Post Grant Patent Services: Ex Parte Reexamination of an Issued Patent
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Inventor Centered Invention Focused Patent Application Services for Inventions - USPTO Registered Patent Attorney 77847
Ex parte reexamination is a procedure handled by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that reexamines the validity of an already issued patent. Any person or party is allowed to file the request for an ex parte reexamination including the patent owner or the USPTO itself, however if the requester is a third party, they are not permitted to participate in the reexamination process. The request is filed in an attempt to get the patent invalidated. An ex parte reexamination is conducted only between the USPTO and the patent owner (or their patent practitioner).
The request for an ex parte reexamination can occur at any point after patent issuance and must be based on prior art patents or publications
A filed ex parte reexamination request does not automatically begin the reexamination process. The USPTO reviews each request to determine if the statutory requirements for reexamination have been met. If the request is granted, the USPTO will notify the patent owner and allow them the opportunity to respond to the request
During the reexamination process, the patent holder, or more likely their patent attorney, can expect to engage in communications with the patent examiner through USPTO issued office actions. These office actions allow the patent attorney to respond and argue against any specific concerns or proposed rejections. If the claims are rejected or amended during reexamination, the patent owner and their legal counsel
Read more about ex parte reexaminations in our article on questioning patent validity. Visit for our list of the post grant patent services we offer.
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