A Post-Career Liminal Space – What’s That?
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This article first appeared in the Infinity Lifestyle Design Newsletter on June 3, 2024.
I (David Buck) sat in a pew visiting a church where we used to be members. The pastor was in the middle of her sermon when she introduced the concept of obtaining or being in a liminal state. Well, that got my attention.
Derived from the Latin word limen, the word means “doorway” or “entryway.” It can be a threshold or an “in-between” space from one part of life to the next. It can be a sacred space where an old way of life gives way to a new existence.
That sounds a lot like post-career or retirement (with or without the spiritual aspect). Right?
You are in your 50’s and plan to retire early. Sixty-five is around the corner and you’re going to start taking Social Security. You’ve working at 75 but you sense a slowing down and you can’t keep up the pace. Any of these could be in a post-career liminal space. There is a sense that a transition is about to happen, but you are not sure what it means.
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David Buck is the author of the book The Time-Optimized Life, owner of Kairos Management Solutions, LLC, and founder of the Infinity Lifestyle Design program. As a certified professional retirement coach (CPRC), David works with financial services providers helping their clients create a post-career lifestyle strategy. To learn more, contact him at [email protected] or visit Infinity Lifestyle Design.