Post #ASTRO23 Edition - The Highlights
San Diego was a whirlwind of activity for the team at Leo Cancer Care. Just like in previous years, our booth attracted significant attention. We welcomed a record number of visitors who had the opportunity to experience a set-up on our full-size replica of Marie?. Additionally, we made two significant industry announcements and conducted a live QA demo. If you couldn't join us in person, don't fret, we've captured plenty of video footage to share. In the meantime, here are the key highlights:
Leo Cancer Care and THERYQ collab to deliver FLASH radiotherapy
Stephen Towe , our CEO said "FLASH has been one of the most exciting research areas within radiation therapy for a number of years now, so we are very excited to be partnering with THERYQ, helping them to bring FLASH radiotherapy into mainstream clinical practice."
"Together, we are pioneering the future of cancer treatment, where precision meets speed, and patients receive the best care possible. This collaboration reaffirms our commitment to advancing FLASH radiation therapy systems, bringing hope and healing to those in need.", says Ludovic Le Meunier , CEO of THERYQ .
Read the news here:
Aviko Radiopharmaceuticals and Neutron Therapeutics LLC Form Exclusive, Strategic Partnership With Leo Cancer Care to Expand Development of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Treating Cancer
“The incorporation of Leo’s upright patient positioning system with Neutron Therapeutics’ nuBeam? neutron accelerator has the potential to increase the versatility and impact of BNCT for patients, physicians, treatment centers and the overall healthcare system,” said David Greenwald, Ph.D. , chief executive officer of Aviko Radiopharmaceuticals and vice president of business development at Deerfield Management . “This strategic partnership is an important moment for our three companies as we work together to build a complete suite of both therapies and technologies that have the potential to provide boron neutron capture therapy to patients in need.”
We also had a very special visitor to the booth Julie McCrossin AM, who interviewed our very own Kate Yip at the booth:
"As a cancer patient, I found lying flat on the bed of a LINAC or radiation therapy machine made me feel vulnerable, especially because I had to wear an immobilisation or safety mask to keep my head rigidly still. I was interested to see this new approach for the first time in San Diego California. It’s an innovation that started in Australia." Julie McCrossin AM.