POST COVID LESSONS: How should one overcome fear according to Bhagavad Gita?
Shivyogi Ballav Sahoo
CXO and Board Advisor, Organisational Builder, Value Creator, Architect, Change Agent, Consensus Builder and Inspirational Leader
Once, one woman and her husband , went to flight. Her husband, who was pilot was flying the aeroplane. Suddenly, plane was unbalanced and they saw mountain very little distance from plane. All the passengers got afraid. Wife of pilot ,too was panicking. Then, she saw her husband who was calm, focused and not at all afraid.After a while, the plane was balanced and passengers safely reached their destination.
Then wife asked, “My beloved! Why weren't you afraid of dying?”
Husband didn't reply anything. He saw a blade near his place, got that blade and placed it in wife's neck. Then he asked
Husband, “Are you afraid, that I might kill you?”
Wife said, “No! I believe in you. Whatever you do is for my good.”
Husband replied, “Similarly, I have faith in Cosmic Divine Protective Supreme Consciousnesses. Whatever my Cosmic Divine does for me, is for my good.”
Fear Not Do The Nishkam karma... WITHOUT HARMING MOTHER NATURE
In my understanding is acting without attachment to any result. It is impossible to act without having any intended outcome. Krishna himself did his actions with the intention of destroying evil forces and establishing a society of righteousness. But he did so without the illusion that this result was going to somehow make him feel any better. He did not seek himself.. or fulfillment through this and neither did he fear any negative consequences to himself. This for me is the true meaning of Nishkam karma. To do action but without the illusion that the outcome is going to fulfill oneself.. or destroy oneself. Going deeper than that. It is to realize that one is not doing anything at all.
In order for this to happen, it is important to realize oneself as beyond the body, mind, intellect and ego. One must realize himself as ...... Once that has happened then the realization comes, that no fruit of any good action can fulfill me, and at same time no fruit of any bad action can truly harm me. Once that happens.. then one is complete in this moment. Free from greed and also from fear. One has realized that there is nothing to be gained and nothing to be lost. And then.. nishkam karma arises. Once one has realized himself as an Immortal soul.. (the word soul only points to reality but isn't reality) and realizes that everyone else is also the same. Then one experiences that everyone is One. Once grounded in this realization.. bad actions cannot arise. Even the act of killing is no more done in order to get revenge or hurt the other.. but it is done from a deeper understanding... which is to free one from the sin and also to free society from sin.
But at the core of it all... is the realization of who you are beyond body, mind and intellect. And ultimately the realization that you are One with all of Creation.