Post-Covid Long-term Symptoms (long-hauler) & Is There A Cure?
Mild or moderate symptoms can last for 2 weeks for most people after recovery, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.?However, some will experience lingering health issues, even after acute phase of the illness.?If there is no live coronavirus running amok in the human bodies after testing, the results will turn negative.?They nonetheless will still be deliberated.
Researchers and scientists haven’t put two and two together yet, on what the root causes are for post-covid syndromes.?Coronavirus attacks a wide range of our organs including lungs, heart, kidneys, nervous system, liver and others.?The most common lasting symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, chest pain and so forth.?Other issues may occur such as depression, difficulty of concentrating, rapid heartbeat, cognitive problems etc.
The good news is there are two potential drug candidates Molnupiravir (Merck & Co. / MSD) and Paxlovid (Pfizer) that are being used for adult patients with mild to moderate symptoms.?
Molnupiravir, issued by FDA through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in Dec 2021, aims to reduce the risks of hospitalization and death by 50%.?Molnupiravir is a medication that works by introducing errors into the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ genetic code, which prevents the virus from further replicating.?However, it is not a replacement or substitution for vaccines.
Paxlovid (Pfizer), approved by FDA with EUA a few days earlier than Molnupiravir, treats mild or moderate patients and pediatric patients (over 12 years old with weight condition applied) to reduce the risk of developing severe Covid symptoms.?The drug was originally shelved 19 years ago after the SARS pandemic. So technically speaking, Pfizer didn’t have to start from scratch. Paxlovid is to introduce a compound that disrupts the protease of the viral protein, which would essentially stop the virus from growing and invading our immune system, according to National Public Radio.
These two drug candidates can be a game changer for the pandemic once they are globally and widely used.?However, precautious measures and masks in public will still be needed.??