Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Divine Knowledge

Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Divine Knowledge

Here's - Posts of Pravin Agrawal on Divine Knowledge.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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10 December 2023

True Incident: How My Training Was Started By Krishna

*You must have read the true incident when Krishna imparted divine training to me.

*How my training was started by Sri Krishna? What was the first question of Krishna? I wish to

share here.

*It was during the year 1989-90 when Krishna imparted divine training to me.

This is Spiritual Training. This knowledge is called Aadhyatm Vidya in our Hindu scripture. This

is most secret, most sacred, most ancient Knowledge. This knowledge has been described in

Vedas and Gita.

*There was a catastrophe in my life when I missed my beloved father during December 1989. I

decided I couldn't survive without my beloved father.

I did prayers to Krishna day and night.

Sri Krishna is ocean of mercy.

Krishna melted with my prayers.

*One day He entered in my body. During those days there were two souls in my body- my soul

and the soul of Krishna.

He started my training. He remained many days in my body.

*First He checked me. He tested me.

He asked many questions from time to time. I replied them.

Do you know? What was His first question. I still remember even after nearly 33 years.

His first question was-

Do you believe in God.

I replied- Yes.

Then He asked the second question-

Which God do you believe?

I replied- I believe on Paramatma.

Thus my test by Krishna for that day was over.

*This I want to share with you specially.

Why specially? See my reply.

*Most of the people are confused-

Should we believe on Rama?

Should we believe on Krishna?

Should we believe on Ganesh?

Should we believe on Goddess Durga?

*Some of my friends wanted to know the same thing from me.

*See my reply-

Don't be confused in different names and forms.

Believe only one Paramatma.

Every God or Goddess is Paramatma.

Atma is Paramatma.

That is Supreme Self.

That is Almighty.

That is only one.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


14 November 2023

Knowledge and Information

*Whatever you read!

That is information!

Whatever you experience!

That is knowledge!

*You know by books!

You know by education!

You know from audio!

You know from video!

*All this is not knowledge!

That is merely information!

*Information is gained by mind!

Knowledge is not gained by mind!

*You know you are man woman!

You are Mr Hari!

You are living in Delhi!

You don't need to repeat it!

You don't need to practice it!

You don't need to remember it!

Since you know it!

That is called knowledge!

That is also limited up to mind!

*True knowledge is the ultimate!

True knowledge is beyond mind!

That is the knowledge of divine!

That's the goal of human life!

Which tells what is knowledge!

*Most sacred secret knowledge!

Can't be gained by information!

The knowledge of Almighty!

That is called Adhyatma Vidya!

That is divine knowledge!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 November 2023

Every other knowledge Vyavhaar

*Knowledge of self!

Only true knowledge!

Only real knowledge!

*Every other knowledge!

That is Vyavhaar!

That is trade!

That is business!

In this world!

*Knowledge of self!

Knowledge of Atma!

Knowledge of Paramatma!

Knowledge of Almighty!

Knowledge of God!

All are same and one!

*Knowledge of world is ocean!

Knowledge of self is ocean!

*Knowledge of self!

That is divine knowledge!

It is most secret knowledge!

It is most sacred knowledge!

In the entire universe!

*Aim of birth of everyone!

To gain this knowledge!

To be free from cycle!

Of birth and death!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


22 September 2023

Don't be confused by photo of God Realized

*Don't see the body of Atm-Gyani!

See him one infinite Atma!

See him everywhere!

*Don't consider him!

Merely a body!

See him Atma!

*Don't see him!

Your friends, relatives!

Don't see him body!

*Even if he lives in family!

See as if he lives in Ashram!

See as if he lives in forest!

*He returned home for your good!

But he still lives out of the home!

He still lives in forest, Ashram!

*His body is in Pravriti Marg!

But his mind in Nivrati Marg!

*His body is in family!

But his mind out of the family!

*He was returned to home!

By Almighty Krishna!

So that world may gain!

Due to his presence!

*Try to gain knowledge!

By uttar submission to him!

By surrender of your ego!

*Do not talk in front of him!

Listen only his sacred words!

Listen only his experience!

Then you can gain knowledge!

*Don't show that you know anything!

Show as if you know nothing!

Even if you know every thing!

Then you can gain knowledge!

*And that's divine knowledge!

And you become knowledge!

By knowing it from him!

Which is most secret, sacred!

In this entire universe!

*If you remember him!

You remember Almighty!

Difficult to remember Almighty!

Easy to remember him!

*That's the reason!

Almighty reveals Himself!

Through Atm-Gyani!

From time to time!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 September 2023

It is like Spring and Autumn

*You are Atma, Self, Soul!

Atma and Paramatma same!

Which is infinite Almighty!

That is known as Brahman!

*Your body and this world!

Appear and disappear!

From time to time naturally!

Like Spring Autumn season!

It is as per nature of Almighty!

*You are a part of Paramatma!

Hence you are Parmatma!

You have forgotten your greatness!

You are king of the kings!

Even if you are a beggar!

This is always very true!

*You are self!

Self can not run away from you!

You think that you are a body!

Which is very very wrong!

*It is due to your ignorance!

Adhyatma Vidya removes ignorance!

Divine knowledge shows the light!

And removes your ignorance!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 September 2023

Touch the feet of everyone in home

*Family is a basic unit of the world!

Everything starts from the family!

You are living for your family!

Your family is living for you!

*Start your divine journey!

From your family!

*Touch the feet of everyone Daily!

Without any break in your family!

Irrespective of any Age difference!

This will help you to remember always!

Almighty God is inside of everyone!

*If you can't touch the feet of everyone!

Then you can not finish your ego!

Then you can not know beloved Krishna!

Then you can't know Self, Atma, Almighty!

Then there is one more solution of this!

Touch the feet of everyone in your mind!

Thus you can finish your ego!

Which is enemy of divine knowledge!

*The biggest God is inside of others!

Biggest worship God inside others!

After that God in temple, mosque!

Church and other worship places!

*This was our old Sanskar!

This was our ancient culture!

But we forgot this tradition!

Due to influence of western culture!

*Thus start your divine journey!

From your family itself!

*Every one is Atma self soul!

Atma is Paramatma Sri Krishna!

Since Atma is inside everyone!

Body is cloth of everyone!

Never forget this truth!

*Never forget!

Atma is self!

Atma is Paramatma!

In every religion!

*Can you forget?

You are man or woman?

*In the same way!

You should never forget!

You are Atma, Self or soul!

Everyone is Atma, Self or soul!

*Thus you can reduce your ego!

Thus you can know Atma, soul, Self!

Thus you can know Almighty God!

*Then you will not need to remember!

That you are Self, Atma, soul!

After some practice like this!

Like you don't need to remember!

That you are man or woman!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami.


24 August 2023

Worship God or God Realized


*You can't gain this knowledge!

Without worship!

Even if you are told!

You are Brahman!

*You will be repeating it like parrot!

But you can not understand!

Since it is top secret knowledge!

It is king of every available knowledge!

In the entire universe!

*You can write hundreds of books!

You can read hundreds of books!

You can be praised even by!

President of US or any great nation!

But you can't get this knowledge!

*By this knowledge!

You become knowledge!

*Worship Krishna or any beloved God!

Worship God Realized Person!

From your inside and outside!

Only after that!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Then you can gain this knowledge!

*This knowledge can not be copied!

It always remains original!

*Your intellect needs to be refined!

Intellect needs to be purified!

With your entire surrender!

From your inside and outside!

Then it will become subtle intellect!

*Only after this!

You can grasp this knowledge!

Only after this!

You can understand this knowledge!

Which bestows immortality!

*No one can steal this knowledge!

No one can snatch this knowledge!

Total submission, surrender required!

To gain this very special knowledge!

Which makes one immortal for ever!

*This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is called divine knowledge!

This is king of every available!

Knowledge in this universe!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


27 July 2023

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma

*Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc are not Dharma. Knowing yourself is Dharma.

Not knowing yourself is Adharma.

*When you know that you are not human. You are soul. Soul has no religion. Then you come in

the light. Then darkness of your ignorance is removed. Then you come in the light of


*Purpose of your birth on this beautiful planet earth is to know this truth.

Only for this purpose many religions have been created.

*But you have forgotten this truth. Need of the hour is to know this truth.

Main reason of chaos in entire world is ignorance. Child touches the fire till he does not know

that it can burn. When he knows that fire can burn his fingers, he never touches the fire in his


*Same is the case with you. When you know that ignorance can burn you. Then you try to come

in the light of knowledge.

*This knowledge is called Adhyatma Vidya. It is the king of every available knowledge on the

planet earth. It is the most secret, most sacred knowledge. It is the divine knowledge. When you

come in the light of this knowledge, you become divine. You are already divine. Then you know

this truth.

*How to gain this knowledge?

See everything as it exists in its true form. Don't do any mixing. Remain original. Don't be

artificial. Be natural. Practice this knowledge again and again daily. Try to remember that you

are not human or body. Always try to remember that you are soul, self or Atma. Practice this

knowledge again and again daily.

*Can you forget that you are man or woman? In the same way, always remember you are self,

consciousness, awareness, soul or Atma not the human or body. Don't see the profit of your

body. See the profit of your soul, self.

*Wrong practice has caused your ignorance. Right practice will bring you in this knowledge.

Hence practice this knowledge again and again Daily.

*The root cause of every pain, sorrow, misery is ignorance.

Remove your ignorance!

Come in the light of this knowledge!

It is the purpose of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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5 July 2023

Future Knowledge

*Every other knowledge!

Not useful for planet earth!

Future Knowledge!

Knowledge of future world!

Knowledge of future generations!

Only this Adhyatma Vidya!

Only this divine knowledge!

Which is shared in this group!

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

Only this can save planet earth!

*Every other knowledge!

Only for material world!

Not for peace and joy!

Only for artificial joy!

*And what is this knowledge!

Don't consider yourself as body!

Treat you and all as soul!

That is for daily behavior!

*As you remember!

You are man or woman!

In the same way!

Always remember!

You are a divine soul!

*If you remember this always!

No need of any meditation!

No need of places of worship!

Just remember, try always!

*Then you will see miracle one day!

You will not remain merely a body!

You will know you are divine soul!

Try to remember from now itself!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


30 June 2023

Who can digest this knowledge?

*No one can understand!

This divine knowledge!

Even if it is not kept secret!

No ignorant can digest it!

*Only fortunate can digest it!

Only fortunate can understand it!

*Even if you are told!

That you are Brahman!

You can't understand it!

*You can't make gold ornament!

Until unless you heat the gold!

*In the same way!

First you need to win body!

Your senses, intellect!

*You have to purify!

Body, mind, senses!

And intellect!

*Then you can grasp!

The words of Spiritual Master!

Then you can understand!

The words of scriptures!

*Then you will be eligible!

To receive this knowledge!

To grasp this knowledge!

*Then you will become Atma!

Merely by words of the wise!

Merely by the words of scriptures!

*Then you can understand!

You are Atma, Soul, Self!

Not merely a body!

*Then you will become Atma!

You will not remain a body!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


20 June 2023

King Of Every Knowledge

Divine knowledge is the most professional knowledge. It is the king of every available

knowledge, all Vidya, all educations, all qualifications. It is the most rare and most ancient

knowledge. It is the most secret and sacred knowledge.

It is called Adhyatma Vidya or divine knowledge.

And what is divine knowledge?

It is the knowledge by which you can know everything. Nothing remains to be known!

It is the knowledge by which you can do everything, nothing remains to be done!

It is the knowledge by which you can achieve everything. Nothing remains to be achieved!

It is the Supreme knowledge!

It is the ultimate of every thing!

Since it is the direct knowledge of one and only one Almighty. And nothing is like Almighty.

Nothing can compare to Almighty. Nothing can equal to Almighty!

The author reveals secret of this knowledge through his thoughts shared here. These thoughts

are inspired by Almighty or Lord Sri Krishna Himself. You can call Him God of any religion or

nation. He is one and only


Read again and again. Practice them. Only then you can understand them. Read, Contemplate

and Enjoy!


19 June 2023

Introduction of Yog Vashishth:

Sacred words to awaken you!

Yog Vashishtha Maha Ramayana is considered as the king of Yoga, king of every available

scripture on planet earth, king of every available knowledge. It talks about the Atma-Gyan or

Self-realization of Lord Rama with the guidance of His Guru Vashishtha.

It is irony. We want to know about others. We want to know about the Mars, other planets and

stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not


Do you know? What is Guru? Who is Guru?

Guru is Spiritual Master or divine teacher who enlightens you, who wakes up you. He

brings you from darkness of ignorance to light of divine knowledge by his Powerful Words.

Yog Vashishtha opens the eyes. It wakes up us from our sleep from millions of years ie sleep of

soul or Atma or self.

You don't know that you are sleeping since millions of years.

Lord Rama woke up from His sleep and recognized Himself. He received Atma-Gyan by these

powerful words of His Guru Vashishtha.

There is no doubt. If any one purifies his intellect by these sacred words of Maharshi

Vashishtha, he will wake up from sleep. He will know himself. He will know Atma, soul, Self,

Paramatma or Almighty. Read it again and again until you understand it fully. Best wishes!

13 June 2023


Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on

planet earth. This is most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted

thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with the time.

Now author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in very easy way

in the form his Quotes and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas ie practice again and again. If you read this

book again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know

Almighty God! Try it!


13 June 2023

Two Types of Faith In God

*There are two types of people who have faith on God.

First type of people, who perform their daily routine, Puja, worship etc for about one hour or so.

They think that their job is over.

This is not bad. They are better than the people who do not perform any Puja, worship etc.

But it is not enough. It is just a formality. You were not born for this purpose.

*Out of 24 hours, you have to give at least 8 hours in a day to God or Godly tasks. Ideally we

must spend our all 24 hours for God daily.

Since these hours have been blessed by God. We were created only for this purpose to know

God. But we have forgotten this purpose of our birth since we are entangled in other issues.

*Reply one question!

You are man or woman. Can you forget this truth even for one hour in a day?

No, you can not forget.

Even during your sleep you remember that you are man or woman.

In the same way, you have to know you are Atma, Soul, Self since it is your actual reality. Hence

you should not forget even for one hour in a day that you are Atma, son of Paramatma

irrespective of your gender.

Then you will not forget Paramatma or God even for one hour in a day.

For this purpose only you are born to know this truth.

*You think that others also perform one hour Puja, worship in a day and they are happy.

You think that others do not perform any Puja or worship and they are happy.

You must know that you are specially selected for this purpose to move on divine path of God.

Hence you are fortunate.

Hence you have to put extra effort. You have to come out of your comfort zone. God wants to

wake up you from your sleep of ignorance. He wants to show you light of divine knowledge.

*Others are not so fortunate. Let them remain in their comfort zone. Let them remain sleeping.

You should not compare yourself with such people.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


11 May 2023

Divine journey is not a journey

*In fact divine journey is not a journey.

It is the journey from your outside to your inside. It is just seeing from outside to inside. And thus

journey is completed without going anywhere.

*Tell me!

Reply me!

*You are man or woman!

Do you require any journey to know this fact?

Do you require any journey to remember this truth that you are man or woman?

*In the same way, divine journey is to correct you from your wrong identity to right identity. It is

just practice. You have to practice it. Thus you have to forget that you are body. You have to

remember always that you are Atma, Soul. Due to this reason it takes time and is called a


*Divine journey is the journey from ignorance to knowledge!

For this no time is prescribed.

You may know within moments.

You may take many births to know this truth.

*After knowing this truth you take your new birth while living alive in the same body.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


3 April 2023

Spirituality is King of Knowledge

*What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is a process!

To make you God, Goddess!

Since you are already divine!

*But you have forgotten yourself!

After your so many births!

*Aim of your birth!

On this beautiful planet earth!

To regain this knowledge!

*This knowledge is same!

For all religions and nations!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


4 March 2023

Ocean and Rivers

*They seem to be different!

Due to difference in intellect!

*Ocean and Rivers not different!

They are water only!


Atma and world not different!

They are Atma only!

*They seem to be different!

Due to difference in intellect!

*Remove this difference!

Remove your ignorance!

*This is the true knowledge!

Gain this real knowledge!

*It is called Adhyatma Vidya!

It is called divine knowledge!

*It is the aim of birth!

On this planet earth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 February 2023

True Incident : Weightlessness

*This incident is being shared for the knowledge of true seekers of Almighty God so that they

may get guidance.

*Normally divine experience or incident is not shared. But it may be shared after 25 or 30 years

of your divine journey when you are fully sure that you will not incur any loss while sharing your

such incident or experience for good of the society.

*It is the incident of initial time of my divine journey during the year 1990 when most of the time I

was under contamplation of my beloved Guru Lord Sri Krishna, Paramatma after He blessed me

with Atma-Gyan ie Self-realization.

*Once I felt Weightlessness as if I was having zero weight. I was feeling as if I was not having

body while living on the earth.

*When I first time experienced such incident, I was astonished. I wrote a letter to some divine

organization about my experience.

*They replied and guided me that it is divine experience and I must feel myself fortunate that I

am progressing in my divine journey.

*You may also feel like this. Hence you should not be worried about this. But you must feel

fortunate that you are progressing in your divine journey.

*Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam for your happy divine journey!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


23 February 2023

Motiya Bindu

*Do you know?

What is Motiya Bindu?

*In English!

It is called Cataract!

In which scenes are not clear!

*In this disease!

People see things like illusion!

They can't see things clearly!

They can't see right or wrong!

*All people in this world!

They are having Motiya Bindu!

*Here in this world!

People are seeing wrong things as right!

And right things as wrong!

Since they are having Motiya Bindu!

*Reality is this!

Things which are visible!

They don't exist!

Things which are not visible!

They actually exist!

*People don't apply knowledge!

They see only by eyes!

They don't see by mind!

They don't see by heart!

Thus they befool themselves!

*Remove your ignorance by knowledge!

That is divine knowledge!

That is true knowledge!

*That is purpose of your birth!

On this planet earth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 February 2023

All this is Chinmay Space

*Entire space is not empty though it seems to be empty. So many things are filled in the infinite

space which are invisible.

*All this is infinite Chinmay space. Every thing and every one is contained in this infinite space.

*Every thing and every one in dream of Chinmay. When Chinmay knows itself, it wakes up from

the dream. Time and space in this dream.

*This infinite Chinmay space is called Supreme Soul or Atma or Almighty or God of every

religion, nation etc.

*I am not the body!

I am Chinmay Atma!

I am infinite Chinmay space!

I am Supreme Soul!

Even if I realize or not!

This is always true!

This is the ultimate truth!

This is the divine knowledge!

This is the ultimate knowledge!

This is the king of every knowledge!

This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is the most secret and most sacred knowledge!

Same is the case with you!

Same is the case with me!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 February 2023

How world movie is destroyed?

*When Chitt is destroyed!

World movie is destroyed!

*By Atm-abhyas!

By practice of divine knowledge!

Chitt is destroyed!

Ignorance is removed!

Divine knowledge is gained!

*By Atm-Anatm thought!

Foolishness is destroyed!

Then world is destroyed!

Ignorance is destroyed!

*What is Atm-Anatm?

That is true and false!

Reality and non-reality!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

3 February 2023

Levels of Knowledge and Ignorance

*There are many levels!

Of knowledge and ignorance!

Since our many births!

As we Atma never die!

*Like many steps of a ladder!

We have to cross every step!


One by one ignorance is removed!

This divine knowledge is uncovered!

*Knowledge is covered by ignorance!

Simply we to uncover it!

*Hence it is time taking process!

To eliminate entire ignorance!

And to settle in it permanently!

*Initially Krishna acts!

Like shining sun

He illuminates within a moment!

But again it darkens in world!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


15 Jan 2023

True Incident : When Krishna trained me

*Today on this very auspicious day of Makar Sankranti I am sharing a very true incident of my

life. I never wanted to share this. But I could not stop myself without sharing the glory of my

beloved Guru Lord Sri Krishna!

*This is my true experience, true incident. When I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during

the year 19989-90. I used to be very sad, full of sorrows due to sad demise of my father. I used

to remember Lord Sri Krishna, God, Paramatma most of the time. I used to remain under

contemplation about God, existence of Atma and Paramatma.

*During those days I experienced this true incident. Sri Krishna used to impart training of

Spirituality to me. Initially He examined me. He tested me. He used to ask many questions to

test me. His questions were about existence of divine, Atma, God, Paramatma, Almighty and


I used to reply.

*During those days there were two souls in my body- First of myself and second of Lord Sri

Krishna! There were two souls in my body for many days during this duration!

*He lived inside my body for many days for imparting this training. He used to talk to me. I used

to reply His every question. When I was fully trained and I passed His examination, He left my

body after many days. Then my eyes were full of tears for many days. I was weeping for many

days as I missed my beloved Krishna from my body.

I became like dead after missing my beloved Krishna from my body.

*Sri Krishna is so much merciful. He is so kind. Words can't express His beauty, His mercy or


*During this period I myself realized the truth of these verses mentioned in Bhagavad Gita :

*The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of

all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. - 18/61

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???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ? ???18/61?

? ? ?

*Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of

knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. - 10/11

* ???????????? ! ???? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ????????? ?

??? ??? ?? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ????10/11?

? ? ?

*To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by

which they can come to Me. - 10/10

* ?? ?? ???? ????????? ??? ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?? ????? ?????????????? ??? ???? ???,

?? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ????????10/10?

? ? ?

*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam for beautiful lotus feet of my beloved Krishna always, for


*Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti.

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


22 DEC 22

How your eyes are closed?

*You say that!

Your eyes are open!

*You say that!

You are not sleeping!

*I say!

Your eyes are closed!

You are sleeping!

*Your eyes are closed!

Even if they are not closed!

*You are sleeping!

Even if you are not sleeping!


See the reply!

*You see many things daily!

I ask you!

What do you see?

*You can name many things!

But know!

You are surrounded!

By infinite things!

And you don't know!

*But really they don't exist!

Even if you see them!

Even if you don't see them!

*You have closed your eyes!

From the views of divine!

And also from the views of world!

Up to a certain extent!

*You are not seeing divine!

Even after seeing it!

*Since you see from the eyes!

You don't see from your mind!

You don't see from your heart!

You don't see from knowledge!

Since your knowledge is limited!


19 DEC 2022

What is the use of Gyan if Gyani lives as Agyani?

*What is the use of divine knowledge?

Adhyatma Gyan or Spirituality?

If Gyani lives as Agyani!

If Atma-Gyani lives as ignorant!

*Divine knowledge!

It is for improving!

The self and world!

*Light is to spread its rays!

If it does not remove darkness!

If it does not spread its light!

What is its use?

*Do not remain ignorant!

Don't hide from the world!

Don't cover yourself!

If you are Atma-Gyani!

Spread your light!

Spread your knowledge!

*Thus remove ignorance of world!

Since ignorance is cause of suffering!

Of this entire earth!

Thus help to remove burden of earth!


19 DEC 2022

Know Ocean of consciousness

*Detachment and Atma-Vichar!

They bless liberation!

*When wrong knowledge is removed!

Then desires are finished!

And one is blessed with divine joy!

That is without time, space, thing!

*That is called Brahm!

That is visible as world!

It appears as Dwait due to oversight!

That is without thought everywhere!

*Thus know this!

And be peaceful!

*That is situated in itself!

Nothing like Chitt, Avidya!

Subtle mind, Jeeva exist!

These are visible in Brahm!

Due to mistakes!

In Brahm nothing exists!

*In all the worlds!

From Shiva up to the grass!

Every thing is Brahm!

*Neutral, friend, enemy!

Every one is Brahm!

*Till intellect is trapped!

In the world!

Due to ignorance!

And one sees many!

In one Brahm!

Till that time!

Chitt exists!

*Till Aham Bhav in body!

And Mamatva in Anatma!

Till that time illusion of Chitt exists!

*Till that time!

One does not get this highest!

With preaching of Saint and Scriptures!

And folly is not removed!

Till that time!

Illusion of Chitt exists!

*Till that time ego of body is not removed!

Illusion of world is not finished!

And one is not situated in knowledge!

Till then illusion of Chitt exists!


12 DEC 2022

Difficult to implement knowledge

*There are different levels of knowledge!

First not knowing!

After that knowledge by books etc!

After that remembering by practice!

After that implementation!

*It is easy to know!

Do not insult others!

If someone insults you, don't respond!

But it is difficult to implement it!

*Do not insult others!

It is in your hands!

But circumstances come!

Then you fail to implement it!

All of the sudden!

You insult others!

Since you are controlled by your habit!

*If someone insults you, don't respond!

It is also very difficult to implement!

If someone misbehaves with you!

First you need to remember this!

After that, you have to follow this!

But very difficult to follow!

Thus you react if you are insulted!

Since you are controlled by your habit!

*Your habit can be improved!

Only by prolong practice!

By restricting diet and senses!

*Hence prolong practice required!

To know divine joy!

To be situated in divine bliss!

To know yourself!

To know blissfull Almighty!


4 DEC 2022

How to remove Avidya?

*Why you don't know yourself?

What is the reason of bondage?

What is the reason of sorrows?

What is the reason of illusion?

What is the reason of Maya?

What is the reason of world?

*Why Almighty is not visible?

Why Atma or soul is not visible?

*Main reason of your sorrows!

Main reason of all problems!

That is you don't know yourself!

*Once you know yourself!

All problems will be solved!

*Reason of not knowing yourself!

That is Avidya!

Avidya has covered you!

That is called Maya!

That is called illusion!

*What is Avidya?

That is ignorance!

*When you receive Gyan!

When you get divine knowledge!

Your Avidya is removed!

*Avidya is removed by Vidya!

Ignorance is removed by knowledge!

And that is Divine Knowledge!

That is called Adhyatm!

*You are covered!

With infinite layers of ignorance!

One by one every layer is removed!

Hence it takes time!

*And at last!

You see the light of knowledge!

That is not ordinary knowledge!

That is Divine Knowledge!

Then every thing becomes!

Clearly visible!

You see in Divine Light!

*Hence try to remove ignorance!

By True Knowledge!

Remove every layer of ignorance!

And get the light of Knowledge!

*How to remove ignorance?

By Satsang!

By good company!

Who knows the truth!

By total surrender!

By humility and patience!

*Thus see every thing in light!

That is Divine Light!


4 OCT 2022

@Surrender means no question

@Do you know?

What is total surrender?

@Surrender means no question!

No doubt! No smartness!

Be like a child!

And come to know the Truth!

@Your all questions must dissolve!

Your all smartness must dissolve!

Your all individuality must dissolve!

Your all personality must dissolve!

In front of the knower of Truth!

@Then you are ready to accept!

There must be total acceptance!

@Don't forget when you surrender!

You don't know anything!

You don't have anything!

You can't do anything!

@Total silence!

Mind in silence!

No questions in mind!

Total acceptance!

@Then you are in total acceptance!

Then you are ready to know Truth!

@Since this knowledge is very sacred!

Since this knowledge is very secret!

@And this is called Adhyatm Vidya!

And this is called Divine Knowledge!

@Knowledge is That!

Which liberates!

Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye!

@Wish You Happy Maha Navami

Wishing You Happy Navaratri


20 SEP 2022

Even if you pay 1 billion dollars

*You can't purchase!

This knowledge!

Even if you pay!

One billion dollars!

*This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is called divine knowledge!

*It is king of knowledge!

It is very secret knowledge!

It is very sacred knowledge!

*You can get this knowledge!

Only by total surrender!

By body, mind, intelligence!

*When intelligence fails!

When intelligence ends!

Then this knowledge starts!

*By total surrender!

Get it free of cost!

*Without total surrender!

You can't get it!

Even by paying!

One billion dollars!


18 SEP 2022

You are beyond mind

*Birth and death!

Only in mind!

*Here mind means!

Subtle mind!

*Names and forms!

Only in mind!

*This universe!

Only in mind!

*Time and space!

Only in mind!

*You are beyond body!

You are beyond everything!

*You are beyond mind!

You are not the mind!

*Purpose of your birth!

Only to get this knowledge!

This is called Adhyatma Vidya!

This is called divine knowledge!

*This is very secret knowledge!

This is very sacred knowledge!


15 SEP 2022

Mood Changes

*Mood always changes!

Some time it loves any one!

Some time it hates the same person!

Thus mood always changes!

*Some time it becomes good!

Some time it becomes bad!

*Some time you see good!

Some time you see bad!

*Some time you feel!

Any person good!

Some time you feel!

Same person bad!

*Some time mood becomes happy!

Some time mood becomes sad!

*Don't be attached with your mood!

Know, you are beyond the mood!

*You change every moment!

Others change every moment!

Circumstances change!

You are beyond any change!

*See unchanging in changing!

You are That one!

You never change!

And that is yourself!

*Purpose of life!

To know that unchanging!

*And that is the greatest knowledge!

And that is the greatest Vidya!

And that is called Adhyatma Vidya!

And that is called divine knowledge!

*This knowledge same!

For all religions!

This knowledge same!

For all nations etc!

*Share this to any one!

For good of planet earth!

? ? ?

14 SEP 2022

I exist! I am, here and now!

*I exist!

Where is the doubt?

Who will doubt?

*You exist!

Where is the doubt?

Who will doubt?

*I am, here and now!

You are, here and now!

*I am Self!

I am Atma!

I am part of Paramatma!

*You are Self!

You are Atma!

You are part of Paramatma!

*I exist!

Hence Paramatma exists!

Almighty exists!

*You exist!

Hence Paramatma exists!

Almighty exists!

*You are the Self!

I am the Self!

*Self is Atma!

Self is Paramatma!

Self is Almighty!

*This is most secret knowledge!

This is most sacred knowledge!

This is the king of knowledge!

This is Adhyatma Vidya!

This is divine knowledge!

*Same knowledge for all religions!

Same knowledge for all castes!

Same knowledge for all nations!

Same knowledge for all genders etc!

*This is as per Sri Krishna!

This is as per Bhagavad Gita!

*Aim of life!

To get this knowledge!

*If you want good of any one!

You can forward this post!


21 JULY 2022

@No end of knowledge

@For worldly knowledge!

No end!

For divine knowledge!

No end!

@Don't fight anyone!

For right or wrong!

For Worldly knowledge!

For showing your superiority!

@Since it will be of no use!

Even if you are master of worldly knowledge!

Since it in Maya!

Since it is just illusion!

@People report me!

He is wrong!

I am right!

I checked in Google!

@If worldly knowledge gives you immortality!

Use it and utilize your time!

If worldly knowledge increases your ego!

Then it will be painful for you!

Since it gives you pain of births and deaths!

@Don't fight for worldly knowledge!

For proving your superiority!

Strive for divine knowledge!

And make use of your birth!


17 JULY 2022

@How is Almighty?

@Almighty is like sky!

Almighty is like air!

@Sky is everywhere!

Almighty is everywhere!

@Air is everywhere!

Almighty is everywhere!

@Aim of birth of everyone!

To gain this divine knowledge!

@Spirituality is nothing but knowledge!

Religion is nothing but knowledge!

@This knowledge for all religions!

Same knowledge for all religions!

@They are fools!

Who fight in the name of religion!

They are ignorant!

Who fight in the name of religion!

@It is the most secret knowledge!

It is the most sacred knowledge!


17 JULY 2022

@Drishta and Drishya

@I am Drishta!

My body, your body!

And this world!

All are Drishya!

@Drishta means seer, who sees!

Drishya means, which is seen!

Every thing you see is Drishya!

World is drama of Drishta, Drishya!

@I see my body, your body!

I see entire universe by senses!

I am witness of beautiful scenery of world!

I see and perceive everyone, everything!

@Aim of the life!

To know this truth!

Who is Drishta?

What is Drishya?

@Ask from yourself!

Again and again!

Know this secret!

This is divine knowledge!


28 Mar 2022

What is actual giving?

*One who receives!

He should not know!

It is actual giving!

*Things may be any!

It may be divine!

It may be worldly!

*Almighty gives like this!

True Guru gives like this!

*Don't boast after giving!

That you have given it!

*Krishna gives like this!

He only gives actually!

Divine knowledge!

And also worldly items!

*We must also be like Him!

To become actual giver


3 Feb 2022

Don't think I can give you money

*I will give you knowledge!

If I can give you!

*If I am your friend or relative!

Don't think, I can give you money!

*Even if I know God!

I can't give you money!

*Even God will not give you money!

Since it will be as per your Prarabdha!

*If I have to repay of previous births!

Then certainly I have to repay!

*Hence don't expect money!

From any one!

From God realized one!

From Almighty God!

*Always want divine knowledge!

No money can equal the knowledge!


25 Jan 2022

Body will always have problems

*You can't have any problem!

Body will always have problems!

*Body is in nature!

You are beyond nature!

*Body is Karma Bandhan!

You can't be in Bandhan!

You are beyond Bandhan!

Bandhan means bondage!

*Action Reaction of body!

Cause of all problems!

*You are always neutral!

Without any action reaction!

*And this is the reason!

Aim of all religions!

Aim of your birth!

To get rid of body!

*Role of Adhyatm Vidya!

Role of Divine Knowledge!

To tell you this fact of life!

To wake up you from sleep!


26 December 2021

How world can be happy?

*If this divine knowledge!

It is imparted to!

All Prime Ministers!

Presidents, Kings!

And leaders of the world!

*If this divine knowledge is imparted!

To all who run the different nations!

Then we can make this world!

Very happy and peaceful!

*Yatha Raja, Tatha Praja!

Have you heard Hindi proverb?

Its meaning -

Public follows the ideals of leaders!

*Hence it is need of the hour!

This knowledge needs to be imparted!

To all those!

Who run different nations!

*Thus we can make people of the world!

Peaceful, happy, healthy in true sense!


20 December 2021

You can't touch me


*You can't know me!

You can't touch me!

*You can't catch me!

You can't notice me!

*Except with divine knowledge!

Except with total surrender!

Except with divine love!

*If you want to know me!

If you want to touch me!

If you want to catch me!

If you want to notice me!

*Just surrender!

With body, mind, intellect!

Leave selfish knowledge!

Gain divine knowledge!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


9 December 2021

Death and Afterwards

*As per Scriptures a person feels too much pain during the birth and death. And this is the

reason liberation is required to avoid birth and death.

*The person gets flashback of major events of entire life within a short span of time just after the

death like film of movie. To whom he has cheated, troubled or helped.

*During life also every one feels sorrows, pains, insults mixed with some occasions of

happiness. And most of the people take it as real happiness or aim of the life. But it is just

illusion. There is no happiness even during the life.

*Just after the death soul is separated from the body and journey of soul starts after the death.

And then soul is called Jeevatma if it is not liberated.

*Jeevatma remains near the body and its home or work place for about 13 days. It sees every

thing done with its body, home, work-place by its friends, enemies or relatives.

*After 13 days it starts its journey as per its Karma. Then it flies above in the sky and forgets

every thing and every person. Memories of this birth is lost.

*If it has done good Karma, then process of its purification starts for liberation. It is mainly

checked that Jeevatma was sent on the planet earth to love each other. How much love it has

given to all. And how much divine knowledge it has gained during the life.

*After that your next birth is decided. If you are already in the path of Knowledge. Then it is

certain that you will take next birth in such family where you may continue your further journey

for enhanced divine knowledge and liberation.

*If you require to neutralize your good or bad Karma, then your next birth is arranged


*Remember Almighty God does nothing in all these things. Every thing is automatic as per the



4 November 2021

What is Deepavali?

*What is true Deepavali?

It is Festival of Light!

*What is light?

Light is not ordinary light!

Light is Knowledge!

*What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is not ordinary one!

Knowledge is divine!

*Ordinary knowledge!

You continue to suffer!

Even after gaining it!

*Ordinary knowledge!

You continue to be trapped!

In the cycle of birth, death!

*Divine Knowledge!

It is special knowledge!

Which ends your suffering!

And cycle of birth, death!

For ever with divine joy!

*Deepavali is celebration!

To end your inner darkness!

With this divine knowledge!

To celebrate for ever!

A Real Happy Deepavali!

*Deepavali reminds us!

Every year!

To celebrate!

A Real Happy Deepavali!

*Take the first step!

Take the next step!

In this direction!

To celebrate!

Happy Deepavali!


24 July 2021

If you want this Gyan

*If you want this knowledge!

If you want this Gyan!

*Your total surrender is required!

You must have nothing with you!

*You have to surrender your ego!

You have to surrender your pride!

*Why you are asked to provide?

Something or some documents!

It is to check your surrender!

It is to check your ego!

*Less surrender, less eligible!

More surrender, more eligible!

*You have to surrender your body!

Along with your every thing!

All things connected with your body!

Surrender your mind, intellect!

*You have to surrender!

Your family children!

Money property!

All your possessions!

*Surrender from mind!

Not just for showing!

*After that it depends upon me!

I return all these things to you or not!

*Then you will be eligible!

To receive this Gyan!

Then you will be eligible!

To receive this knowledge!

*Come without any ego!

Without any possessions!

Come empty handed!

And receive this Gyan!

*Even after this!

It is not guaranteed!

That you will receive!

This immortal Gyan!

*If you fail in first time!

You should not think!

That you are not eligible!

You may pass later on!

*Never be disappointed!

Continue your journey!

*Since it purely depends upon you!

And your surrender, ego!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

? ? ?

21 July 2021

If you want this Gyan

If you want this knowledge!

If you want this Gyan!

Your total surrender is required!

You must have nothing with you!

You have to surrender your ego!

You have to surrender your pride!

Leave the Aadhaar Card or Photo!

You have to surrender your body!

Along with your every thing!

All things connected with your body!

You have to surrender!

Your family children!

Money property!

All your possessions!

Surrender from mind!

Not just for showing!

After that it depends upon me!

I return all these things to you or not!

Then you will be eligible!

To receive this Gyan!

Then you will be eligible!

To receive this knowledge!

Come without any ego!

Without any possessions!

Come empty handed!

And receive this Gyan!

Even after this!

It is not guaranteed!

That you will receive!

This immortal Gyan!

Since it purely depends upon you!

And your surrender, ego!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

Three Categories of Eligibility


People eligible for liberation!

They have three categories!

Very Specially eligible!

Specially eligible!


Those who have already done!

Extensive journey in divine!

In their previous births!

They are very specially eligible!

Like Arjuna!

Hence included in Knowledge group!

Without much effort!

Within fifteen minutes!

Those who have already done!

Slight journey!

In their previous births!

They are specially eligible!

Hence included in Knowledge group!

Of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

With some efforts!

Within half an hour!

Those who have not done!

Much divine journey!

In their previous births!

They are eligible!

But they couldn't not be included!

In knowledge group!

Even with some efforts!

Within half an hour!

All three categories of people!

They can be given glimpse of Divine!

As per above eligibility!

But they require effort differently!


12 July 2021

Only Those Who Have Faith

Hi Friends,

Happy to announce, this year on the auspicious occasions of Sri Krishna Janmashtami and

Guru Purnima, it has been proposed that Instant Divine Knowledge may be imparted by the

grace of Lord Sri Krishna for entry in the divine world to the eligible seekers of God. If you are

selected, you may be eligible for immortality and liberation.

You may be given initial glimpse of presence of divine.

You need not to come any where. Remain wherever you are!

Some procedure has been formulated to assess this eligibility.

Following information is also requiredYour Full name

Your latest photograph by WhatsApp

Your Aadhaar card by WhatsApp

Only those who have faith on me need to respond. People must have faith on me that I shall not

misuse their documents. Those who don't have faith on me are not required to respond on this

post. Since you may not have any glimpse if you don't have faith on me.

You may be Hindu, Muslim or any other religion. You may be from any nation, gender, language,

race, caste, etc.

If you are out of India, then Aadhaar Card is not required. Your any Identity Proof which must

have your photo is applicable.

After that your eligibility will be checked by some secret process.

If you are selected, you will be included directly in Spiritual India WhatsApp Group 7 which will

be termed as Knowledge group.

If you want Instant Divine Knowledge, please inform your WhatsApp number by this email id -

[email protected]

Please accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group


5 July 2021

It takes years

It takes years!

Or many births!

To know Almighty!

To achieve God!

As people do penance in forests!

Leaving their family, job, business!

You can do same penance in home!

Without leaving any thing in home!

Leave value of everything from mind!

No need to leave any thing physically!

Give value only to Almighty!

Don't value any other thing!

But those who receive Gyan!

Those who receive knowledge!

They book their seat for it!

In this birth itself!

First of all it is very difficult!

To believe on Almighty!

To have faith on God!

To believe on Atma!

If you believe on Almighty!

If you have faith on God!

Your half journey is complete!

Your half work is over!

Remaining half you have to do!

By Abhyas and Vairagya!

Practice and detachment!

As told by Krishna in Gita!

As you do your daily routine!

As you take daily food!

In the same way!

Continue your divine journey!

Do you ever ask?

I have to take food daily!

Same way, never ask!

I have to do penance daily?

Then you can know Krishna!

Then you can know Almighty!

Then you can know yourself!

Surely without any doubt!


31 May 2021

Fire of Divine Knowledge

You can put any thing!

In ordinary fire!

It will become fire!

You can put gold!

You can put iron!

You can put wood!

You can put coal!

It will become fire!

When mixed with fire!


If any one is put!

In the divine fire!

He will become divine!

When any one comes!

In contact of Almighty!

He immediately becomes divine!

With the knowledge of Almighty!

Fire of Divine Knowledge!

Burns the sins of your thousands of births!

In to the ashes immediately!

Without any delay!


Hence never consider!

Yourself as sinner!

Since Krishna is so merciful!

But never repeat your mistakes!


2 MAR 2021

Ancient times and today

In ancient times!

People used to go to the forests!

For divine knowledge!

For seeking Almighty!

They used to leave their homes!

To gain this knowledge!

For knowing Almighty!

For the divine life!

But now it is the age of WhatsApp!

Divine life is very easy!

You need not to go to the forests!

Leaving behind your family!

But in ancient times!

People used Spirituality!

For Self development!

Except a few cases!

They did not share it!

Hence divine knowledge was lost!

But Krishna revived it!

By Bhagavad Gita!

I need not share it with you!

Since it is the matter!

Only for Self development!

Since it is secret knowledge!

But this knowledge is shared by me!

Only for your benefits!

If I would have gone to the forests!

If all spiritual masters would have gone to the forests!

Only for their development!

How could you know this divine knowledge?

Hence you are wise and fortunate!

If you have faith and belief!

On this sacred knowledge!

To know Almighty!

And you must try your all the best!

To gain this knowledge!

Here in home itself in family life!

Since it is very easily available for you!

By the mercy and grace of Krishna!


9 FEB 2021

No use of Knowledge

No use of Knowledge!

If we don't get happiness!

If we don't get divine joy!

If we don't get divine bliss!

No use of Knowledge!

If sorrows not eliminated!

Dry knowledge doesn't work!

Devotion to God also required!

Love for Krishna is required!

Then only it will work!

Divine knowledge is such!

Your sorrows are finished!

Permanently for ever!

And no again birth!

Birth after the birth!

Only cause of miseries!

Love to Krishna gives you!

Divine Joy and bliss!

Which is nectar!

Which makes immortal!


31 JAN 2021

Bless me! My Krishna!

O My Loving Krishna!

This mind is top most sinner!

In the entire universe!

Kabir has rightly said!

Mujhse Bura Naa Koye!

It means -

No one is more sinner than me!

Bless me!

With your divine love!

With your divine mercy!

With your divine grace!

Make me pure!

By removing!

My all impurities!

I don't know!

How to worship you!

How to do your prayer!

Remove my ignorance!

For always!

So that I may help others also!

O my loving Krishna!

Nothing is impossible for you!

You can change!

Impossible to possible!

Possible to impossible!

Burn my all the sins!

Of mind, body and speech!

With the fire of knowledge!

By your divine mercy!

O my loving Krishna!

Remove my ego, pride!

For always!

With your divine grace!

I am too much weak!

It is not possible for me!

To remove my all these impurities!

You are master of all the masters!

For you it is very much possible!

Kindly look to me! O Merciful!


26 JAN 2021

Difference in Learning

Those who are blank!

Those who don't know anything!

They understand easily!

A child learns easily!

Whatever he is told!

He believes on it!

Hence the people!

Who are foreigners!

And other religions!

They do not know much!

About Hindu religion!

If they are told to do something!

They do it easily!

Without asking any questions!

But those who already know!

By reading and other sources!

They ask many questions!

Why it is so? Etc etc!

You have to be like child!

If you want divine knowledge!

If you want to learn!

If you want to know something!

You have to unlearn!

You have to forget your past knowledge!

Throw away your existing knowledge!

Come like a child and behave!

As if you don't know anything!

Then only you can know something!

Then you can get divine knowledge!


23 Jan 2021

Divine Knowledge, joy and bliss

Four stages of knowledge of Almighty!

First stage bookish knowledge!

It is the preliminary stage!

You read in the book and remember!

Second stage, you experience it!

You have a glimpse of knowledge!

But you are not settled in it!

This is incomplete knowledge!

Third stage, you experience it!

You remain in the knowledge!

You are settled in it!

Irrespective of your condition!

In third stage you are in knowledge!

Every time, in every situation!

In family, forest or hills!

Without any break any moment!

But you can behave in the world!

After that comes fourth stage!

Even you can't behave in the world!

You are fully submerged in it!

There is no other to behave!

Then one can't live in the world!

But if you want divine joy!

If you want divine bliss!

You may not get them!

By mere knowledge!

You will have to love Krishna!

And divine songs of Krishna!

Singing and hearing them!

Then only you can get joy n bliss!

? ? ?

27 December 2020

How Krishna is remembered?

How Krishna is remembered?

Even after thousands of years!

He has blessed many people!

With divine knowledge!

From time to time!

Still He is blessing!

With such miraculous knowledge!

To many people!

He has blessed many people!

With His divine glimpse!

From time to time!

And still He is blessing!

That is the reason!

We still remember Him!

We still know Him!

Even after thousands of years!

We can't repay His such mercy!

No one can repay His grace!

Since no one has any thing!

On the entire earth!

Which can be given to Him!

As repayment of this knowledge!

Except love, we can't give Him anything!

And He doesn't want any other things!


14 Dec 2020

I want

I want that!

Every one in our group!

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

Must have knowledge of Almighty!

I want that!

Every one in our nation!

India, the great!

Must have knowledge of Almighty!

I want that!

Everyone in our world!

This lovely planet earth!

Must have knowledge of Almighty!

Since it is the magic of this knowledge!

Since it is the greatness of this knowledge!

If one gets it, if all get it!

Darkness of ignorance will be removed!

Since ignorance is the cause of all evils!

If ignorance is removed!

If light of divine knowledge is there!

Then no one will die hungry!

No one will be without shelter!

No one will be without clothing!

Then no will die in reality!

Then all will be healthy!

By body and mind!

Then no one will be in pain!

Then all will be really happy!


24 Nov 2020

Levels of Knowledge

There are different levels of knowledge!

For children, different levels!

For elders, different levels!

For Scholars, different levels!

For knower of truth, different levels!

For someone, only something is spiritual!

For someone, everything is Spiritual!

For someone, only something is divine!

For someone, everything is divine!

For someone, only world exists not Almighty!

For someone, only Almighty exists not world!

Every one expresses himself by his own

level of knowledge!

Hence we should never mind, if someone doesn't express himself by our level!


15 Nov 2020

Sex has no relation with sin

Sex has no relation with sin!

Sex has no relation with religion!

But it slows down your spiritual life!

It covers your knowledge!

It covers your bliss!

It brings you from immortal life!

To mortal life!

It brings you from divine!

To this universe!


They are your enemyThey are your enemy!

If they remove you!

From your divine path!

Journey towards God!

They may be your parents!

Mother, father, brother!

Spouse, sister, friends!

Children, co-workers!

Don't leave your path!

Since they are selfish!

Who remove you!

From Spiritual journey!

It is the best journey!

It is the best Vidya!

It is the best knowledge!

In entire universe!

Father of Prahlad!

Husband of Meera!

They also tried to remove them!

From their divine path!

Focus on your aim!

Don't be disturbed by any one!

Be brave and courageous!

Since you are already great!


People become happy differentlyPeople become happy differently!

Some people become happy!

By insulting others!

Some people become happy!

By downgrading others!

Some people become happy!

By leg pulling of others!

Some people become happy!

By abusing others!

Those are the great!

Who reply them -

Be happy by any way!

At least you become happy!

Due to myself!

Hence I am fortunate!

Some people become happy!

By helping others!

Some people become happy!

By sharing knowledge!

Those are the beloved of Almighty!

Who share divine knowledge!

For them only help is divine help!

Since all other things are illusion!


In front of Almighty

You don't know anything!

You don't have anything!

You can't do anything!

You are just helpless!

Then only you can know Him!

Only Almighty can bless you!

With divine knowledge!

And no one else!

Master also blesses via Almighty!

Guru or Master is also like Almighty!

Only these two can bless divine knowledge!

First requirement grace!

Grace can be received!

Only when you are helpless!

Second requirement effort!

If you are trapped in arguments!

Like why or why not!

You can't get the grace!

You have to be Deen-Heen!

Deen-Heen Hindi word!

Its meaning helpless!

Or you are nothing!

Then only you can get grace!


Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is power!

But not the worldly knowledge!

Only divine knowledge is power!

Only divine knowledge!

It works here in divine!

Not the worldly knowledge!

Worldly knowledge needs Moti Buddhi!

Moti Buddhi means ordinary intellect!

Divine Knowledge needs Sookshhm Buddhi!

Sookshhm Buddhi means subtle intellect!

Subtle Buddhi works at subtle levels!

It is achieved only if you are selfless!

Worldly knowledge!

It can make you PM CM!

It can make you popular!

It can make you billionaire!

It can make you Motivator!

It can make you Influencer!

It can make you Speaker!

You can write many books!

But you must experience truth!

Without experiencing or feeling!

Writing Speaking, Motivation in vain!

You can be master of Scriptures!

But without withstanding the pain!

Without heating, you can't shine!

Only then you can experience!

Only then you can achieve Divine!

Only then you can be Divine!


2 October 2020

Adhyatm Vidya

Adhyatm Vidya!

It means Spiritual Knowledge!

Divine Knowledge!

Knowing Almighty!

It is very secret knowledge!

It is very sacred knowledge!

Budhha left his kingdom!

His wife and kids!

To acquire this knowledge!

Meera left her kingdom!

Her palace and husband!

To acquire this knowledge!

Kings used to leave their kingdom!

And serve the sages in forest!

For many years!

To receive this knowledge!

It is king of all knowledge!

No knowledge can equal it!

If you get this knowledge!

You become the knowledge!

Then you don't need any thing!

In this universe!

Then you fulfilled all the aims of life!

Then no further birth to suffer miseries!


Do you know?

In ancient age!

Guru used to take very difficult exam of disciple before making him his pupil.

And also during the training in Spirituality, Guru used to take very tough exam of his disciples.

Guru used to give a task to his disciple and again and again Guru used to spoil that task

knowingly to make him stronger.

I read some such stories long back. Now I am forgetting the names of the Guru and disciples.

But now a days, it is very easy!

Earlier Kings, disciples and other people used to run after Guru with many requests to bless this

divine knowledge!

Kings used to serve the Guru for many years after leaving their kingdom to gain this precious

divine knowledge!

But now, just opposite situation. Now Guru is used to run after the people to receive this

precious divine knowledge!

Today this knowledge is available at your door.


1 October 2020

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is power!

But which knowledge?

Worldly knowledge!

It doesn't work here!

Divine knowledge works!

Divine knowledge is power!

Worldly knowledge!

It may be powerful or not!

In the world!

It may work or not!

For worldly gains!

Worldly knowledge!

It can give you pain and miseries!

But divine knowledge!

It always gives divine joy!

But divine knowledge!

It is sure way to success!

In divine and this world!

To make you happy!

Worldly knowledge!

If used selflessly!

It makes it divine!

It may open the route!

Of divine secrets!

Then it is really useful!

In both the worlds!

This and that!

Happy Teacher's Day!


Who is elder?

The person who is elder in age!

He is not elder!

In material sense he may be!

But actually not!

One who is elder in knowledge!

He is actually elder!

Worldly knowledge is not actual!

Real knowledge is divine!

Who is elder in divine knowledge!

He is elder in reality!

There are many instances!

Guru is ten years old!

Disciple is seventy years old!

Worldly knowledge is nothing!

You may Google search -


He said to be 1400 years old!

His Guru was 16 years old!

Do you know his name?

His name was Saint Dhyaneshwar!

Knowledge is power!

But not the worldly knowledge!

Only divine knowledge!

Worldly knowledge doesn't work here!


24 July 2020

Your Divine Power will increase!

If someone scolds you and you don't reply!

If someone hurts you!

If you obey rightful order of elders!

If you do Namaste to any one!

If you give regards to any one!

If you don't give comfort to your body!

If you give comfort to every creature!

If you care trees and plants!

If you consume less!

If you come out of your comfort zone!

If you speak truth!

If you resort to non-violence!

If you are selfless!

If you are dutiful!

If someone cheats you!

If someone takes any thing from you!

If you give any thing to anyone!

If someone misbehaves with you!

If you don't take food for some time!

If you don't take water for some time!

If you remain silent!

If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!

If you keep your good deeds secret!

If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!

If you respect all religions!

If you help all human and animals!

If you spread Spiritual knowledge!

If spread the virtues of religious books!

If you give example by your deeds!

If you are not greedy!

If you are not proud!

If you are humble!

If you have compassion!

If you have faith on Almighty!

If you have lesser desire!

If you have lesser attachment!

If you have lesser ego!

If you don't cheat anyone!

If you remain peaceful!

If you see a part of Almighty in every one!

If you see this world as dream!

If you see this world as movie!

If you see this world as a game!

If you follow the saying of Gods!

If you have patience!

If you remember Almighty!

If you love all!


Who is Guru?

Guru is divine light!

Guru is truth!

Guru is divine knowledge!

Guru is bliss!

Guru is Gita!

Guru is Guru Granth Sahib!

Guru is Quran!

Guru is Bible!

Guru is message!

Guru is Shabd ie word!

Guru is order to you!

What is to be done!

What not to be done!

Guru is Dharma!

Guru is above religion!

Guru is above body!

Guru is above senses!

Guru is above mind!

Guru is above intellect!

Guru is above ego!

Guru is not Jeevatma!

Guru is Paramatma!

Guru is Almighty in a body!

Never confuse Guru with his body!

Never consider him a body!

It is very big mistake!

Always consider him beyond body!

Do not follow Guru, follow his message!

Do not follow God, follow His message!

Wishing You Happy Guru Purnima!

? ? ?



Only one sun illuminates the entire earth on rising!

You are also such sun!

You can also illuminate the entire earth with divine knowledge on rising!

Hence never degrade the value of one!

Every thing is initially one!

And it becomes ocean after some time!

23 June 2020

Your Divine Power will increase!

If someone scolds you and you don't reply!

If someone hurts you!

If you obey rightful order of elders!

If you do Namaste to any one!

If you give regards to any one!

If you don't give comfort to your body!

If you give comfort to every creature!

If you care trees and plants!

If you consume less!

If you come out of your comfort zone!

If you speak truth!

If you resort to non-violence!

If you are selfless!

If you are dutiful!

If someone cheats you!

If someone takes any thing from you!

If you give any thing to anyone!

If someone misbehaves with you!

If you don't take food for some time!

If you don't take water for some time!

If you remain silent!

If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!

If you keep your good deeds secret!

If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!

If you respect all religions!

If you help all human and animals!

If you spread Spiritual knowledge!

If spread the virtues of religious books!

If you give example by your deeds!

If you are not greedy!

If you are not proud!

If you are humble!

If you have compassion!

If you have faith on Almighty!

If you have lesser desire!

If you have lesser attachment!

If you have lesser ego!

If you don't cheat anyone!

If you remain peaceful!

If you see a part of Almighty in every one!

If you see this world as dream!

If you see this world as movie!

If you see this world as a game!

If you follow the saying of Gods!

If you have patience!

If you remember Almighty!

If you love all!


15 April 2020

What is real luck?

What is real luck?

What is real fortune?

Real luck is not to get the chair of

President of any nation

PM of any nation

CM of any state



Jt Secretary


Real luck is not to get

Kingdom of the earth

Popularity in any field

All worldly knowledge

Billions of dollars

Billions of followers

The name of film star

The name of comedy star

The name of sports star


Real luck is to know that

All these things do not exist

As this world does not exist

Hence these things are useless

Real luck is to get


Divine knowledge

As He only exists


What is Divine Knowledge?

What is divine knowledge?

What is spirituality?

Divine knowledge is the

Knowledge of yourself!

Once you know that!

You are the son of Almighty!

Once you know that!

You are not the body!

Once you know that!

You are Atma!

That is divine knowledge!

That is spiritual knowledge!

And once you know!

You can not forget!

It is like this!

Once you know that!

You are Mr Hari!

Can you forget it?

Once you know that!

You are living in India!

Can you forget it?

And once you know!

Your divine journey begins!

Since you have knocked the door!

Of Almighty who is infinite ocean!

Then you can change the world!

By changing yourself!

Then your all the miseries end!

Since the cause of misery is selfishness!

Then you know the real happiness!

Then you know the real joy!

Then you love all!

Then all will love you!

2 January 2020

Your Divine Power will increase!

*Your divine power or spiritual power will increase -

If someone scolds you and you don't reply!

If someone hurts you!

If you obey rightful order of elders!

If you do Namaste to any one!

If you give regards to any one!

If you don't give comfort to your body!

If you give comfort to every creature!

If you care trees and plants!

If you consume less!

If you come out of your comfort zone!

If you speak truth!

If you resort to non-violence!

If you are selfless!

If you are dutiful!

If someone cheats you!

If someone takes any thing from you!

If you give any thing to anyone!

If someone misbehaves with you!

If you don't take food for some time!

If you don't take water for some time!

If you remain silent!

If you are not angry even if someone is angry with you!

If you keep your good deeds secret!

If you don't share your divine experience except to a Guru!

If you respect all religions!

If you help all human and animals!

If you spread Spiritual knowledge!

If spread the virtues of religious books!

If you give example by your deeds!

If you are not greedy!

If you are not proud!

If you are humble!

If you have compassion!

If you have faith on Almighty!

If you have lesser desire!

If you have lesser attachment!

If you have lesser ego!

If you don't cheat anyone!

If you remain peaceful!

If you see a part of Almighty in every one!

If you see this world as dream!

If you see this world as movie!

If you see this world as a game!

If you follow the saying of Gods!

If you have patience!

If you remember Almighty!

If you love all!

Wishing You Happy New Year 2020!

7 December 2019

Most professional knowledge is the divine knowledge!

Divine knowledge is the most professional knowledge. It is the king of all knowledge, all Vidya,

all educations, all qualifications. It is the most rare and most ancient knowledge.

And what is divine knowledge?

It is the knowledge by which you can know everything. Nothing remains to be known!

It is the knowledge by which you can do everything, nothing remains to be done!

It is the knowledge by which you can achieve everything. Nothing remains to be achieved!

It is the Supreme knowledge!

It is the ultimate of every thing!

Since it is the direct knowledge of one and only one Almighty. And nothing is like Almighty.

Nothing can compare to Almighty. Nothing can equal to Almighty!

23 September 2019

Divine voice from sky: All religions are mine!

All religions are mine!

All castes are mine!

All languages are mine!

All genders are mine!

All nations are mine!

All sky is mine!

All stars are mine!

Sun and moon are mine!

All oceans are mine!

All forests are mine!

All deserts are mine!

All mountains are mine!

All creatures are mine!

All forms are mine!

All words are mine!

All music are mine!

All fragrances are mine!

All beauties are mine!

All knowledges are mine!

All Loving things are mine!

All visible things are mine!

All invisible things are mine!

Your happiness is mine!

Your unhappiness is mine!

No one is different than me!

Nothing is different than me!

Nothing is beyond me!

Nothing is without me!

18 March 2019

Reply of Q7


Answer :

Reason of sorrows is desire and ignorance.

When you want some thing and you don't get it. Then you become angry full of sorrows.

And if you get it, you become happy after getting it.

But you become full of sorrows when you miss it.

Since any thing you get will have to be missed one day.

When divine knowledge dawns your ignorance is eliminated and your sorrows disappear.

7 February 2019

Never Worry :

Any one who has come will go one day.

Place may be anywhere.

It may be -

Any WhatsApp Group.

Your office or job.

This world.

Etc etc.

You may gain anything but you will loose one day.

It may be -

Chair of Prime Minister

Chair of CEO, CMD

Your position of officer

Your position of peon

Etc etc

Whatever you get, you will have to loose one day.

It may be -

Your beautiful body

Your grand bungalow

Your luxury car

Your wealth of billions

Etc etc

Whatever position you have today, you will have to loose one day.

You may be number 1 today in any field like -










Knowledge of the world


Etc etc

But there is only one thing which you can never loose.

And that is Divine.

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Sets Right Everything-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita-

Rules For Living In Your Family By Pravin Agrawal-

Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Some Important Linkedin Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

How to begin a spiritual journey?-

? ? ?

Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die-

Something New On Death: What happens after death?-

Peace can't be achieved without divine-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

You don't need to win the Nobel Peace Prize-

Your sins can not be washed by religious places-

Your Self-Realization is the greatest service to the world-

Gems Of Ashtavakra Gita To Know The Self-

Powerful Ganesh mantras to get you through tough times-

Miraculous benefits of 5 powerful Shiva Mantras-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

28 Punishments for OUR SINS - GARUDA PURANA-


Historical Proof that Lord Shiva Reside in Kailash-

Miraculous benefits of Shiva Tandava Stotram-

Rudra Gayatri Mantra Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-

Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram for Wealth & Employment-

Don't forget these 10 things when placing your Ganesha at home or office-

23 Shocking Secrets of Black Magic-

English Meaning and Translation of 16 Kabir Ke Dohe!-

If your wife has these 4 qualities consider yourself lucky!-

Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita Part 4-

True Incidents About Bhagavad Gita-


25 Astrological Tips For Getting Pregnant-

Why is Gayatri Mantra the most powerful hymn? Find out-

Kanakadhara Stotra : Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-

Nine Rare Siddhis : Secret Yoga-

Nine Ayurveda Tips for Weight Loss-

Know These 9 Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Turmeric In The Morning-

How to pass a very difficult time?-

Liberation- Not After the Death-

Mars - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Most Popular Shlokas From Bhagavad Gita With Meanings-

Rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita-

7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Ganesh-

Slideshows / Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-

Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 2-

Quotes on Man and Woman By Pravin Agrawal-

Science Of God For New Thoughts-

Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English-

51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening-

Shocking facts about Lord Ganesha no one knows-

Srimad Bhagavad Gita first chapter with its glories-

Srimad Bhagavad Gita second chapter with its glories-

Miraculous benefits of Ganesha mantra-

Be Roman In The Rome-

Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 3-

25 Mind-blowing facts about Goddess Durga-

Bajrang Baan-

Bhagavad Gita First & Last Shloka and Message-

25 Mind-blowing facts about Bhagavad Gita-

? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Shivangi Sethi

Manager - Legal and Corporate Governance

1 年


Sudip Bhandary

Chef De Cuisine at The Pride Hotels,India

1 年


Sudip Bhandary

Chef De Cuisine at The Pride Hotels,India

1 年


Tushar Sharma

Control Engineer at ANDRITZ HYDRO Pvt. Ltd.

1 年

Jai shree Ram

Divyesh Patel

Accumax Lab Devices Private Limited as?Sr. Purchase Engineer

1 年

??Jay Shree Ram Hanuman Dada ??



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    Happy Maha Shivratri Pravin Agrawal on Lord Shiva eBook 1459 Here's - Pravin Agrawal on Lord Shiva. And other posts/…

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  • Pravin Agrawal on Kumbh Mela Part 6

    Pravin Agrawal on Kumbh Mela Part 6

    eBook 1458 Prayagraj Maha Kumbh Mela is being held in 2025 in Prayagraj (formerly known as Allahabad). Kumbh is the…

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