


Upon the release of ALX School’s System Engineering & DevOps project 0x19,approximately 00:05 (GMT), an outage occurred on an isolated Ubuntu 20.04 container running an Apache web server. GET requests on the server led to`500 Internal Server Error’s, when the expected response was an HTML file defining a simple School WordPress site.

Debugging Process

Bug debugger, Esther encountered the issue upon opening the project and being, well, instructed to address it, roughly 19:20 PST. He promptly proceeded to undergo solving the problem.

1. Checked running processes using `ps aux`. Two `apache2` processes — `root` and `www-data` -were properly running.

2. Looked in the `sites-available` folder of the `/etc/apache2/` directory. Determined that the web server was serving content located in `/var/www/html/`.

3. In one terminal, ran `strace` on the PID of the `root` Apache process. In another, curled the server. Expected great things… only to be disappointed. `strace` gave no useful information.

4. Repeated step 3, except on the PID of the `www-data` process. Kept expectations lower thistime… but was rewarded! `strace` revealed an `-1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)` error occurring upon an attempt to access the file `/var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-locale.phpp`.

5. Looked through files in the `/var/www/html/` directory one-by-one, using Vim pattern matching to try and locate the erroneous `.phpp` file extension. Located it in the`wp-settings.php` file. (Line 137, `require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/class-wp-locale.php’ );`).

6. Removed the trailing `p` from the line.

7. Tested another `curl` on the server. 200 A-ok!

8. Wrote a Puppet manifest to automate fixing of the error.

In summary

In short, a typo. Got to love them. In full, the WordPress app was encountering a criticalerror in `wp-settings.php` when trying to load the file `class-wp-locale.phpp`. The correctfile name, located in the `wp-content` directory of the application folder, was`class-wp-locale.php`.Patch involved a simple fix on the typo, removing the trailing `p`.


This outage was not a web server error, but an application error. To prevent such outages moving forward, please keep the following in mind.* Test! Test test test. Test the application before deploying. This error would have arisen and could have been addressed earlier had the app been tested.

* Status monitoring. Enable some uptime-monitoring service such as

Data_dog?to alert instantly upon outage of the website.

Note that in response to this error, I wrote a?Puppet manifest to automate fixing of any such identitical errors should they occur in the future. The manifest replaces any `phpp` extensions in the file `/var/www/html/wp-settings.php` with PHP.

But of course, it will never occur again, because we’re programmers, and we never make errors! :wink00


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