Post-Collision Repair: The Alignment Advantage
Introduction: Every car that enters a repair shop post-collision unveils a story of impact, speed, and direction. Understanding its wheel alignment is akin to accessing a first-hand account from the vehicle, offering invaluable insights into its post-collision narrative.
Questions You Might Be Asking:
Q: Does checking the wheel alignment really need to be a priority?
Answer: Prioritizing alignment could shave a day, if not more, off your delivery timeline.
Q: With resource constraints, especially an onsite alignment machine, how can I prioritize this?
Answer: It's a valid concern. Alignments and ADAS do demand resources. Hunter Engineering Company has the Service Lane system and it is akin to equipping your shop with x-ray glasses. This system not only aids in evaluating alignment checks but also in spotting damages efficiently. Beyond the time savings, introducing this system can offer upselling opportunities—truly the hidden gem in comprehensive service.
See footnote1 for the value proposition of this approach.
The Story Alignment Tells:
Starting with an alignment check is like reading the first chapter—it sets the stage and lets us know if there are plot twists (read: damages) we need to address. This clarity is about restoring trust, safety and peace of mind, while being incredibly efficient.
Why Time is More Than Just Money: Traditionally, the wheel alignment check is the climax, saved for the end, often leading to unexpected delays and complications.
Current Process Observed:
Performing wheel alignment at this stage can introduce complications, such as:
The 2020 Toyota CH-R's Collision Repair Timeline:
After a front-right collision, the alignment check was delayed for a month. This resulted in:
With alignment checked at the outset, these 9 days could have been saved, freeing resources like rentals, insurance, and manpower.
Toyota's Documentation and Recommendations:
Toyota's “PROCEDURES NECESSARY WHEN ECU OR OTHER PARTS ARE REPLACED” provides key guidelines. For the 2020 Toyota CH-R:
In this Toyota document, you can find a similar list of “Replacement Parts” along with the “Necessary Procedures” after actions are performed in or around the area of the aforementioned parts. Similar, but not nearly as robust as Honda’s ADAS document.
While useful, it is always recommended to check the specific instructions for all parts that were removed and replaced/reinstalled.? This will help ensure you don't miss anything.? Since the front bumper and headlight was removed and replaced on this 2020 Toyota CH-R, the recommendations from Toyota North America are:
A 10-day delay impacts resources, safety, and trust. With evolving vehicle manufacturing techniques, the chances of unnoticed damage post-collision are on the rise. An industry shift is necessary to prioritize early wheel alignment, ensuring efficiency and safety.
When prioritizing the alignment check: If your shop handles 10 cars a week, charging for an alignment check could yield an additional $850+ weekly—nearing $45k annually. This integrates seamlessly into your check-in process without extra labor costs.
Being conservative, saving 30 minutes per car leads to:
At a collision rate of $55 per hour, this amounts to a time recovery worth $14,300 annually, highlighting the value of the upfront investment.