PostEurop's Position on the EU Customs Reform

PostEurop's Position on the EU Customs Reform

PostEurop supports the ongoing consideration of the future of customs and modernisation of the EU legislative and regulatory framework in this area and would offer a contribution to the legislative deliberations on:

  • The Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Union Customs Code and the European Union Customs Authority, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 [COM (2023) 258 final]; and
  • The Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 as regards the introduction of a simplified tariff treatment for the distance sales of goods and Regulation (EC) No 1186/2009 as regards the elimination of the customs duty relief threshold [COM (2023) 259 final].

?? Download the full position paper here.

#PostEurop #PostalServices #Customs #UnionCustomsCode #CustomsDuty

Gerassimos Thomas Elena Fernández Rodríguez Botond Szebeny Christelle Defaye Geneste David Pilkington Dr. Tanya Harrington Cyril McGrane Jana Vlachová



