Post no 18 |  What is my scientific position ?

Post no 18 | What is my scientific position ?

Explaining the kind of world in which I live is my profession and my passion. I am a scientist due to my training and the professional choices I made in the course of my career. My discipline is interdisciplinarity. It enables me to understand that the naturalisation of the meaning of phenomena is complementary to the culturalization of nature. That is to say, we are used to the Manichaeism of the “two cultures”. On one hand, nature, objectivity, causal explanation, technique (exact sciences); on the other hand, culture, auto reflexion, comprehension, seizing an existentially proven meaning (human sciences); René Thom (Fields’ mathematics medal award) explains in his book of 1993 Prédire n'est pas expliquer (To predict is not to explain): to predict (in terms of quantitive models) is not to explain (qualitative). Thom was the creator of the catastrophes theory that was then rewritten within the Per Aage Brandt semiotic perspective, a prize of the Académie Fran?aise, enabling the greatest scientific transfiguration of our century, the “realist turn”. Thom and Brandt put together the bases of the explanatory building that I am erecting since 1991. According to this methodological vision, the individual lives simultaneously in three worlds: a natural world, a socio-cultural world and a more intentional intimate world (communication in the literal sense) consisting of empathy and inter-human contacts; he lives in the present, the past and the future.


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