Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert — QUIZ Solutions
Hasibul Islam certified by Postman API Fundamentals Expert

Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert — QUIZ Solutions

Quiz #1: What Are APIs?

Q1) What is an API? Pick the best answer from one of the choices below.

(a) A file format for images

(b) Apple’s new iPhone programming language

? A contract that allows code to talk to other code.

(d) A unit used for storage measurement

Answer : (c)

Q2) What are some different types of APIs?


(2) GraphQL

(3) gRPC

(4) ElectricSockets

Answer : (1), (2), (3)

Quiz #2 Introducing Postman

Q1) Postman has a vision for an API-First World. In the API-first world:

(1) APIs are considered a #1 priority

(2) APIs will make you famous on TikTok

(3) APIs are easily consumable

(4) API stands for Application Postman Interface

(5) APIs are easily discoverable

Answer : (1), (3), (5)

Quiz #3: Your First API Request

Q1) You are given three blocks of text (see image below). Each block is part of a request URL. Which of the answer choices below lists these parts in the correct order?

https:// /books

(1) path, host, protocol

(2) protocol, host, proxy

(3) host, proxy, path

(4) protocol, host, path

Answer : (4)

Q 2) You are given a table of response status codes (see image below). Using only the code ranges given, choose the answer that lists the correct order of meanings for the codes that are given, starting at "2xx".

Code Range 2xx 3xx 4xx 5xx

(1) Redirection, Success, Client Error, Redirection, Server Error

(2) Success, Redirection, Server Error, Client Error

(3) Server Error, Success, Redirection, Client Error

(4) Success, Client Error, Redirection, Server Error

(5) Success, Redirection, Client Error, Server Error

Answer : (4)

Quiz #4: Query vs. path parameters

Q 1) What type of parameter is :id below?


(1) query parameter

(2) path parameter

Answer : (2)

Q 2) How many query parameters are present in this request URL? GET `https:/`

(1) 1

(2) 0

(3) 2

(4) 3

Answer : (3)

Q3) How many path parameters are in this documented endpoint?

GET ``

(1) 1

(2) 0

Answer : (2) 0

Quiz #5: Sending Data With Postman

Q1) What could happen if you don't include Authorization (aka Auth) to your API? Select all answers that apply.

(1) Your computer can explode

(2) Your API will have completely open endpoints that anyone can access publicly

(3) Unauthorized people will be able to access data they shouldn't see

(4) Bots would be able to flood an API with thousands of calls per second and shut it down.

Answer : (2), (3), (4)

Q2)You send this request in Postman and get this response code: 401. What is the error here?

   "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird",
   "author": "Harper Lee",
   "genre": "fiction",
   "yearPublished": 1960

(1) the path changed

(2) there is not enough storage space in the server

(3) there are no issues

(4) the request needs authorization

Answer : (4)

Quiz #6: Intro to Variables

Q1) Choose all the answers that apply. Postman allows you to save values as variables so that you can:

(1) Spend more time reading the API-First World!

(2) Reuse values to keep your work DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

(3) Cool off your computer

(4) Hide sensitive values like API keys from being shared publicly

Answer : (2), (4)

Try Postman Collection

(1) Postman Library API Click Here to Access

(2) Test Postman Library API Collection Click Here to Access

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