Post Election Anxiety?
Half of our country is unhappy with the outcome of our recent Presidential Election 2016. As much as we want to be one nation, the aftermath has been surprisingly turbulent. I haven't seen this much affect from American's since Vietnam. Maybe this is good news? Peaceful protests are our inherent constitutional right. Democracy has always been messy which is what makes America great.
What is it that we fear? Change no doubt. Fear of the unknown. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "Only Thing We have to Fear is Fear Itself." In many ways, FDR was right then and right now. Because when we operate in fear, we are unable to think clearly and problem solve. I have learned from the most wise to "do the next right thing". For each person, that is obviously different. Whether you are happy or unhappy with the outcome at least you are involved in the democratic process. And, regardless of who is President of the United States, we are a Democracy and our input and attention is required every day, not just the 2nd Tuesday in November every four years.
Finally, The Serenity Prayer comes to mind to ease our anxiety. Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom are hard won. Doing the next right thing, asking for help and challenging ourselves are important actions that will keep us grounded today and everyday.