Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Drama

Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Drama

Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Drama.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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17 August 2023

Nothing was there, Nothing will remain

*Initially nothing was there in the world!

Finally nothing will remain in the world!

Except one Almighty and yourself!

*Even now!

Nothing is there in the world!

Whatever you see now!

That is Duniya Ka Mela!

Its meaning in English-

It is like a drama!

It is like a movie!

To test yourself!

To examine yourself!

To trap yourself!

To cheat yourself!

*Whatever you see now!

That is seen!

Like dream is seen!

Like mirage is seen in the desert!

Like shadow is seen!

Like rainbow is seen in the sky!

Like sky is seen blue!

*And you are here!

On this planet earth!

To verify this truth!

By yourself only!

*It is a big challenge to you!

To get out of this Indra-Jaal!

To get out of this spider web!

To get out of this illusion!

To get out of this Maya!

To get out of this trap!

After knowing this truth!

*What you are doing?

On this beautiful planet earth!

You are just waiting to die!

You are entangled in other issues!

Hence you have forgotten this truth!

You have forgotten your reality!

Since you forgot Almighty!

Just after taking the birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

3 August 2023

What happens after Liberation?

Part 1

Received the following question:

What happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem

but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.

Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no


For replying this!

Reply following questions -

You are seeing a movie!

Then you have any fear or Sorrows?

You are playing in a drama!

If you die in the drama!

You have any fear?

You have any sorrows?

You saw a horrible dream!

You have any fear or worry now?

You were present in deep sleep!

Were you having any fear of body?

Were you having any sorrows?

How you felt during deep sleep?

Now you must have got!

Your reply!

Part 2


It is common question!

People may have this question!

People fear liberation also!

Mukti is fear from death!

Mukti or liberation same thing!

After Mukti we don't die!

Mukti is knowing!

This world is illusion!

Your body is illusion!

World and body don't exist!

Even without Mukti we don't die!

We change from one form to another!

Before Mukti!

We are in ignorance!

After Mukti!

We are not in ignorance!

Mukti is knowing!

You don't die!

Only body dies!

Mukti removes fear!

Hence Mukti is!

Mukti from ignorance!

Ignorance is the cause of sorrows!

You are wearing clothes!

If you change your clothes!

Any thing goes wrong?

After Mukti you remain as it is!

And you know what you are!

No change in your existence!

You know your real existence!

After Mukti life does not go!

But you know that you are life!

Part 3


Liberation is mukti from!

Birth and death!

But not from life!

You don't take further birth!

Birth is the cause of sorrows!

Since it gives pain of death!

Birth after the births!

And many other sorrows!

During birth so much pain!

During death so much pain!

In body so much pain of!

Diseases, old age etc!

But after Mukti!

You are free from sorrows!

No diseases, no old age!

No further birth or death!

Before Mukti you don't know existence!

After Mukti you become existence!

You fear due to your body!

You fear from leaving your body!

For Mukti, no need to leave body!

You get Mukti while living in body!

No liberation after death!

Liberation only in your life!

You don't need to die!

You don't need to leave body!

After death liberation not possible!

Since you need body to do Karma!

Mukti is knowing, who are you!

Not incomplete but full knowledge!


21 May 2023

Don't have jealousy

*Everyone is passing the time!

Don't have jealousy with anyone!


Body of everyone already dead!

Atma, soul inside everyone!

It is keeping everyone alive!

Body seems to be visible due to Atma!

*Every visible thing is Jad!

Every visible thing already dead!

Every thing seems to be visible!

Due to Chinmay inside everything!

*Everyone playing in world drama!

In drama one may be rich, poor!

In drama one may be known, unknown!

How does it make any difference?

Why you have jealousy?

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


12 May 2023

This VCR is very unique

*In this VCR!

Reeling and unreeling together!

This VCR is very unique!

*Your present Karma with ego!

They are being reeled!

Your past Karma with ego!

They are being unreeled!

*Thus you act in this world movie!

Thus you act as a puppet!

With the threads of your Karma!

*Your thoughts create new Karma!

Your new Karma create thoughts!

Thus you are trapped like spider!

In this world drama!

*But when you do any Karma!

Without any sense of doership!

Then you are not trapped!

Then your Karma not recorded!

Then you don't get any result!

*Thus Karma theory works!

And this Srashti Chakra continues!

This cycle of births continues!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 May 2023

Brahm Vakya

How initial Sadhana is done during about initial ten years. You must know. Hence I am sharing

for you.

Just after Atma-Gyan, you see every one as God. For you if any one speaks, that becomes

Brahm Vakya. You see Brahm in every one. You see Almighty in every one.

With mad you have to become mad.

With child you have to become child.

With intelligent you have to become intelligent.

You have to play drama of life showing you as ignorant and other as God.

You have to become puppet of God sitting inside of the others.

You have to sit down if someone asks you to sit.

You have to stand up if someone asks you to stand up.

You just become puppet of God.

You have no ownership on your body.

God inside of others owns your body.

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to take any decisions - right or wrong.

But you have to win the intellect.

You are not required to see right or wrong.

Just you have to follow the orders of God inside of others.

During that period. You don't own your body. God sitting inside of the other owns your body.

And thus one can win the mind, desire and intellect.

Sometimes different people require different things from you. Then it becomes difficult to take

any decisions. Since God is inside of all. And all want different things from you. Then you have

to follow the Scriptures and your top most priority assigned to you by Almighty.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 April 2023

Who is God, Goddess?

*One who is settled!

In Supreme Soul!

In Brahman!

For ever!

*Such person is called!

God or Goddess!

He may be living person!

He may be dead person!

*Such person never dies!

He sees his body dead!

During and after his life!

*He is without body!

Even during the life!

*He is with body!

Even after his life!

*For him it doesn't matter!

His body is living or dead!

*He is always in divine bliss!

During and after his life!

*Such person is called!

God or Goddess!

*He sees this world as dream!

Illusion, drama or movie!

*For him only Brahman exists!

Only one Supreme Soul exists!

And nothing else!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

To be such person!

During or after his life!

*Then one doesn't remain person!

But becomes God or Goddess!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


14 March 2023

Ego and Chitt

*Ego is not different than Chitt!

Chitt is only called ego!

*In the movie on TV screen!

Actor is acting!

If we consider us actor!

We don't consider us Screen!

That is called Chitt!

*Then we create ego!

We consider us actor!

We don't consider us screen!

Then we create ego!

*This world is stage of drama!

We are acting in this drama!

*If we know it as drama!

If we believe it as drama!

And we are acting!

Then no ego, no Chitt!

Then it is not true in our Chitt!

*If we don't know it as drama!

We consider it true!

Then we create ego!

Then we create Chitt!

It is true in our Chitt!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 February 2023

Nature of This World Drama

Entire universe is like drama of one Almighty God. You can call Him Shiva, Krishna, Almighty,

Paramatma Ganesh, Durga, Allah, Jesus, Nanak, Buddha or any other God of any religion,


In this drama one and only one Almighty God is playing in different names and forms.

He Himself is every person, thing, sun, moon, stars, ocean, planets, deserts, forests, mountains,

hills, everything.

He Himself acts among different people and things during this drama.

When this drama is over, then only one Almighty is left.

Initially also He was alone.

At last also He remains alone.

Then, nothing else exists except one Almighty!

I hope one day you will also know this world drama.

Since it is the very purpose of your birth on this planet earth!

My best wishes for your happy divine journey!

Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri.

Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

Pravin Agrawal


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group


3 February 2023

What is Chitt?

Assuming yourself different than self is Chitt.

Assuming yourself different than Krishna or Almighty is Chitt.

I am Krishna! I am Almighty! I am Self!

I am wearing the dress of body.

Everyone is wearing dress of body.

Thus I am acting by every dress of every body in this world-drama.

I have segregated myself by the lines of dress or body.

Dresses of bodies are also my assumption.

In fact I am Krishna!

I am Almighty!

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


25 January 2023

When to show miracles?

*Some times it may become necessary to show the miracles. It becomes need of the hour for

the ignorant people to bring them on to the path of truth.

*If we say that miracles exist only in duality. But we perceive this world also in duality only.

Hence we need to work in duality.

*If we consider this world as drama. Then there is no harm in showing the miracles. If we

consider this universe as dream, then everything is possible in the dream.

*If the person showing the miracles knows this truth. Then there is no harm.

*If miracles are for the good of the other, then there is no harm.

*If miracles can improve the world. Then let them improve.

*Miracles are bad if one wants to misuse them for selfish purposes.

*But showing the miracles is not bad if one wants to show them for selfless purposes.

*In fact nothing is bad if it is done only for selfless purpose.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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12 Jan 2023

Divine voice from sky: Body and World are My Toys

*Body is my toy!

World is my toy!

*I am playing!

A drama in the universe!

With these toys!

Of body and world!

*Body is like a tool!

To play!

In this drama of the world!

*I am playing!

In different names!

In different forms!

In different shapes!

In different sizes!

*But this is also limited!

Up to my dream!

*When I wake up!

I find nothing!

Except myself!

*Only I exist!

And nothing else!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

19 July 2022

Secret of Success

This group is also like mini-world. Almighty God has allowed everything in the world. Similarly

everything has been allowed in the group. Wise people see the essence. They do not disturb

themselves with the action of others. See the world as drama. See this group also as drama.

Thus try learn to be unattached from the world.

We should focus on our Karma only, not of others. We can not improve the entire world. But we

can improve ourselves.

Live in this group like this.

Live in this world like this.

This is the secret of success.


17 JULY 2022

@Drishta and Drishya

@I am Drishta!

My body, your body!

And this world!

All are Drishya!

@Drishta means seer, who sees!

Drishya means, which is seen!

Every thing you see is Drishya!

World is drama of Drishta, Drishya!

@I see my body, your body!

I see entire universe by senses!

I am witness of beautiful scenery of world!

I see and perceive everyone, everything!

@Aim of the life!

To know this truth!

Who is Drishta?

What is Drishya?

@Ask from yourself!

Again and again!

Know this secret!

This is divine knowledge!


20 June22

@Liking and disliking

@Do not like anything!

Do not dislike anything!

@Do not like any dress!

Do not dislike any dress!

@Do not like any job!

Do not dislike any job!

@Do not like any business!

Do not dislike any business!

@Do not like any post, designation!

Do not dislike any post, designation!

@Do not like any status!

Do not dislike any status!

@Do not like any personality!

Do not dislike any personality!

@Do not like any place!

Do not dislike any place!

@Do not like any person!

Do not dislike any person!

@Like whatever God gives!

Remain content!

Whatever comes to you!

@Since you are actor!

In this drama of life!

Almighty is Director!

@You have no right to choose!

You have right only to play!

@Share this to anyone!

Get blessings of Krishna!


9 June22

@How to deal with Jealousy?

@Why you are jealous?

Assume this world as dream!


No one is superior!

No one is inferior!


All are acting in drama!

@Don't forget!

Sampatti Vipatti Ki Jad Hai!

More you have!

More you will be in trouble!

@Everything will be missed!

Then you will be very sad!

Hence it is better not to have!

@If you are happy!

By any thing, person!

Or circumstance!

You will be unhappy!

By same thing, person!

Or circumstance!

@If you are more happy!

Then you will be more unhappy!

With all these things!

@Since you have to miss them one day!

Since they have to miss you one day!

@On receiving you will be happy!

On missing you will be unhappy!

@Try to find out that thing!

Which can never be missed!

And that is Almighty!


Almighty is taking your test!

He wants to make you stronger!

Hence you have to win the jealousy!

@Don't be weak!

Be strong!


All these are toys!

To trap you in mortal world!

@Hence don't be attracted!

By all these things!

Thus win the jealousy!

@Krishna has told in Gita!

Initially you have to drink the poison!

Only after that!

You can taste the nectar of immortality!

@Thus have faith!

On these words of Krishna!

@If you win yourself!

You win the world!


29 May 2022

If you have depression

*If you are under severe depression!

If you want to do suicide!

If you are very very sad!

*Know that, nothing is yours!

Only Almighty God is yours!

Only Sri Krishna is yours!

No one else is yours!

*Wife is not yours!

Husband is not yours!

Children are not yours!

Parents are not yours!

Home is not yours!

*Business is not yours!

Job is not yours!

Post is not yours!

Designation is not yours!

*Popularity is not yours!

Skills are not yours!

Wealth is not yours!

Property is not yours!

*Every thing belongs to Sri Krishna!

Everything thing belongs to Almighty!

*Thus be present in home!

Thus be present everywhere!

*All these things not yours!

All these things belong to Almighty!

*Thus do your duty!

For all these things!

*Just serve all these things!

Thus serve Sri Krishna!

Thus serve one Almighty!

*Since if you serve these!

You serve Sri Krishna!

*This is the gist of Gita!

This is the gist of Quran!

This is the gist of all scriptures!

*You have been sent here!

In this beautiful planet earth!

Only for this purpose!

Thus know your true potential!

*Treat this world as dream!

Treat this world as drama!

Treat this world as drama!

*Nothing can do any harm to you!

No one can do any harm to you!

*If you are harmed in your dream!

Do you suffer any loss in any way?

*If you are very sad in a drama!

If you remain sad after drama!

People will call you fool!

Hence know all this drama!

*If you share this to any one!

This will be worship of Almighty!


20 May 2022

Don't see the toys

*Don't see the puppets!

Don't see the toys!

*See who is making them dance!

See His beautiful skill!

*How skillfully He is making dance!

How skillfully He is running show!

*Yes, show of this world drama!

Since so many ages!

*He is running flawless!

Praise His skills!

*Yes, if you praise any one!

You praise the Creator God!

*All people are puppets!

All people are toys!

But they don't know!

Due to their ignorance!

*And to know this fact!

That is the aim of everyone!


3 Mar 2022

Who are fighting the war

*They are already dead!

Who are fighting the war!

If they are killing innocent!

Just to boost their ego!

*They think that!

They are alive!

*But when they leave their bodies!

They come to know this fact!

Their bodies were already dead!

*Then they come to know!

At the time of departing!

From this world!

They were not bodies!

*Then they come to know!

Their bodies were fictitious!

Then they come to know!

This world was fictitious!

*Then they come to know!

All this was a drama of Almighty!

To test all of them!

And they couldn't pass this test!

*Then it is too late!

They repent on their deeds!


18 November 2021

Virat Drama

*This is my Virat Drama!

In infinite forms!

*I am playing in this drama!

Since many ages!

*I am untouched!

With this drama!

*I give the pain!

I take the pain!

But I don't give!

But I don't take!

*All Gods of all religions!

My forms in this drama!

*All masters my forms!

Every Guru my form!

*Every creature my form!

Every thing my form!

*This drama I play in dream!

When I wake up, no drama!

*I give reaction of all actions!

I take reaction of all actions!

*Every woman my form!

Every man my form!

Every child my form!

Every aged my form!

*All Prime Ministers my form!

All Presidents my form!

*All kings my forms!

All beggars my forms!

*Everything my form!

Nothing is without me!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


3 November 2021

To whom should I greet?

*To whom should I love?

To whom should I greet?

Happy Deepavali!

*When there is no other!

Should I greet myself only?

Should I love myself only?

*Everyone in my memory!

Everyone in my dream!

*To whom should I greet?

Happy Deepavali!

*In this Virat Drama!

In this lovely dream!

No one different than me!

*To whom should I greet?

Happy Deepavali!


29 September 2021

No one is boss, No one is subordinate

*No one is boss!

No one is subordinate!

*No one is senior!

No one is junior!

*No one is friend!

No one is enemy!

*No one is husband!

No one is wife!

*No one is father!

No one is son!

*No one is brother!

No one is sister!

*No one is relative!

No one is un-related!

*No one is follower!

No one is leader!

*No one is lover!

No one is hater!

*All this is drama!

All are doing acting!

On the stage of world!

As your boss, subordinate!

Senior junior, friend enemy!

Husband wife, father son!

Brother sister, relatives!

Follower leader, lover hater etc!


25 September 2021

If you are sad


*If you are weeping!

If you are unhappy!

If you are sad!

*Believe me!

Life is drama!

Life is dream!

Life is movie!

*Hence don't weep!

Believe me!

Life is drama!

Be happy!

*In a drama!

You are acting!

You are weeping!

*When drama is over!

Do you weep!

Only fool will weep!

*Hence don't weep!

Believe me!

Life is drama!

*If you treat life as drama!

You will know it as drama!

If you don't treat it drama!

You will weep in many births!

*Forward this to all concerned!

In Hindi and other languages!

If you want to be happy!

If you want to make other happy!

*And this will be your!

Greatest service to the world!

The greatest charity!

If you want to make world happy!

? ? ?

2 Aug 2021

All this is my play

*All this is my drama!

All this is my play!

*All Gods in this drama!

All Guru in this drama!

*All forms in this play!

All names in this play!

*All movable in this play!

All immovable in this play!

*All living in this play!

All non-living in this play!

*All visible in this play!

All invisible in this play!

*When I sleep!

I see this play!

When I wake up!

No play at all!

*In fact only I exist!

And nothing else!


26 July 2021

Top Most Secret of Success

*Today I am telling you the top most secret thing which is the gist of this universe and the


It is the secret key of happiness. If you can do this, then you have made your life.

Then you can never be sad.

And this one and only one key is -

Don't complain.

Do not complain of any one, just focus on yourself!

Don't see others, see only yourself!


Because, no one else exists. Only you exist.

All others are just in your dream.

Think that they are acting in a drama.

You are also in the same drama.

They have been given such role to tease you.

You have been given such role to withstand.

Hence, play the role accordingly.

If you can do this, then you can achieve the aim of your thousands of births in this birth itself.

Yes, then you can know who you are!


13 JUN 2021

When you are perfect

When you are perfect!

You will not see any shortcomings!

In the world of Almighty!

Then you will not find!

Any shortcomings in any one!

Then you will see!

Every thing as drama of Almighty!

Then you will know that!

Everyone reacts as per his understanding!

Due to his ignorance!


7 JUN 2021

It is like this

You are sent for!

Acting in a drama!

You are a man!

Playing as woman!

You know that!

You are man!

Playing as woman!

In the drama!

If you say!

That you are woman!

What should I call you?

Will you be called sensible?

Same thing is in reality!

You are a soul or Atma!

You have been sent!

To act as body in drama of world!

But you call yourself as body!

What should you be called?


4 June 2021

What happens after Liberation?

Part 1

Received the following question:

What happens to us after liberation or mukti ? Where is our existence? Death is worst problem

but with mukti , life is also gone forever. With this idea, mukti itself becomes a fear.

Please answer why fear of mukti because it looks like we will not exist then and there will be no


For replying this!

Reply following questions -

You are seeing a movie!

Then you have any fear or Sorrows?

You are playing in a drama!

If you die in the drama!

You have any fear?

You have any sorrows?

You saw a horrible dream!

You have any fear or worry now?

You were present in deep sleep!

Were you having any fear of body?

Were you having any sorrows?

How you felt during deep sleep?

Now you must have got!

Your reply!

Continues in Part 2


12 May 2021

All this is drama!

You see the drama!

Actors come and go!

Wearing different robes!

Wearing different masks!

This world is a drama!

On the stage of planet earth!

People take birth!

They act!

They laugh!

They weep!

They die!

Same thing here in the world!

You are doing acting!

You are wearing masks!

Of different faces!

You come and go!

You laugh and weep!

Know, you are not the body!

Body is robe!

By which you are acting!

On this planet earth!

Since you are not the body!

Since you are the sweet soul!

Aim of your birth!

Aim of this drama!

Know yourself!

Know your true identity!


10 MAR 2021

Requirement of Almighty

Requirement of Almighty!

It is more than ours!

He has to keep us alive!

It is His requirement!

Not ours!

Else He has the power!

To kill us within moments!

He has to keep this world alive!

He has to keep His world alive!

It is His requirement!

Not ours!

Else He has the power!

To finish the world within moments!

It is His drama!

Hence it is His requirement!

We are just His puppet!

Hence it is not our requirement!

He is making us dance!

Let Him do what He wants!

Since we can't do anything!


25 JAN 2021

If you consider this world as true

If you consider this world as true!

Then you will have to repent!

Then you will have to weep one day!

Believe me or do not believe!

This fact will be known one day!

Then you will feel cheated!

Then you you will regret!

Don't consider!

Your family and friends!

Your post, designation!

Your name and fame!

Your wealth and property!

Your beauty and youth!

As true!

Since one day!

All these things will be missed!

And even before missing!

You will be much worried!

Due to fear of missing!

Don't consider as true!

Not only joy!

But also sorrows!

Treat joy and sorrows!

As in a drama!

Act in the world!

As you play in a drama!

30 December 2020

Playing the drama of life

I am you!

You are me!

I am lover!

I am loved one!

I am everything!

I am nothing!

I am playing!

The drama of life!

When you sleep!

You become every thing!

In your dream!

But when you wake up!

You find nothing!


Every thing is in my dream!

And I alone exist!

I am myself!

I am my wife!

I am my children!

I am my parents!

I am my brothers!

I am my sisters!

I am my friends!

I am my relatives!

I am peon!

I am officer!

I am beggar!

I am king!

I am Prime Ministers!

I am Presidents!

I am nations!

I am the universe!

I am car driver!

I am car!

I am pilot!

I am aeroplane!

I am bus-passengers!

I am bus!

I am my friends!

I am my enemies!

I am my boss!

I am my colleagues!

I am my office!

I am my residence!

I am sun!

I am moon!

I am ocean!

I am forests!

I am deserts!

I am mountains!

I am sky!

I am fire!

I am water!

I am air!

I am soil!


3 December 2020

Almighty not available by divorce

Almighty not available by divorce!

Don't think that you will know Him!

Only by seeking divorce!

This situation is created by Almighty!

For making yourself powerful!

Hence you have to face it!

Treat your spouse a part of Almighty!

Treat it as a drama! Don't run away!

Only cowards run away!

You are strong!

Almighty considers you strong!

Hence He has given you this role!

In the drama of your life!

To make you more powerful!

By facing it boldly!

Accept the challenge!

Think, Almighty speaking from spouse!

Think, Almighty acting from spouse!

Thus you get double benefits!

First, an opportunity to remember Him!

Second, opportunity to make you powerful!

And you see the miracles!

After some months!

People have become saints!

By doing this!

People have achieved Almighty!

By following this!

People have become immortal!

By accepting this challenge!

Accept this challenge!

And be immortal!

Be blissful for always!

Defeat death for always!

By knowing Almighty!

22 October 2020

Three Categories of Rich People


Some one asked!

Beautiful question!

Who is rich?

There are!

Three categories of rich people!

First who have bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

And no money or wealth!

They come in first class and richest!

Since they are not entangled!

They are not deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in first category!

Second who have bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

And some money or wealth!

They come in second class and richer!

Since they are entangled in Maya!

They are somewhat deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in second category!

Third who have no bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

They have only money and wealth!

They are actually poor in true sense!

Since they are fully entangled in Maya!

They are fully deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in third category!

It is the ignorance!

You consider money!

As real wealth!

You can't take it after your death!

Only name of Almighty and virtues!

They are real wealth on this earth!

Since you can take them only!

After your death!

But those are really fortunate!

Who know this universe!

As dream or drama!

Since they are above all illusions!


How to deal?

How to deal?

With criticism!

With our fault!

Without our fault!

How to deal?

With heart break!

With work stress!

With emotions!

With deadlines!

With time management!

There is one master key!

Of all your problems!

Assume yourself!

You are not the doer!

Assume others!

They are non-doer!

Be firm!

This universe does not exist!

Assume firmly!

Every thing is a dream!

Every thing is a drama!

Think that!

Almighty is taking your test!

Who is inside of others!

To make you stronger!

Take everything lightly!

Take everything as sport!

Though it is difficult to practice!

It will show your seriousness!

How much serious you are!

How much value you give to Him!

You may pass or fail!

Hence don't worry!

Since Krishna has told in Gita!

Result is not in your hands!

? ? ?


All are lost

All are lost!

In the crowd of universe!

Some are lost in TV Channels!

Some are lost in WhatsApp!

Some are lost in politics!

Some are lost in career!

Some are lost in films!

Some are lost in studies!

Some are lost in popularity!

Some are lost in rat race!

Some are lost in wealth!

Some are lost in business!

Some are lost in friends!

Some are lost in enemies!

Some are lost in family!

Some are lost in children!

Some are lost in beauty!

Some are lost in romance!

Some are lost in body!

Some are lost in mind!

Some are lost in comfort!

Some are lost in ego!

Some are lost in showing!

Some are lost in hiding!

Rarely you will find people!

Who are not lost in these things!

They are lost only in themselves!

They are lost in Almighty!

Such people are not sleeping!

They are really awake!

Even if you are lost in all these!

But with the knowledge!

All this is drama of Almighty!

Then you are not lost!


You are doing acting

You are doing acting!

In the stage of universe!

Body is your robes!

You are doing acting!

Sometimes you laugh!

Sometimes you weep!

Sometimes you sing!

Sometimes you dance!

Sometimes you love!

Sometimes you hate!

Sometimes you joke!

With help of Navaras!

Navaras you must have studied!

In Hindi during the childhood!

Which are played in life!

You may search in web!

You remain unaffected!

With this acting!

You come as you are!

After drama is over!

Play this drama of life!

Thus know yourself!

Thus know Paramatma!

And know Almighty!


Mind is like Prism

You may be knowing Prism!

You may be knowing spectrum!

Glass prism shows single ray of light!

In to 7 rays of colored lights!

In the same way!

Mind reflects Atma!

In to this visible world!

And you see the illusion!

Mind is like Prism!

Prism is instrument!

Mind is your instrument!

You are the owner of both!

Hence try to control the mind!

With the help of your intellect!

By practice and detachment!

And witness this world drama!

Thus know yourself!

Know this universe!

Know Atma!

Know Paramatma!


You were ignorant till now

You were ignorant till now!

Know, this world does not exist!

Why you entangle in a thing!

Which does not exist!

Why you are wasting your time!

Yes, very precious time!

Which can never return!

Even if you spend crores of rupees!

Try to know yourself!

Why you want to remain ignorant!

You are making yourself fool!

Assuming other as yourself!

Think this world as drama!

Think this world as a dream!

Thus come out of this world!

Thus remain happy for always!

8 January 2020

I love all IITIANS!

I love all IITIANS!

Since I am also IITIAN!

Many of them are junior to me!

But now they have become senior!

Some of them are senior to me!

But now they have become junior!

Some of them have created the history!

Some of them have become Minister!

Some of them have become Secretary!

Some of them have become CEO!

Some of them have become ED!

Some of them have become CMD!

Some of them have become great Scientist!

Some of them have become inventor!

Some of them have become world famous!

All are wonderful! Amazing!

But this world is itself Amazing!

It is visible! But doesn't exist!

All these achievements are great!

To know about others is not bad!

To know about Mars is great!

To reach up to Moon is great!

But all these are!

As if you have done in a dream!

As if you have done in a movie!

As if you have done in a drama!

First and foremost!

You must know yourself!

For which you have come here!

On this planet!

Else your all achievements are in vain!

Else your all knowing is in vain!

Try to find out your purpose here!

Try to find out your destination!

4 January 2020

Everything is Spiritual!

Everything is spiritual. Think everything as a dream or drama or movie. Don't say it good or bad.

Go beyond good and bad.

8 November 2019

No need to live!

After knowing Almighty, there is no need to live in this mortal world!

Since he has fulfilled his life purpose and the purpose of his thousands of births!

But the person who knows Almighty prefers to live in this world so that he can do the good of

planet earth!

Though it is his choice to live or not to live!

Also it depends upon his old Sanskars or Prarabdh!

For him this world is just like imagination, dream, drama or a movie!

But he continues to be a part of this!

8 October 2019

My Love to All

My love to all who need it!

My love to all who need healing!

My love to all who are in miseries!

My love to all who are in distress!

My love to all who are fighting for life!

My love to all who are taking birth!

My love to all who are happy!

My love to all who are sad!

My love to all who are rich!

My love to all who are poor!

My love to all who are big!

My love to all who are small!

My prayers for those who need healing!

My prayers for those who don't need healing!

My love to all who know this drama of life!

My love to all who don't know this drama of life!

21 September 2019

Everything became dream!

Drama of yesterday became dream!

You of yesterday became dream!

I of yesterday became dream!

Drama of today will also become dream!

Don't entangle in this dream!

Remain unaffected by this dream!

12 September 2019

Words of Wisdom: Desire

What will you do of desire!

When this world does not exist!

See everything as a play!

Act as in a drama!

2 September 2019

One who has attained Almighty!

One who has attained Almighty, for him nothing is impossible!

He could have attained the chair of Prime Minister!

But he preferred Almighty!

He could have become king of any nation!

But he preferred Almighty!

He could have attained any high post or designation!

But he preferred Almighty!

He always gives most preference to Almighty!

Than any other thing in the universe!

Since he possesses real wisdom!

That nothing is superior than Almighty!

Since he knows that every other thing is mortal which gives the pain of missing!

Except one Almighty who is immortal and can never be missed!

Since he knows that by attaining Almighty!

He becomes giver of these things!

He becomes Daata himself!

Almighty can make a king to beggar!

Almighty can make a beggar to king!

But real beggar is one who desires!

Any other thing than Almighty!


He knows that this world is a drama!

He knows that this world is a movie!

He knows that this universe is a dream!

He knows that this universe does not exist!

31 August 2019

You are playing life game!

You are playing life game.

We all are playing life game.

You are in a universal drama.

We all are in a universal drama.

You are seeing a life movie.

We all are seeing a life movie.

You can not do any thing in this movie.

You have to act as per the directions of Director.

And the Director is Almighty.

You are given every thing to perform in this drama.

But you can't take any thing after the drama.

You don't know anything in this drama.

Since next instructions will be of Director.

You are doing the drama of birth and death in this drama.

And between birth and death you act as per the wish of Director.

12 July 2019

Playing the drama of life

I am you!

You are me!

I am lover!

I am loved one!

I am everything!

I am nothing!

I am playing!

The drama of life!

When you sleep!

You become every thing!

In your dream!

But when you wake up!

You find nothing!


Every thing is in my dream!

And I alone exists!

I am myself!

I am my wife!

I am my children!

I am my parents!

I am my brothers!

I am my sisters!

I am my friends!

I am my relatives!

I am peon!

I am officer!

I am beggar!

I am king!

I am Prime Ministers!

I am Presidents!

I am nations!

I am the universe!

I am car driver!

I am car!

I am pilot!

I am aeroplane!

I am bus-passengers!

I am bus!

I am my friends!

I am my enemies!

I am my boss!

I am my colleagues!

I am my office!

I am my residence!

I am sun!

I am moon!

I am ocean!

I am forests!

I am deserts!

I am mountains!

I am sky!

I am fire!

I am water!

I am air!

I am soil!

29 June 2019

You are playing a role:

You are playing a role of-



Prime Minister





Film star



Executive Director




Etc etc

In this drama

In this movie

In this play

Of the universe!

Do not take the role as real. You are something else.

Never boast on these roles.

Always be ready to surrender these roles.

12 February 2019

We become puppet

If we fight with anyone

We become puppet

If we compare with anyone

We become puppet

If we compete with anyone

We become puppet

If we are angry with anyone

We become puppet

If we are jealous with anyone

We become puppet

If we want to become PM

We become puppet

If we want to become CM

We become puppet

If we want to become CEO

We become puppet

If we want to become CMD

We become puppet

If we want to become famous

We become puppet

If we want to become rich

We become puppet

Etc etc

Since, then we consider us merely a body

Since, then we are trapped in illusion

Since, then we forget ourselves

Since, then we fail to remember this drama.

29 December 2018

You are playing life game.

We all are playing life game.

You are in a universal drama.

We all are in a universal drama.

You are seeing a life movie.

We all are seeing a life movie.

You can not do any thing in this movie.

You have to act as per the directions of Director.

And the Director is Almighty.

You are given every thing to perform in this drama.

But you can't take any thing after the drama.

You don't know anything in this drama.

Since next instructions will be of Director.

You are doing the drama of birth and death in this drama.

And between birth and death you act as per the wish of Director.

? ? ?

About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

? ? ?

27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Arjun L. Pandit.

PHLD Planner at Katoen Natie khonaini

11 个月

?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??



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