Postpartum Hair Loss: The Ultimate Treatment Guide
Nearly 40-50% of all women will suffer from postpartum hair loss after delivering a child according to the American Pregnancy Association.
We understand that motherhood is a blessing, and the feeling of raising another human being is nothing short of amazing. Yet, being a mom can be a hardship too. It comes with many changes to the female body, and not all of those are appearance transformations.
Your body typically does not remain the same after pregnancy, but that is somehow manageable, and most women have a plan for it. The one thing that the majority ignore is postpartum hair loss. The only good news is that it is not permanent and can be prevented/treated.
So, we are here to talk about things you can do to prevent it or treat it. Now, before we talk about the possible treatments and prevention, let’s talk about the core causes and reasons for postpartum hair loss.
Read the full article here.