Post-pandemic shopper trend: Times Are Changing.

Post-pandemic shopper trend: Times Are Changing.

In an ongoing research survey, that started in the thick of the pandemic, we are tracking the effect of COVID-19 and lockdown on alcohol shopping. The results are fascinating as it illustrates the knock on effect of the pandemic.

Our first observation is that Times Are Changing! Shoppers still fear viral exposure which is reducing their time spent in stores. This behaviour has caused a shift in store choice; driving a strong growth in the Wholesale sector, largely due to lower pricing and the ease associated with shopping the bulk category.

To be expected, the pandemic has driven a behavioural shift in liquor shopping. We have seen a gravitational move from the “for today / tonight” mission towards “stocking up” - another factor influencing wholesale shopping. What this has amounted to is a significant drop in shopper frequency and basket penetration.

Trading down is now the new normal as shoppers have developed an increased consideration for ‘value offerings’ and ‘finding the best deal’.

Brands now have the added responsibility of creating a connection with shopper within a shrinking time frame.

Is your brand geared up for this new shopper behaviour?

