Postcard from Central America - Newsletter #76

Postcard from Central America - Newsletter #76

Hello fellow impact investors!

This is all Elon Musk's fault! Of course! Who else's?

We used to publish a weekly press review of topics we found relevant to impact/ESG/sustainable development topics via our Twitter account by using a small but powerful service called Revue (which was owned by Twitter). Alas, the Twitter overlord has decided to trash that service for no reason (given) at the end of last year.

We have therefore taken our show to LinkedIn and hope to continue serving our readership with weekly articles of interest that are meant to inspire, spur into action and sometimes just make you chuckle. We think they are relevant for impact investing practitioners and generally for anyone interested in issues affecting Latin America & the Caribbean.

The world is full of colors and flavors: sometimes it is happy, joyful, sometimes it is sad and overwhelming. But it is never boring. Also, it is bigger than what we see in our backyard.

Since our day job does not allow us to write clever and well researched content on a weekly basis, we have opted to share 5-6 articles that we personally liked during the past week. Of course, not all opinions expressed in those articles reflect or represent the opinions of Emerald Peak or its members.

We hope you enjoy our newsletter in its new clothes! It will be published here on LinkedIn during the course of Friday every week. On our website, you can also subscribe to receive our newsletter by email directly to your inbox every Sunday to have some interesting content to enjoy with your Sunday breakfast.

On the topic of immigration and the hardships this vulnerable population is looking to escape:

On the topic of faltering public institutions and their consequences:

On the topic of climate change and why talking about it is not enough:


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