The Post-Trump Republican Party
Hillsdale College,

The Post-Trump Republican Party

That's correct. You read it right. It is now the Post-Trump Republican Party.

What does this mean? Where does the Republican Party go from here?

My answer to this question is simple. We go back to the Republican Party origins of the 1850s. We go back to the US Founding Principles and Natura Law. We restore the Republican Party of Hillsdale College.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident" we are "created equal." We are endowed by God, the Creator "with certain unalienable rights." Our divinely bestowed unalienable rights include "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Government is divinely instituted among the people to secure our divinely bestowed unalienable rights. If the government fails to secure our divinely bestowed unalienable rights or tramples upon our rights, We the People have the right and the duty to overthrow the government and institute new government governed by Natural Law and the Natural Order. If a long train of abuses and usurpations place us under absolute despotism, We the People have the right and the duty to remove and replace that government with good government under Natural Law and the Natural Order.

We have the liberty under Natural Law within the Natural Order to worship as we wish according to our conscience as long as it does not violate the liberty of others. We have the right to the writ of habeas corpus and trial by a jury of our peers. We are protected against excessive bail.

Religion, morality, and knowledge are necessary to good government and the happiness of humanity. Proper education is essential to the United States and humanity. The United States seeks peace among the nations of the earth and liberty for all. The Republican Party was, is, and will remain anti-slavery.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States stipulates the US Government guarantees a republican form of government to the States. It is implied in this as well the US Government and the States are to guarantee a republican form of government to the Counties and municipalities.

Republicanism forms the foundation for the Post-Trump Republican Party. Republicanism is at the foundation of the Republican Party of Hillsdale College.

Here is why this is crucial to the future vitality of the Republican Party.

It is impossible to have the people vote on every matter. If the people vote on every matter, it turns into anarchy. It requires an informed, educated electorate to vote. But, requiring the people to vote on every matter requires time out of their day to study and be educated on every matter. Most do not have that time of day. Others simply do not have the means of learning the matters of the day. It is why we elect people to represent us in government. Having people vote on every matter is chaos. Anarchy leads to tyranny, an undesirable outcome.

Republicanism comes with other advantages.

Attitude toward property is respect for the law and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure.

Attitude toward law is administration of justice with fixed principles and established evidence with strict regard for consequences.

More territory and citizens could be brought under Republicanism in a nation.

It provides the proper balance between tyranny and anarchy.

Republicanism results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.

Clinton Rossiter wrote in the Introduction to "The Federalist Papers, (1961)" there could be "no happiness without liberty, no liberty without self-government, no self-government without constitutionalism, no constitutionalism without morality- and none of these great goods without stability and order."

I focused my 2021 campaign for Salt Lake County Republican Party Chairman on five central themes. Two of those central themes emphasized leadership in my campaign for Salt Lake County Republican Party Chairman in 2021. Leadership should not be selected by the quantity of experience. But, leadership should be selected by the quality of character. We need to have moral virtuous leadership in the United States and in the Republican Party.


