Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

A common type of anxiety disorder is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is caused by a very traumatic, stressful, and frightening event, whether you experience it or see it. If you are given a diagnosis of PTSD. you might be told that you have mild, moderate, or severe PTSD. You can read more about these diagnoses here:

PTSD was first recognised in war veterans, however a wide range of traumatic experiences can be causes of PTSD. Some examples are:

  • A serious accident or injury such as car or at work
  • Sexual/physical assault, being kidnapped or held hostage
  • Being abused, harassed, or bullied or repeatedly seeing or experiencing distressing situations
  • Experiencing violence, terrorist attack, war or seeing other people being hurt or losing their life
  • Traumatic childbirth

Symptoms for PTSD can vary from mild to very severe where it affects daily life:

  • Flashbacks and panic attacks
  • Severe anxiety and negative mood changes
  • Feeling guilty and self-destruction
  • Nightmares and insomnia
  • Self-harm and aggression
  • Easily startled and on edge, constantly being in the flight, fight, or freeze state

Take a look at this video taken from website to have an insight on what it is like to live with PTSD:

The main treatments for PTSD are talking therapies and medication. Confronting feelings and talking through traumatic events with a professional is an effective way of treating PTSD. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is one talking therapy that helps you change the way you think and act to help manage problems.

PTSD Resolution?

0300 302 0551?

Helps veterans, reservists and their families with trauma and distress?



Provides information about PTSD and C-PTSD, including different types of treatment, ways to help yourself and how to support someone with PTSD?

Support to all women who have had a traumatic birth experience

Other Useful Contacts:?


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