Post Doctoral Faculty introduces team building and leadership training designed for millennials.
Dr. Noel "Doc Weng" Tarrazona
Associate Professor in Public Administration and Journalism, Journalist and DAP Futures Thinking Scholar
What is S.T.A.R.T.?
The Strengthening Team Accountability and Responsibility and Trust (START) or popularly known as the START Team Building and Development program is a combined leadership and team building whole day activity for a maximum of 30 persons. The program was developed by a Filipino Post Doctoral Faculty (after five years of research on millennials behavior) to help management and employees in organizations focus on how achieve a common goal. A fun filled and high impact training experience, the START Team Building and Development program is one of the most requested training programs in the country today. For more information about the S.T.A.R.T. email us our training assessment team at [email protected] or text us at 09171065022