully!
*Don't take rest!
Till you know yourself fully!
*You are such great!
You don't require any Organization etc!
You are such great!
You don't require any name etc!
21 May 2022
My Guru Sri Krishna
*My direct Guru!
Lord Sri Krishna!
*No other Guru required!
Krishna is in all!
Hence all are my Guru!
*If I learn anything from you!
You are my Guru!
If I learn anything from bird!
Bird is my Guru!
*Krishna is Self!
Self is my Guru!
And I am the Self!
I am Atma!
*Don't be confused!
You can make!
As many Guru as you want!
*In fact you can't make Guru!
Guru makes you!
You can't select Guru!
Guru selects you!
*Why you need any Guru?
Is there any one apart from you?
*You give existence to everyone!
You give existence to everything!
*When you are in deep sleep!
Nothing exists except you!
*When you are in dream!
You create your world!
*Treat this world as your dream!
And wake up to know the Self!
*Tell me!
Reply me!
*World is in you?
You are in the world?
*World is in you!
You are not in the world!
*Does world come to tell you?
That it exists?
*World can't tell that!
It exists!
You only tell that!
World exists!
*You are Chinmay!
World is Jada!
*You give existence to world!
World can't give existence to you!
*But even then if you need!
Almighty will arrange Guru for you!
3 June 2021
True Incident With Me
It might be the year 1997. At that time I was in Srinagar Kashmir during my transferable job. I
was returning to my job after availing leave.
I might be on the way between Jammu and Srinagar. In between my bus stopped under the
open sky somewhere. I got down from the bus along with other passengers to relax.
I was gazing towards the sky while relaxing.
All of the sudden I saw Devarshi Narad most probably. He was flying in the sky while singing His
popular devotional songSriman Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
I was too much amazed. I couldn't believe but it was true.
He remained for some time and after some time he went away. Most probably He was passing
by. Or He specially came to give His very auspicious Darshan for me.
I was thrilled and it filled me with positive energy.
Then I could understand. Whatever mentioned in our Scriptures and Purans is not false.
Why any one will write any false story in our scriptures? If any one does not want to believe, he
will not believe in our existence also after many years. It will not mean that we never existed!
Wishing You Happy Narad Jayanti.
13 May 2022
If I desire any thing
*If I desire anything!
I give existence to mind!
*If I desire anything!
I create my mind!
*If I desire anything!
I create my world!
*If I desire anything!
I create pain for myself!
*Since mind is the cause of sorrows!
Since world is the cause of sorrows!
24 Mar 2022
Play of Senses
*I am seeing you through senses!
I am replying you through senses!
*I give you existence through senses!
I respond to you through senses!
*I see every thing through senses!
I act with every thing through senses!
*Every one is play of my senses!
Every thing is play of my senses!
*Senses are my Goggles!
Shows me colorful world!
31 January 2022
Main Considerations While Voting
While casting the vote public must give some points as top-most consideration.
Your vote is most precious, it should not be wasted by electing wrong party. The following points
must be remembered while voting.
What is the alternative? Any single party can give strong, alternative government?
Stability of Government. If you vote any party, can it give stable government?
Security of the nation. There should not be any element in any political party who may be having
links with enemy nation or any terrorist organization.
Terrorism. Which party can prevent terrorism?
Crimes. Which party can prevent crimes?Since crimes prevent the industrial growth.
Corruption. Which party can prevent the corruption?
Development. Which paty can do national development?
Other topics or problems like poverty, price-rise, unemployment, regional issues etc will be with
any other government as we have already seen in many governments since about 75 years
after independence.
Never forget. Nation first. Then comes your state or region. And you come at last priority. We
should never compromise national security at any cost! A weak nation makes weak future and it
is dangerous for your existence!
Forward this to all concerned if you want to make your nation stronger, if you really love your
29 December 2021
Who else is there except me?
*I am the only one!
Who thinks others!
Who feels others!
Who sees others!
Who listens others!
Who speaks to others!
Who touches others!
Who tastes others!
Who smells others!
Who else is there except me?
*Senses are my tools!
Subtle mind is my tool!
Intellect is my tool!
I give existence to all by these!
*I give existence to everyone!
I give existence to everything!
Who else is there except me?
10 Nov 2021
My Tools
*I give existence!
To this beautiful world!
With my tools!
*I give existence!
To all forms and names!
With my tools!
*I am seeing!
This beautiful world!
With my tools!
*Senses are my tools!
Subtle mind is my tool!
Intellect is my tool!
*Tools are not different than me!
I become these tools in dream!
When I wake up, only I am left!
9 November 2021
Who else is there except me?
*I give existence to everyone!
I give existence to everything!
By my senses, mind, intellect!
*Senses are my tools!
Subtle mind is my tool!
Intellect is my tool!
*Who else is there?
Except me!
? ? ?
23 October 2021
I sense
*I sense everyone!
I sense everything!
*I think everyone!
I think everything!
*I react with everyone!
I react with everything!
*I give existence to everyone!
I give existence to every thing!
*Everyone in my dream!
Every thing in my dream!
*There is no one apart me!
There is nothing apart me!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
1 Aug 2021
Only I am subject
*My body is object!
Only I am subject!
*Body of everyone is object!
Every forms and names object!
Form of every God Guru object!
Only I am subject!
*I see form of every God!
I see form of every Guru!
I see form of everyone!
But I am without form!
*Whatever I see!
Whatever I listen!
Whatever I touch!
Whatever I taste!
Whatever I smell!
Every thing object!
*Every movable, immovable!
Every living, non-living!
Every visible, invisible!
Every thing is object!
Except myself!
I am only subject!
*I see them!
I give existence!
I don't see them!
I don't give existence!
*I think them!
I give existence!
I don't think them!
I don't give existence!
*Mind intellect senses!
They are my tools!
*If I use these tools!
I give them existence!
If I don't use them!
I don't give them existence!
*I am without shape!
I am without form!
Only I exist!
And nothing else!
26 July 2021
Top Most Secret of Success
*Today I am telling you the top most secret thing which is the gist of this universe and the
It is the secret key of happiness. If you can do this, then you have made your life.
Then you can never be sad.
And this one and only one key is -
Don't complain.
Do not complain of any one, just focus on yourself!
Don't see others, see only yourself!
Because, no one else exists. Only you exist.
All others are just in your dream.
Think that they are acting in a drama.
You are also in the same drama.
They have been given such role to tease you.
You have been given such role to withstand.
Hence, play the role accordingly.
If you can do this, then you can achieve the aim of your thousands of births in this birth itself.
Yes, then you can know who you are!
17 July 2021
If someone abuses you
You give him existence!
If someone abuses you!
You are seeing him!
You are listening him!
You are seeing him!
By your eyes!
You are listening him!
By your ears!
If eyes were not there!
If ears were not there!
Then no abuse!
Then no insult!
Try to see!
He is abusing you in dream!
His words are to the air and sky!
His words are not for you!
22 June 2021
True Incident Of Last Year
It is the incident of Bangalore.
Last year ie year 2020 one day I was returning from my office to my home.
I saw one of my old friends flying in the air and I came to know that he was expired. He was
living in Agra, UP.
He was in Agra but I saw him in Bangalore.
I did not not give much importance to this.
But about after one month I came to know that he was really expired one month back.
I presume that he expired on the same day when I saw him flying in the air.
This incident confirms the existence of Soul or Atma as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita and other
4 June 2021
What happens after Liberation?
Part 3
Liberation is mukti from!
Birth and death!
But not from life!
You don't take further birth!
Birth is the cause of sorrows!
Since it gives pain of death!
Birth after the births!
And many other sorrows!
During birth so much pain!
During death so much pain!
In body so much pain of!
Diseases, old age etc!
But after Mukti!
You are free from sorrows!
No diseases, no old age!
No further birth or death!
Before Mukti you don't know existence!
After Mukti you become existence!
You fear due to your body!
You fear from leaving your body!
For Mukti, no need to leave body!
You get Mukti while living in body!
No liberation after death!
Liberation only in your life!
You don't need to die!
You don't need to leave body!
After death liberation not possible!
Since you need body to do Karma!
Mukti is knowing, who are you!
Not incomplete but full knowledge!
3 June 2021
True Incident With Me
It might be the year 1997. At that time I was in Srinagar Kashmir during my transferable job. I
was returning to my job after availing leave.
I might be on the way between Jammu and Srinagar. In between my bus stopped under the
open sky somewhere. I got down from the bus along with other passengers to relax.
I was gazing towards the sky while relaxing.
All of the sudden I saw Devarshi Narad most probably. He was flying in the sky while singing His
popular devotional songSriman Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
I was too much amazed. I couldn't believe but it was true.
He remained for some time and after some time he went away. Most probably He was passing
by. Or He specially came to give His very auspicious Darshan for me.
I was thrilled and it filled me with positive energy.
Then I could understand. Whatever mentioned in our Scriptures and Purans is not false.
Why any one will write any false story in our scriptures? If any one does not want to believe, he
will not believe in our existence also after many years. It will not mean that we never existed!
31 May 2021
I give existence to all
I alone exist!
I give existence to all!
I feel every one every thing!
I see every one every thing!
I touch every one every thing!
I taste every one every thing!
I smell every one every thing!
I speak to every one!
I listen to every one!
I think about every one!
I think about every thing!
During deep sleep!
I only remain and nothing else!
I give existence to all!
With the help of my mind!
Hence I give existence to all!
Hence I alone exist nothing else!
31 May 2021
You give existence to all
You give existence to all!
You give existence to your body!
You give existence to every one!
You give existence to every thing!
All things in your knowledge!
Your body in your knowledge!
Every one in your knowledge!
Every thing in your knowledge!
Who else exists except you?
You give existence to all!
All differences in your knowledge!
All levels in your knowledge!
Every God in your knowledge!
Every Guru in your knowledge!
Every name in your knowledge!
Every form in your knowledge!
Except you, who else exists?
You alone exist, nothing else!
21 February 2021
When problems start?
*Problems start!
When you assume body!
As yours!
*Problems start!
When you assume world!
As yours!
*Body is not yours!
World is not yours!
*They are entirety different!
Since you are Atma!
*By assuming body as yours!
You create mind and ego!
You create thoughts and actions!
*What is ego?
Body is mine!
I am body!
That is ego!
*What is mind!
Body is mine!
World is mine!
That is mind!
*You give existence to body!
You give existence to world!
By creating their ownership by mind!
But they don't exist since they are movie!
*Thus you are trapped!
Thus you invite problems!
*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
If you are keeping your parents!
If you are keeping your parents!
With you in their old age!
No, don't think so!
They are keeping you!
If you are serving your parents!
In their old age!
Don't post the photos in Facebook!
Keep it secret!
Are you doing a favor for them?
Why do you want their property in return?
Why do you want their wealth in return?
Then it is not your love for them!
Then it becomes a trade!
One day
You will be in same position!
Your children will do the same!
Your love should be selfless!
No one should know this!
You should accept nothing in return!
Even if they force to give you!
Then you see the miracle!
It becomes true worship of Almighty!
Then you can know the Almighty!
By mere serving your parents!
Then you can achieve anything!
In this world and out of the world!
Then you can know who you are!
Then you can know your real existence!
Then you can know Atma!
Then you can know Paramatma!
Just sitting at your home!
Then no need of going to temples!
Then no need of going mosques!
Then no need of going Tirupati!
Then no need of going Mecca Kaba!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-
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