Are you headed back to the office after ringing in the New Year or finally revving up that standing desk you were gifted to work from home? Opening that first email can surely be daunting, and when the initial beep of your alarm goes off in the early hours of 2023 for the very first time, that two-week (or more - nice!) vacation bliss wears off quickly. Don't worry though, we have some pro tips to get you back to business with ease.
- Turn up the tunes – During your morning commute or just on your way down the hall, get yourself in the right headspace with your favorite jams. Bonus: Check out our workday playlist put together by our own team, a guaranteed pick-me-up with a little something for everyone here.
- New year, new desk – Clean out your space and dress it up with something new or simply rearrange your furniture and/or décor for a fresh perspective.
- Make it balanced – Don’t forget to take care of yourself and be aware of the work-life balance your schedule creates, respecting the health, wellness, and time of yourself and others.
- Set intentional goals for yourself and your organization but allow room for growth and opportunity.
- Recognize achievements – Celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of others, and don’t forget about yourself.